Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Will Europeans Get Left In The Dust Because They Refuse Big Data?

It is no secret that Europeans have been extremely reluctant to jump on the Big Data train. As Americans continue to indulge in Big Data and incorporate it into their businesses, we must wonder, what will happen to Europe? Will European companies fall behind without the technology to even the playing field?

Big Data has proven itself to be a successful tool in gaining valuable insights at real time to make faster, more accurate decisions, but what if Europeans aren't entirely wrong about being leery of Big Data? Everything comes with a price and the price of Big Data is the lax security. The main reason Europe is refusing to embrace Big Data is because they do not feel that their personal information would be properly protected.

The key to relieving fears about Big Data is to tighten down on security measures. This means that every company that utilizes Big Data should be under the same restrictions, preventing companies like Facebook or Google from working the  system. The information that google tracks from our online activity should be as protected as the information we willingly give to a healthcare facility.

It would be interesting to see if Europeans would change their minds if the privacy regulations were to change. Let us know what you think, are Europeans playing the smarter move by being safe or will they be left behind as Big Data continues to reign?

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