Friday, January 15, 2016

Big Data Questions – Evils of Big Data – Time for Personalized Medicine – Future of Data

Big Data Questions – 5 Questions You Should Be Asking About Your Data

Here are the top 5 Big Data questions you should be asking right away. Enjoy the Big Data video!


Evil Clown -The Evils of Big Data Is Big Data Evil?

Does Big Data mean everyone is fired? Listen to an expert discuss the fears and evils and Big Data…


Big Data Health Care – Now Is The Time For Personalized Medicine

Being able to crunch massive amounts of data using real-time, in-memory computing solutions means that hospitals all over the world can start accessing and analyzing numerous sources of information, from genomes, to electronic medical records (EMR), to clinical trials…


The Future of Data Where is the Future of Data and Analytics Heading?

Data is not going anywhere anytime soon. As long as you have analysts who can keep a fresh perspective, the things that you can do with analytics are limitless. What makes analytics so rewarding is that you are able to find trends which lead to causation, correlation, and ultimately the beginning of a whole new cycle…


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