Thursday, January 21, 2016

Mind Blown: The Growth and Power of Data

In 1969, we sent astronauts to the moon. We were able to do this using a tiny, tiny fraction of the data that we have in our everyday products-cell phones, iPads, even Fitbits. At this rate, one MacBook Air could send 2 million spaceships into the cosmos.

Data can power spaceships, but it's power of prediction may be even more impressive. In 2008, President Obama brought big data into the campaign, and it was a major success. By the 2012 election everyone understood how powerful it could be. During this time, Nate Silver, a statistician used big data to help him accurately predict how all 50 states would vote. All 50! He predicted this, with 100% accuracy.

Because of these reasons, data is being used in well…just about everything. It is being used to identify wasted costs in our businesses, predict extreme weather, save energy, prevent crime and even predict disease.

Today, we have an unimaginable amount of data at our feet. It is predicted that there is 4.4 zettabytes of digital data. But in five years, we can expect to take the decimal out of this number.

There is so much data,, and it is helping us accomplish so much that it is igniting a revolution. But only 0.5% of this data has been looked at and analyzed. So, if it's helping us accomplish so many things today, can you imagine what worldwide problems it could help us tackle in the future?

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