Saturday, January 9, 2016

Is Cognitive Computing Becoming The New Big Data?

Big Data is slowly moving away from simply being a buzz word to a respected tool used in the majority of industries these days. Now that Big Data is becoming more easily manageable and a well known tool, new systems are being developed from it. Cognitive Computing is on the rise and is said by some to be the new buzz word of 2016.

Cognitive computing is a new system that mimics the way the human brain processes information. By teaching computers to "think" in a more independent manner as opposed to being told what to do can lead to unlimited possibilities. The more human like computers become, the less busy work humans must do.

Some people think that computers are better than humans because they are objective, but every technology out there originated in someone's brain. It is important to remember how capable the human brain can be and to emulate that is the goal of cognitive computing.

Cognitive computing uses Big Data Mining, pattern recognition and natural language processing to process information and create an appropriate response. If we can teach computers to think like humans we can use them to do the dirty work that tends to be highly time consuming and free up the experts to do more important work.

Through the combination of Machine learning, big data and cognitive computing there is a very real future of companies becoming significantly more efficient and saving a lot of money. This lucrative field is on the rise and is something everyone should expect to see a lot more of in this new exciting year!

To learn more about how cognitive computing mirrors the processes of the human brain check out this interesting article!

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