Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Event-Booker Placefull Converts To PF, Creates A Sizable Profit Event

One of the key advantages to being a payment facilitator is that it is the desired brand of the merchant that appears on the customer's statement. That certainly delivers the expected marketing boost (brand reinforcement) for the merchant, but event-booking PF Placefull is fond of that brand appearance for a very different reason: far fewer chargebacks.

"We have always wanted the merchant brand to have the most presence. One of the things we didn't like with a Paypal or Stripe experience—other than it's not a pretty-looking site—is that we never wanted to have a broken experience," said Placefull CEO Ryan Hamlin. "Now it’s ABC Bowling that will appear on the bill statement. The amount of disputes and, frankly, fraud was much higher before because people would see something on their statement and would call and dispute it."

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