Monday, December 21, 2015

South Park Talks Big Data

There is typically a lack of deep insight in South Park episodes. We tend to expect witty and naive observations of the modern world and culture. However, the last few episodes of season 19 left many audience members thinking deeply about internet privacy and online advertising, as a result of the Big Data revolution. 

Although the characters had a lack of tech knowledge, and a vocabulary that represented that, they still managed to get their point across. They presented an online “world,” filled with pop-up ads and sponsored content disguised as news. As a result, they were unable to separate reality with the fiction, that represents advertising.

At the end, one character was completely transformed- she became the perfect consumer; a walking, talking, breathing ad-zombie.

Fiction- or Non?

Although this is clearly a fictional show, there is some truth behind it. At this point, it is undeniable that companies are gathering data to better target their advertising. But what is left to be argued is, “How much truth is there behind it?”

We do live in a world where vast amounts of Big Data are being analyzed by big businesses to better advertise. On YouTube, we only see ads we “want to see,” depicting things that we want to buy. The ads we see are also better than ever. But soon, this could even take a step up.

An author and professor of computer science, Pedro Domingos, has presented a future depiction of digital consumerism. In this depiction, data is used to create “digital models” that act as our virtual personal assistants. They could negotiate with vendors, interview prospective clients and even speed date for us. This digital depiction is not that far off from the cartoon world that was created in South Park.

This leaves us with many questions: Will this digital depiction come true? Will it further distance us from face-to-face interactions? And will Big Business become the new Big Brother?

Is Big Business the new Big Brother?

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