Thursday, December 24, 2015

Big Data is Santa’s Little Helper

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Lights twinkle in the night sky, as we share warm embraces with family and friends. Gifts, beautifully wrapped under the tree, await to have their ribbons untied. There are cookies and gingerbread houses, complete with gumdrops and frosting.All of the Christmas shopping is complete, and we don’t have to worry about it for another year. Everyone is jolly; except Santa. His Christmas anxiety is just beginning.

He must visit 132 million houses this evening. And that is no easy task.

Because Santa has been a little too busy to join us for an interview, I decided to do some research on my own that could help him out for next year. I discovered a common thread between Christmas logistics practices and business practices.

Inventory Management:

Imagine the shock of children in Florida if they received snow boots and hats for Christmas. Granted, Santa has a whole year to compile his data, but if he somehow lost it last minute…this could certainly happen.

Big Data allows retailers to retailers to stock their warehouses wisely. Big Data can ensure that Santa stocks his sleigh wisely. He can guarantee that his sleigh has the right number of gifts and the right types.

Gift Personalization

Everyone remembers that one year that Santa brought you ski socks that you never really wanted. Well, Santa could use Big Data to make sure this never happens again.

Traditionally, Santa has had to spend his entire December visiting shopping malls, so children could individually tell him that they want a gaming system, a barbie, a dog and a lamborghini. I have never seen him take notes, so I am not entirely sure how he remembers all of this information.

Next year, he could save a lot of time with Big Data. Similar to Amazon, or Netflix, he could have a program that would make recommendations of gifts for each child. He would save time, and also quit giving us all socks.

Gift Distribution

Big Data can ensure that Santa will never run into an airplane. It would help him create an optimized route, inform him of weather conditions and more.

Resource Management

Because Santa employees so many elves, he sometimes has a hard time keeping track of their work performance. Big Data would allow him to easily monitor all elves’ work performance, improving production rates, and building a more jolly work environment.

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