Tuesday, December 15, 2015

America’s Internet is Worth $966 Billion

The internet does more than just us with the rest of the world, and create lots and lots of data. America’s internet has been valued at $966 Billion; this is about 6% of the U.S. economy.

How did they come up with this number? In 2014, business that are directly affiliated with the internet generated an estimated $966 billion. This means that between the years 2007 and 2012, the value that internet businesses contributed to the economy, grew by 110 percent! This is greater than any other American industry.You can read the original U.S. News Article this information came from, here. 


Internet businesses have employed over 3 million Americans. Some argue that internet businesses have very few employees, in comparison to their size.  While there is some truth to this, we must also consider how significant the growth in this industry is. As noted, the extreme growth has resulted in a 107 percent increase in employment, between 2007 and 2012.

Even better news? Internet businesses pay more than the national average. In 2012, internet businesses paid nearly $20,000 more than the national average.

Employees of Internet Businesses Earn More Than The National Average.

Employees of Internet Businesses Earn More Than The National Average.

Cause of Growth?

Certainly social media has contributed to the growth of the industry. However, easier and cheaper access to the internet is also contributing greatly. Over 3 million people are internet users. This is roughly 43 percent of the world’s population.

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The number of people that have access to the internet has increased. It has become cheaper and more accessible.

The Number of Internet Users Exceeds 3 Million.

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