Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Big Data and Chip Kelly

Tuesday evening, the Philadelphia Eagles released Chip Kelly; shocking everyone. The CEO and Chairman of the Eagles, Jeffrey Lurie has had an abundance of patience with past coaches. So everyone has been wondering why Chip Kelly?

You may be wondering…”What does Big Data have to do with any of this?”

Big Data has to do with the answer to the first question, “Why Chip Kelly?” Because now, everyone knows. Not just Eagles fans. Not just those that watched the news this morning while cooking breakfast. It’s all over Twitter, and Google and news sites. This is all Big Data being shared through the internet of things, connecting information to people.

Furthermore, to answer why, we were able to quickly gather data and information from earlier in the season to help us.

So in case you haven’t heard, there are two main reasons why Chip Kelly was released:

  1. He lost support from the team
  2. He did not want to give up his power

A report from earlier in the season indicated that Kelly was in danger of losing the locker room. At the time, many dismissed this, but now we know that it has been a recurring issue. It got to the point where the team explicitly told the owner their confidence in their coach was dwindling.

Kelly gained control over the personnel department earlier in the year. But when he started making poor personnel decisions, and Lurie wanted to pull him out of it, Kelly wouldn’t have it.

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