Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Big Data Puts Bacon on the Table

This post is in honor of Bacon Day! 

While data is related to food, like bacon, this is not particularly what interests us. Big Data puts bacon on the table because of its ties to money; saving money and wealth creation.

Yes, Data Scientists earn a pretty penny, but it goes far beyond this. Big Data processing and Big Data analytics are helping us to globalize our businesses and our economy. Those that utilize data analytics in their companies have a competitive advantage. 

It helps companies discover inefficiencies they never even knew existed. More importantly, it provides the insight necessary to find solutions to those problems. It saves companies money. It also makes companies more money, by expanding their customer base.

It is building a better tomorrow, by better educating our children. Using data analytics, teachers can better identify what challenges students are facing, and ways to overcome those challenges. Higher education programs are also building programs to teach data sciences and data analysis to students to expand our Big Data Processing capabilities.

Big Data is creating wealth around the world; and bringing more bacon to our tables.

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