Monday, December 7, 2015

Fractured Fairy Tales: Sex Relationships and Unbelievable Bullshit!

For the most part, we all go into the dating world full of expectations and hope, sometimes ignorant of reality. We can laugh at the drama of dating and the road to relationship, so many sins, so little time, yet it hurts to the core to be disappointed time after time. The old adage of “What is the definition of insanity?” …Doing the same thing over and over again with the same negative results seems to apply. Yet, we persevere believing in the fairy tale of that one great guy out there that is just perfect for us!

You know that guy, the one with the perfect white teeth, gorgeous smile and a body to die for. He is successful, independent, owns an expensive car and is savvy enough to know the politically correct lingo of 800 thread count sheets and Louboutin shoes. OK, I may be mocking the “Fairy Tale” of romance, yet read on; unfortunately life can be cruel and selective when it comes to the mating dance of relationship and romance.

Whether you are in your 20’s or 50’s and reading this book, these self-perpetuating dating rules still seem to apply across the board. We all want the achieving man, not the guy that just couldn’t get his act together and is a gread dude but missing a tooth or two. You might have a fling with the muscle guy from the gym or a one night stand that you swear wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been so intoxicated. Yet, as free-spirited as you think yourself to be, don’t kid yourself.

There are 3 lies that women tell themselves; 1. It doesn’t matter that he has no career plans or money 2. If I sleep with him he’ll fall in love with me, 3. I don’t care if he doesn’t call me the next day after I’ve slept with him, I can be as much of a man as he is! Nope….not true. Don’t be hard on yourselves though for trying to convince yourselves of these “Triplet Tyrannys” it’s not altogether your fault, for now, lets blame It all on that little devil hormone, Oxytocin. But more about that later.

The Truth is: Ultimately you want that man that is going to take care of you and your future, the one that as they say, can be there for you when you can’t be there for yourself. You may be young or older, have a career and plans for your life, but when you choose that one man, the one whose hands you are going to be placing your life in, you want the winner.

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