Saturday, December 5, 2015

Big Data Saves You The Hassle Of Finding Good Doctors

We have all been there- that frustrating process of trying to find a new doctor that fits your needs. Many times people get placed on an up to four months waiting list to get an introductory visit with a new doctor. This is absurd having to wait months just to meet a doctor and not know if you are even going to like them.

There us a new app out there that is helping people with this issue. The free healthcare app called Amino allows people to research doctors in a way we have never seen before. This healthcare app takes big data from insurance claims and blocks out the personal information, leaving just information about doctors and their practices. Amino tracks doctors like they are athletes and keeps very accurate stats on each one of them. Amino allows you to see how many patients doctors see a day, the amount of tests they run and what they specialize in based on the number of times they have practice that particular skill and its success rate.

This new healthcare app can even show you doctors that have the most experience working with people who show the same symptoms or have the same healthcare issues as you do. Amino is making it extremely convenient for the general population to be matched with a doctor that will best be able to provide them with the health care they need.

Check out some other ways Big Data is revolutionizing Health Care in this great article!

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