Sunday, December 6, 2015

How Nutrition Affects the Mind and Body

How Does Nutrition Affect Your Physical, Mental and Social Health?

Our diets have changed dramatically over the last century, and the impact of industrialization on our food supply has had devastating consequences for our health. The detrimental effects of highly processed foods on physical health are well recognized, but far less attention has been paid to their consequences for mental health and well-being.

The Body: Eating a healthy diet enables easy body movements. A poor diet with unhealthy food choices can make each movement a major effort filled with stress, strain and pain.

The Mind: Food supplies the source of power for your brain as well as your body, and has a direct relationship to mental and emotional health and stability.

Learning and memory, illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease benefit from a healthy, reduced-calorie diet that includes a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon.

Eating and Relationships: Eating a healthy, balanced diet prevents weight gain, lowers your risk for diet-related illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and depression, and gives you the energy to have a full and rewarding social life.


How Does Your Diet Affect Depression?

One of the best natural remedies for depression is good nutrition. Surprised? Learn how a healthy diet can improve your state of mind!

A Healthy Gut Leads to a Healthy Mind

Overall, be sure you avoid nutritional deficiencies and mental or physical fatigue so you can keep the body balanced and ultimately, feeling your best.

In Ayurveda, many types of foods and herbs are used to bring this crucial balance back, depending on how your body needs it the most. Though each of our bodies are different, there are some foods that work well for us all.


A Healthy Balance – The Mind/Body Nutrition

DId you know our thoughts and feelings about food are just as important as what we put in our mouths?

If you have a healthy relationship with your food, it will have a healthy relationship with you.

Eating while we’re mentally stressed or emotionally wound up usually leads us to eat more. It may cause us to choose poorer-quality foods, and leave us with symptoms of digestive distress. Marc David, of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating in Boulder, Colorad, emphasizes that no food or diet is healthy if we’re stressed when we eat.


Center for Massage Therapy Philosophy

Our distinguished team of massage therapists listens with sensitivity to the needs of our clients and provides caring and comprehensive clinical massage therapy for injury, stress management, nutrition, relaxation, and sports.

I strive to integrate a holistic approach with a very specific treatment, and to expand client’s awareness of their own body, mind, and lifestyle, so they can improve the quality of their lives in the long run. – Elena Paskova

To prevent future injury, we promote body awareness, flexibility, and strength. Come and see why our massage therapy clinic was voted one of the Top 10 Places in Denver to receive a massage by Citysearch – Best of Denver.

I know what is a sick body and what is a very strong and powerful body of an athlete and what is a super pure and clean body of a yogi, and how these affect the mind and awareness and how these can be changed through your diet, lifestyle and specific treatments. – Kalin Davidov

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