Thursday, December 31, 2015

Big Data Upsets of 2015

Although there have been numerous highlights of Big Data in the past year, to every upside there is always a downside. Big Data exploded a few years back and has been working out its kinks ever since. Even though Big Data is a much more understandable concept and widely used, there still lie some unearthed issues that have been brought into the spotlight this past year.

Probably the biggest issue with Big Data this past year has been the privacy issues. Big Data is based around organizations collecting information about people, which inherently leads to privacy concerns. Who is obtaining my information, why and how are they using it?

In 2015 there were a few big data breaches that initiated some widespread panic. One of the biggest being the United States Government’s loss of personal details about 4 million government employees. This sparked the concern for legislation to determine data protection and privacy regulations.

Another breach of personal data was the dating site Ashley Madison. In Summer of 2015 this dating site was hacked, releasing extremely intimate information about its users to the public. Not only were people publicly exposed, but the website was known as a place to enable infidelity, leading to a lot of angry cheaters.

These data breaches have sparked a major movement towards defining set regulations on how data is obtained, stored and used. Throughout the next couple of years we can expect to see many more Big Data agreements and a much more strict set of rules surrounding data usage as a whole.

2015 Internet of Things Review: What Did Coloradans Google the Most?

Being a Colorado native, I hear stereotypes about Coloradans constantly; This only increased with the legalization of marijuana. So, according to those stereotypes, you would think we would Google things like  “legalization of weed” the most. Or, at least if we are a bunch of stoners, as many across the country think we are, we would be searching some pretty laid-back, superficial things. Like the blood moon, or Amy Schumer or “What does ‘bae’ mean?”.

But Coloradans are a bit more interested in serious manners than one might predict. Our top searches were: The Syrian War, Water on Mars, Mass shootings and the Keystone Pipeline.

All of the mentioned searches listed above are tops searches for other states. Find which ones they are! Yes, someone did search “What does ‘bad’ mean?” the most. According to this infographic, here are the top searches for every state:

Alabama: Ben Carson

Alaska: Barak Obama

Arizona: 2nd Amendment

Arkansas: ISIS

California: Volkswagon Scandal

Colorado: Water on Mars

Connecticut: Frank Gifford

Deleware: Pope Francis

Florida: Concealed weapons permit

Georgia: Whip dance

Hawaii: Apple Watch

Idaho: Vaccines

Illinois: Super blood moon

Indiana: Jared Fogle

Iowa: Bachelorette (TV show)

Kansas: World Series

Kentucky: Dusty Rhodes

Louisiana: Blue Bell Ice-cream recall

Maine: Amy Schumer

Maryland: Ta-Nehisi Coates

Massachussets: Charlie Hebdo

Michigan: Marriage Equality

Minnesota: Black Lives Matter

Mississippi: Ashley Madison

Missouri: Right to keep and bear arms

Montana: Wolves

Nebraska: Kaley Cuoco

Nevada: Lamar Odom

New Hampshire: Deflategate

New Jersey: Hillary Clinton email

New Mexico: Pluto

New York: Charlie Sheen HIV

North Carolina: Confederate Flag meaning

North Dakota: NFL Draft

Ohio: Legalize Weed

Oklahoma: Caitlyn Jenner

Oregon: Syria

Pennsylvania: Royal baby

Rhode Island: Brian Williams

South Carolina: Trump for President

South Dakota: Fitbit

Tennesse: N.R.A

Texas: Miranda Lambert divorce

Utah: Transgender

Vermont: Climate change

Virginia: Boko Haram

Washington: Leonard Nimoy

West Virginia: Magic Mike XXL (movie)

Wisconsin: Marriage Equality

Wyoming: Blake Shelton + Gwen Stefani

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What Happens to Deleted Data?

Trash. Something we are all familiar with. It gets picked up weekly, and then it disappears from our lives and we never see it again.

But this is not the case for files on a computer storage drive.

You move a file to the trash, or recycle bin, and it is simply moved into another storage file.

So, you say, “Okay, well I can delete my trash.” Your computer notifies you that you are about to make a permanent change, right?

Wrong. The files are not EASILY accessible. But the keyword here is, “Easily.”

How is this possible?

All of the data that composes your photos, documents etc. is scattered all over the place. The Master File Table simply provides your computer with a reference to the data. So when you recycle or trash something, you are only removing the Master File Table Reference to the pieces of data that make up the entire file.

It creates space by giving the operating system permission to write over the old data. Yet this hardly means that (especially right after you clean out your recycle bin) that the file is really gone.

Furthermore, there are many programs specially created to reconstruct old files. But we asked for this…otherwise we would have many, many accidents, resulting in lost files and documents…whew!

But, if it’s important that you permanently delete something, say if you will be selling or donating it, here’s what you can do:

1. delete all data from the drive

2. fill it up to capacity with random, new data

3. Repeat

4. Repeat over and over again and again


1. Physically destroy the drive

Watch these funny guys explain it on video:

Want to know more about how to keep your existing data safe? 

Big Data and Chip Kelly

Tuesday evening, the Philadelphia Eagles released Chip Kelly; shocking everyone. The CEO and Chairman of the Eagles, Jeffrey Lurie has had an abundance of patience with past coaches. So everyone has been wondering why Chip Kelly?

You may be wondering…”What does Big Data have to do with any of this?”

Big Data has to do with the answer to the first question, “Why Chip Kelly?” Because now, everyone knows. Not just Eagles fans. Not just those that watched the news this morning while cooking breakfast. It’s all over Twitter, and Google and news sites. This is all Big Data being shared through the internet of things, connecting information to people.

Furthermore, to answer why, we were able to quickly gather data and information from earlier in the season to help us.

So in case you haven’t heard, there are two main reasons why Chip Kelly was released:

  1. He lost support from the team
  2. He did not want to give up his power

A report from earlier in the season indicated that Kelly was in danger of losing the locker room. At the time, many dismissed this, but now we know that it has been a recurring issue. It got to the point where the team explicitly told the owner their confidence in their coach was dwindling.

Kelly gained control over the personnel department earlier in the year. But when he started making poor personnel decisions, and Lurie wanted to pull him out of it, Kelly wouldn’t have it.

Big Data Puts Bacon on the Table

This post is in honor of Bacon Day! 

While data is related to food, like bacon, this is not particularly what interests us. Big Data puts bacon on the table because of its ties to money; saving money and wealth creation.

Yes, Data Scientists earn a pretty penny, but it goes far beyond this. Big Data processing and Big Data analytics are helping us to globalize our businesses and our economy. Those that utilize data analytics in their companies have a competitive advantage. 

It helps companies discover inefficiencies they never even knew existed. More importantly, it provides the insight necessary to find solutions to those problems. It saves companies money. It also makes companies more money, by expanding their customer base.

It is building a better tomorrow, by better educating our children. Using data analytics, teachers can better identify what challenges students are facing, and ways to overcome those challenges. Higher education programs are also building programs to teach data sciences and data analysis to students to expand our Big Data Processing capabilities.

Big Data is creating wealth around the world; and bringing more bacon to our tables.

3 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Data

As the new year approaches we all begin to dream about what the future holds for us. Everyone begins to make New Years Resolutions and promise they will change for the better.

Will this be the year my business really takes off?

How can I change my business to be more lucrative this next year?

One of the best ways to make changes in your company and ensure you stick to them is to implement a more efficient plan. Big Data Analytics is an excellent way to be more efficient- and the more efficient you are the more money you save.

Businesses must know how to use and manage their data in order to benefit from it. Here are three tips on how to utilize Big Data in your business to ensure the biggest ROI

Hire the Right People

In order to understand Big Data it must be analyzed. This takes a certain type of person with strong mathematical and analytical skills. Data Scientists must be able to understand the different coding languages and crunch numbers quickly. This is a job that is not for everyone, but is a profession that is growing in popularity due to a high demand for analysts.

Use What You Have

If you already have an IT team be sure to utilize them, chance are they already have the basic knowledge needed for Big Data Analysis. By training the resources you already have you save your business time and money that would otherwise be spent on the hiring process. Having a strong team of data scientists is what sets successful companies apart from many others.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

A lot of companies that use Big Data are not Big Data experts by any means. Depending on the company sometimes it is cheaper and more efficient to outsource your Big Data needs. There are an array of companies that specialize in Big Data contract work for other companies and can be a great asset when it comes to understanding your data. 

The best way to make sure you get the most out of your Data is to look at your company and decide how and where Big Data can be most useful to you. Every company is different and therefore will use Big Data in different ways, but if you follow at least one of these tips you are heading in the right direction for improving your company this next year!

The Film Spectator January 26 1929 Headlines

Jack Warner was among the first major Hollywood film producers, to champion sound on film, aka “the talkies.” Certain they were the future for film, he produced 1928’s “Tenderloin.” This was the first feature, where the characters, spoke their own dialogue. Although, only 15 of the 88 minutes were talking, the public was dazzled.   Jack Warner’s July 1928, all talking “Lights of New York” cost $23,000 to produce. It showed a 5,000 %, 1.2 million dollar profit.  Warner believed “talkies” were a license to print money. These January 26, 1929, The Film Spectator headlines have Jack Warner banning The Spectator.   For the previous 15 years, The Silent  Film Industry, had been The Film Spectator’s cash cow. “Talkies”  became a threat to silent film’s survival.  The Film Spectator, had offered headlines about, the public “not wanting to hear voices.” This was spirited by,  the soon to be bankrupt silent film sector. Jack Warner was  producing, “On With The Show,” an all talking, color feature film. Warner’s ban on The Spectator Headlines, demonstrates a powerful film producer, at war with a fading rival.   Framed on your wall, these headlines will serve as vintage eye candy.  A memorial, to the […]

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Best Of Big Data In 2015

With 2015 coming to a close, it is appropriate to look at the highlights of Big Data from the past year.

Here is a glimpse of the great things that came out of Big Data this year.

2015 recorded the greatest number of cell phone users over computers or laptops, meaning that Big Data has gone mobile. We have made the switch from laptops to using our smartphones for any internet related activity we may need. By making this switch we have completely changed the way that companies retrieve data from their users.

In March of this year IBM decided to invest $3 Billion on the advancement of the Internet of Things. This is a huge leap for this sector and will lead to the emergence of a more connected life where our every day technologies are in constant communication with one another. A perfect example of this is the Apple Watch that made its debut in the Spring of this year.

Now that Big Data has made it clear it isn’t just a fad, people have begun to worry about privacy issues. As a result of the public’s concern, big steps have been taken to ensure safety. Safe Harbor was an agreement concerning Big Data that crossed international borders. The European court of justice determined this agreement invalid, protecting European citizen privacy.

The UK has also taken steps to ensure that insurance companies are not using data to set automated premiums. The Financial Conduct Authority has begun their investigation into the use of Big Data in insurance companies to prevent insurance companies from using discriminatory practices.

This is just a few highlights of Big Data’s journey through 2015. We have seen the emergence of new and exciting technology as well as an active approach to maintaining privacy laws to protect the public. Hopefully throughout 2016 we can expect to see more advanced technology as well as clearly defined regulations surrounding Big Data usage.

How Can You Make Better Decisions For Your Company?

You CAN run your business more effectively than you do now. We can promise that. The question is:

How? Your Data.

How much time are you spending collecting and managing all the data that you collect, from all of your sources?

Like most companies, you may not being doing this. If you’re not, you’re missing out on gathering a lot of information that could help you learn how to optimize your operations.

Then Why Aren’t Most Companies Doing This?

It is hard. The different data sources don’t talk to each other…and not just anyone knows how to make them talk to each other.

But you can’t make sense of all the data, if you can’t compare your data.

So What Can You Do to Change This?

Contact a data analytics firm. But be careful about who you pick. Many will require you to adopt new software; which in the end, just adds to the chaos and clutter of your data. Make sure to find a company: that you can trust to not manipulate your data, that won’t invade your data or networks, and that effectively presents actionable advice, that is retrieved from your data.

Cliintel helps you explain your data. We can provide data consulting, to help you optimize the tools you already have. But we go above and beyond this. Many data analytics companies can tell you that you’re not optimizing your data; but are they telling you this to get you to buy their tool? Are they gathering your data from disparate sources, presenting it to you and disappearing, leaving you with unanswered questions? Is your data analytics firm actually analyzing the data? Cliintel won’t just tell you what you’re doing wrong, they will provide you with advice and insight on what you can do right.

Monday, December 28, 2015

What To Expect Out Of Big Data In 2016

As a child I can remember watching the futuristic life of The Jetson’s on Saturday morning cartoons and thinking “wow that must be a long time from now!” But this is not necessarily the case. With the immersion of Big data and its widespread application, we are beginning to see “The Future” much more quickly than we expected.

Now that Big Data Analytics has been around long enough to no longer think of it as a magical, all knowing, wonder tool, companies are now used to Big Data and understand how to manage it. Big Data has become a mainstream, ordinary process in the work place. With Big Data being more manageable and easy to understand, it is now being applied to many different new and exciting projects. Big Data is being utilized in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning.

Artificial Intelligence is being developed in forms anywhere from robotics to the Internet of Things. Big Data is being heavily utilized in Natural Language Processing to enhance applications such as Apple’s Siri. Natural Language Processing is something we can expect to see a lot of a The Internet of Things continues to make a bigger presence. Machine Learning will make its mark as algorithms continue to be developed to ensure efficiency and minimal human intervention. Between these three sectors we are looking at the world of The Jetson’s being very near.

Big Data Revolution – And Big Data Business Coming To You

Are you in the Big Data business? You are whether you like it or not!

Is Big Data Driving the Success of Taylor Swift?

Big Data is making its way into live Taylor Swift performances. This year, attendees at her world tour concerts received LED bracelets, that lit up and would even pulse along with the music. They achieved this through RFID technology, which controlled the bracelets.

With the rise of apps, like Spotify, live performances have become a main revenue stream for the music industry. Therefore, they are pressured to come up with new ways to capture the audience.

Is Data Killing the Music Industry?

Many believe that this is the case. First it was illegal downloading from the internet. Next, streaming services, like Spotify and YouTube began popping up. They made listening to music cheap and convenient.

Big Data is changing the music industry; it is redefining it. However, artists can play it right and change how they earn revenue, and not earn any less.

A Reinvigorated Romance

However, I would disagree that Big Data and the Internet of Things is killing the music industry. It is changing, redefining and reinvigorating it.

Big Data is responsible for recommendation engines that help us discover new music, as consumers. It is also creating new opportunities for artists. Finally, it is creating a stronger relationship between artist and listener.

Analyzing the Data

Raw music is essentially unstructured data. However it is digitized and can therefore be easily quantified and analyzed. Up to 450 data points can be collected from just one song, according to the Musical Genome Project. These data points are analyzed and quantified to create structured data from the raw music. Essentially, these people are classifying data, or classifying content in music, much like people have classified content at Netflix.

Once this is complete, the process becomes easier. The structured data allows them to compare data from other songs. So they can compare the content of the songs. This enables them to create an algorithm that can recommend songs you may like to listen to next.

Is It Generating Revenue?

The biggest concern for the growing popularity of music streaming is a lack of revenue. This considers both royalties being paid to artists, and long-term revenue generation for the streaming service.

Thus far, Spotify is showing us that this should not be a concern- it doubled its subscriber base in just two years. And, they have proved that they don’t even need Taylor Swift to do so (Taylor Swift is still not featured on Spotify, but is on their rival service, provided by Apple).

However, Big Data and data analytics are continuously changing the way we do things, and changing offered services. Therefore, data analytics are likely to be a driving force of change in the music industry, again and again.

Theres an app for that; streaming services, and their recommendation engines are available on our phones, at all times. They are improving convenience and cost to consumers.

Marijuana And Big Data – How Do Cannabis Consumers Trend?

How do consumers use Marijuana? And can Big Data be valuable to the dispensary owner in the Cannabis industry?

Friday, December 25, 2015

Holiday Shopping With Big Data

For as long as I can remember, my mother would be the first one out the door for Black Friday Sales and spend days at malls shopping for the best price on Christmas gifts. For most people this is a pretty typical example of how holiday shopping gets done.

With technology becoming increasingly more popular and almost everyone owning a smartphone, holiday shopping is going mobile. Google shows that over half of this year’s holiday shoppers planned to buy their gifts online. As Big Data continues to aid companies in advertising more accurately, the online shopping experience is easier and more accessible than ever before.

Now that online is becoming the preferred method of  shopping, the mad rush in the stores is all but gone. People are saving time by conveniently shopping on their smartphones or from their home computer. But of course with an upside always comes a downside. The more people shop online, the harder mail deliverers have to work to get those gifts to their homes by Christmas.

Postal Service, UPS, and FedEx workers are putting in extra long hours of hard labor to ensure you a merry Christmas morning, so please be kind to your mail man and thank him or her for their sacrifice this holiday season!

Merry Christmas!

How To Survive Spending the Holiday Season Alone

It’s almost impossible to not get caught up in the spirit of the holiday season each year. The sound of Christmas music is wafting through the stores at the mall, on the radio and even in the halls of our places of business. You can smell the excitement in the air along with the scents of Christmas pines, cinnamon, hot chocolate and the sounds of crackling fire places. People all in a mad dash, spending, buying and uplifted by the romantic notions of gift giving and the excitement of all that encompasses the upcoming holidays.

This is a time to think of loved ones and to be recognized and loved back by our respective special people in our lives. Whether it is a romantic partner, a best friend, family members or acquaintances, there is barely a soul that doesn’t want to be part of the lovely and warm-hearted, spirited rush of this madness.

The effects of the holiday season are not always an uplifting experience for the many people that spend the holiday alone. I often hear those that are not in a relationship or disconnected from family, remarking with blanket statements that they hate the holidays. It is very true that this time of year is difficult at best; for those that wish for the experiential closeness of lovers, friends and family it is a wake up call of just how alone they actually are.

I often feel that the Holiday Experience may just be overrated in some aspects, both sentimentally and emotionally. Hearing from a patient recently that, “the whole idea of giving gifts that no one wants and receiving gifts that you don’t need is just a silly waste of time” , I stopped to think and respond to those thoughts.

Of course we all know that the holidays are not just about gift giving but represent sacred religious traditions. With that said, all other aspects of the season are both sentimental, individually traditional in many ways and full of unique expectations from each of us.

None of us can control the variant aspects of relationship. For some at this time of year, you may be entering a new relationship, celebrating years together, or ending a relationship. There are issues of divorce, breakups, loss and tragedy for many.

In order to move forward during this time of year with no regrets or sadness for the life you live, whether it be with another or alone, now is the time to make you dreams become real. Make yourself a better friend, become a better person in the new year ahead. This time of year is a time to celebrate your life and your future. It’s about change. The recognition of the world around us, the need for each and everyone of us to make a difference in the world.

Instead of bemoaning the holidays and focusing on “being alone”, how amazing it would be if we could each pay it forward and GIVE of ourselves. There is always someone out there with problems greater than yours. Someone that would benefit greatly from whatever you can give, whether it be your time or intention.

I believe in making life happen, not waiting for life to happen to you. Go out this holiday and donate your time to a good cause, appreciate and take stock of all of the aspects of your life that you are grateful for. I’m sure there are some. Hug your child, your friends, your family, or a stranger! Make new friends and join the human race again… I’m so very sure there are welcoming arms waiting for you.

In Love and Light…
Dr. Arlene Krieger

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Big Data And Music

When people think about music they don’t often associate Big Data with it, but in today’s world Big Data and music are intertwined.

Once the music industry began to realize that they could learn about their fans through digital music sales, everything began to change. The way most fans access music today is through Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, or YouTube. Record stores are falling into extinction and CD’s are an artifact of the past.

Through digital sales the music industry can track which types of music an individual fan prefers and then refer music from similar artists. By knowing how to advertise to each fan, the music industry can ensure more sales. There have been numerous times that Pandora has introduced me to a band that I absolutely love, but wouldn’t have otherwise known about.

As systems like Pandora and Spotify continue to advance their ability to accurately predict which music a user will enjoy we will begin to see an increased number of people using these music sites. This is the give it to me now generation and the faster we can acquire what we want, the better.

To see how else Big Data is working in the music industry, Check Out this interesting read!

Big Data is Santa’s Little Helper

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Lights twinkle in the night sky, as we share warm embraces with family and friends. Gifts, beautifully wrapped under the tree, await to have their ribbons untied. There are cookies and gingerbread houses, complete with gumdrops and frosting.All of the Christmas shopping is complete, and we don’t have to worry about it for another year. Everyone is jolly; except Santa. His Christmas anxiety is just beginning.

He must visit 132 million houses this evening. And that is no easy task.

Because Santa has been a little too busy to join us for an interview, I decided to do some research on my own that could help him out for next year. I discovered a common thread between Christmas logistics practices and business practices.

Inventory Management:

Imagine the shock of children in Florida if they received snow boots and hats for Christmas. Granted, Santa has a whole year to compile his data, but if he somehow lost it last minute…this could certainly happen.

Big Data allows retailers to retailers to stock their warehouses wisely. Big Data can ensure that Santa stocks his sleigh wisely. He can guarantee that his sleigh has the right number of gifts and the right types.

Gift Personalization

Everyone remembers that one year that Santa brought you ski socks that you never really wanted. Well, Santa could use Big Data to make sure this never happens again.

Traditionally, Santa has had to spend his entire December visiting shopping malls, so children could individually tell him that they want a gaming system, a barbie, a dog and a lamborghini. I have never seen him take notes, so I am not entirely sure how he remembers all of this information.

Next year, he could save a lot of time with Big Data. Similar to Amazon, or Netflix, he could have a program that would make recommendations of gifts for each child. He would save time, and also quit giving us all socks.

Gift Distribution

Big Data can ensure that Santa will never run into an airplane. It would help him create an optimized route, inform him of weather conditions and more.

Resource Management

Because Santa employees so many elves, he sometimes has a hard time keeping track of their work performance. Big Data would allow him to easily monitor all elves’ work performance, improving production rates, and building a more jolly work environment.

Charlie Chaplin Photo Tobacco Trading Card 1920

Charlie Chaplin is a film producer, actor, director, writer , editor and often wrote the music, for his films as well. In 1914, Chaplin worked in his first silent films. His $150 weekly salary was considered generous. Mack Sennett Studio, in Hollywood, is where Chaplin got his start. In just his second film, for Sennett, he created, his “Little Tramp” character.  It would be a contradiction in appearance. Charlie would have huge shoes, a tiny hat, a tight jacket, and big billowing pants. He added a small mustache, to make him look older, but small as to not hid his face. In Sennett Studio’s second film, debuting Chaplin’s “Tramp,” the film was a success and the public loved his “Tramp.” Overnight, Charlie Chaplin became a sensation.   The “Tramp” made him so famous, around the world, in 1916,  Charlie had another studio offer him a $670,000 contract. This made “The Comedy King of the Silent Screen,” the highest paid   most recognizable figure on earth. He went on to produce, act, direct, edit, write the screenplay, and often the music, for his films. Many of his silent films are classics, and showed $Million profits. In 1918, with Mary Pickford and […]

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

IoT And The Future Of Big Data

With Big Data continuing to make its mark in numerous different industries and the internet Of Things on the rise, what can we expect to see out of them in the future?

This time of year everyone starts to predict what the future will hold, what trends will be all the rage and whose products will be the most successful. It is pretty safe to say that Big Data will continue to be improved and utilized in more ways in the future. The Internet Of Things is definitely on the rise, but what can we expect from it in this upcoming year?

Check out this video to find out! 

Big Data Media Experts


Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 9.00.34 AM

Overview Video:

What’s The Big Deal About Big Data?

→ Google it. You’ll see. ←

Connected car. Connected business. Connected people. Connected World.

This is the beginning of the Big Data Revolution.

What’s In It For Me?

We want to help you with content creation. We know that it is a rising topic, but there are a lack of expert resources in the industry. We can provide useful resources: quotes and expertise, topic and presentation ideas and even promotion of content.

Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 9.01.41 AM

Experts Want to Help Me. Too Good to be True…What’s the Catch?

There truly is no catch. As pioneers in the industry, we are very passionate about it. Big Data is creating a better world. We want to distribute and share our knowledge with the world to both educate and entertain them- it is a fascinating subject.

How Do I Know You’re Experts?

Our organization became actively involved in the industry long before “Big Data” was a buzzword. Because of our “pioneer” status, we have been an influential part of the community. We have established and control multiple platforms and books to educate and entertain both non-community and community members. Below, you will find pictures and links of some of these platforms; a podcast, video site, news site and more.

As a company, we use data to improve our clients’ businesses. We have transformed business operations of countless Fortune 100 companies, for the better. We have operated from Denver, Colorado since 1997. Our team is composed of some of the most talented people you’ll come across. We have backgrounds in more than just data science. Other backgrounds, talents and accomplishments include: 3D printing, international business, book authors, award winners, consulting, graphic design, hospitality management, healthcare, broadband, military, business intelligence, education and more.

But don’t trust us…see for yourself. Explore our content.

 contact:         303.408.7277

Learn More?

Rich Batenburg talks about his book,

Rich Batenburg talks about his book, “Change is Great…Be First.”

Video: Internet of Things Facts

Facts about the Internet of Things.

3D Printing and Big Data

3D Printing and Big Data

Big Data= Better World.

Big Data= Better World.

contact:      303.408.7277

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

What Is A Silo Breaker And Why Does Microsoft Want It?

It has recently been announced that Microsoft has bought Metanautix, which is a the newest product of Redmond. Metanautix is a data compute engine that organizes data from differing silos to get a more comprehensive analysis.

Why would Microsoft want this?

Large companies often separate their data into categories or silos to keep them more organized. This is a highly effective practice until it comes down to analyzing your data as a whole. When companies want to get a more comprehensive look at their company they must spend a large amount of time and money to reorganize all of the data in each silo into a centralized system.

This is where Metanautix comes in.

Metanautix runs through the various data silos and then harness the data into a query accessible format. Once Metanautix takes care of the hard part, the data can easily be translated the SQL, resulting in understandable information about the company’s data.

It is important for companies to keep their data in separate silos for organizational purposes, but Metanautix is helping those silos communicate between one another to give the company a more complete understanding of their data.

To see how Big Data is being used in other industries check out this interesting podcast!  

Monday, December 21, 2015

Big Data vs. Segmented Data

Big data is characterized by an extremely large set of data that must be filtered through by countless algorithms until it takes an understandable form. Big Data is utilized in many different areas, but one that tends to stand out is in marketing. Marketing researchers love Big Data because it is a much more effective way to receive consumer  feedback. People no longer have to take surveys to let companies know how they feel because companies simply study their consumers habits. By observing consumer trends, companies have a much better understanding of what their buyers like and dislike about their products.

Many companies use this information and apply it to their consumers as a whole, but not all consumers are the same. Everyone is unique which makes every consumer’s trends different. Although Big Data has worked wonders for marketing research, these marketing specialists are beginning to realize they need  to take Big Data to the next level. The idea of using Big Data in marketing was to better advertise to individual consumers based on their unique preferences. In order for marketing specialists to optimize their ability to target specific demographics they must use Segmented Data.

Segmented Data is big data that has been categorized based on similar groups. With segmented Data companies can receive data on all of the consumers who are all moms, or video game lovers, or outdoor enthusiasts. With this sort of organized data, companies know to advertise not only outdoor gear to the outdoor enthusiasts, but based on their shopping history- specific shoes, backpacks, tents, etc. Segmented Data allows companies to treat all of their consumers like individuals, making it easier for consumers to find what they are looking for and their overall shopping experience more enjoyable.

Segmented Data is something we will  be seeing more of as Big Data continues to make a name for itself in all different industries. To learn more about the different ways Big Data is branching out,

Check out this Interesting Article! 

South Park Talks Big Data

There is typically a lack of deep insight in South Park episodes. We tend to expect witty and naive observations of the modern world and culture. However, the last few episodes of season 19 left many audience members thinking deeply about internet privacy and online advertising, as a result of the Big Data revolution. 

Although the characters had a lack of tech knowledge, and a vocabulary that represented that, they still managed to get their point across. They presented an online “world,” filled with pop-up ads and sponsored content disguised as news. As a result, they were unable to separate reality with the fiction, that represents advertising.

At the end, one character was completely transformed- she became the perfect consumer; a walking, talking, breathing ad-zombie.

Fiction- or Non?

Although this is clearly a fictional show, there is some truth behind it. At this point, it is undeniable that companies are gathering data to better target their advertising. But what is left to be argued is, “How much truth is there behind it?”

We do live in a world where vast amounts of Big Data are being analyzed by big businesses to better advertise. On YouTube, we only see ads we “want to see,” depicting things that we want to buy. The ads we see are also better than ever. But soon, this could even take a step up.

An author and professor of computer science, Pedro Domingos, has presented a future depiction of digital consumerism. In this depiction, data is used to create “digital models” that act as our virtual personal assistants. They could negotiate with vendors, interview prospective clients and even speed date for us. This digital depiction is not that far off from the cartoon world that was created in South Park.

This leaves us with many questions: Will this digital depiction come true? Will it further distance us from face-to-face interactions? And will Big Business become the new Big Brother?

Is Big Business the new Big Brother?

Have You Been Naughty or Nice? Santa’s Coming To Town!

“Snow is snowing, wind is blowing… I can weather the storm, what do I care how much it may storm… got my love to keep me warm” Can’t remember worse December watch those icicles form… what do I care… icicles form… got my love to keep me warm… off with my overcoat off with my gloves… who needs an overcoat I’m burning with love… My hearts on fire, flame grows higher… I will weather the storm….” – Frank Sinatra

The holiday season is upon us again as the sweet smell of Frasier fir and cinnamon pine cones waif through the air. In Florida the Christmas trees stands, eggnog and gingerbread lattes on the menu board at Starbucks are the few clues that the holidays are near.

Along with the excitement, decorations and spirit of the holidays, also comes the burdens. With the current state of our economy, many without jobs, our men and boys away in the military, for many these holiday weeks will be a very stressful time of the year for most.

It is important to sit back in times like this and reconsider what the true meaning of the holidays implies. Being together with loved ones, acknowledging what we are grateful for, and the selfless joy of giving to others is a greater gift than any store bought present that could make your Christmas bright.

The state of being happy and filling your heart with joy never truly comes from external things. Instead of feeling lonely because you don’t have friends or loved ones near, your energy and time is better put to use with a plan to accomplish something good, to envision trees of green rather than the empty branches of winter.

Now is a time for opportunity to help someone else in this wonderful world. Saying I love you can be accomplished in numerous ways. Receiving the loving energy of sharing and helping others is also great food for the soul. It is often human nature to feel sorry for ourselves, what the heck we are only mere mortals. See if your neighbor needs help, volunteer at your local church or synagogue, and donate to your favorite charity.

It’s that time of year when the world falls in love. Wishing you and yours a peaceful and blessed holiday, and May your New Year dreams come true.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The 12 Days of Beauty at BeautySmart – Holiday Specials

Beauty Smart Holiday Specials

The 12 Days of Beauty at BeautySmart
Why not get them what they really want?

On the 1st Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
$20 Off A Medical Microdermabrasion Treatment

On the 2nd Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
$50 OFF PRP w/ Microneedling

On the 3rd Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
$50 OFF Any Permanent Makeup Service

On the 4th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
$150 off Medical Weight Loss Seratonin Plus With MIC B Shots

On the 5th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
1/2 Off Laser Hair Removal Packages
(at regular price)

On the 6th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
$100 Off Sublative Skin Resurfacing Treatment

On the 7th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
25% Off Manual Face & Body Sculpting

On the 8th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
20% Off VelaShape III Packages + A FREE Treatment

On the 9th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
$100 Off PRP Injections For The face

On the 10th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
$75 Off PhotoFacials

On the 11th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
$75 Off Per Syringe Of Restylane
$30 Off Per Area Of Botox

On the 12th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to me…
$100 Off Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Packages

And A Partridge In A Pear Tree!

Partridge In A Pear Tree

Additional Holiday Specials and Savings On Retail Items Available In Our Boutique Will Be Announced On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Call now at 561-330-7579

Located at:
94 South Federal Highway
Boca Raton, FL 33432

This holiday season, BeautySmart is offering 25% OFF Gift Certificates* (Cannot be combined with above offers)

Cleaning Stains on Couch

Cleaning Stains on Couch – Before and after Pictures

Clean Stains on Couch

Clean Stains on Couch 2

Clean Stains on Couch 3

Clean Stains on Couch 4

Clean Stains on Couch 5

Love, Lies and Webcams: Holiday Dating Expectations

During this holiday season, many find themselves without someone to enjoy the festivities with. Options are endless; there are parties galore and various opportunities for cozy times with that special someone. There are many opportunities at hand for those that are single to date or attend singles events.

This brings us to the subject of “expectations”. As I have mentioned in previous posts the dating process is not for the faint of heart. It is important to go into this arena with the right attitude. I have heard so many horror stories from friends, family, and acquaintances of the trials and tribulations of dating. (Especially internet dating!)

In order to travel this treacherous and yet wonderful path of meeting and greeting, which can be both exciting and nerve-racking, one must enter the entire process with the right attitude.

Let’s start with internet dating. This process certainly begins with expectations. I was talking to a male friend of mine the other evening and he had a particularly “on the mark view” of how this dating drill needs to go.

From this perceptive male’s point of view, too many people begin the process with expectations that lead them down the slippery hill into dating hell. He believes that if you spend more time than two phone conversations before you actually meet, that you then fall into the “jaws of the false expectations pit” by building up in your mind a fantasy person.

Although internet photos are exchanged and some of your deepest, darkest secrets are exposed to one another, you still have no clue who you are really dealing with until you meet face to face.

My male friend’s answer to this “false expectation” dilemma is that one must absolutely meet if not for anything more than a cup of coffee and a half hour of each others time by the end of the second phone conversation.

New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance at The Club at Westport

Westport New Year's Eve Dinner & Dance

Sign up by 12/20

7pm Cocktails

7:30pm Dinner Buffet by Chillin & Grillin

Arugula Salad w/ Dinner Roll

Grilled Asparagus

Roasted Red Potatoes

Choice of One:

Crab Cake

Pecan Crusted Pork Loin,

Beef Brisket

Vegetarian option available upon request


Assorted Mini Cheesecakes

Midnight Champange Toast

$35/members & guests of members

8:30-Midnight Dance

Cash Bar

NYE Dinner & Dance
Sign up by Dec 20th Space is limited

Friday, December 18, 2015

Save The Children!

I recently heard on the radio that parents are now using “Elf on the shelf” to make their kids behave better. Elf on the shelf is a fun little game families have begun playing where they place a little elf doll in different places of the house every night- giving kids the illusion that elf is real. Parents are beginning to take this sweet holiday tradition and use it to make their children believe that Elf is always watching.

Parents have always used little tactics to help control their kids, like Santa Clause knowing if you are naughty or nice, we simply need a little white lie every now and then to help us out.

Is this now being taken too far? How do we know when we have crossed the line?

Mattel has just introduced it’s latest Barbie doll and not only is it highly fashionable, but she can actually talk. Yes, that is right, your child can now play with a Barbie doll who can hold full conversations with them as well as remember your child’s key interests. When the new Barbie hears your child speak, she sends the data to a computer that records the message, and then relays the correct response back to Barbie.

In theory this may seem like another Big Data success; woohoo! a toy that can finally act as a play buddy for my child! Not so fast, everything your child says to Barbie gets recorded and stored by Mattel. This means that not only do the people working at Mattel have direct access to speak to your child at any time, in the safety of your home, but they also will use everything your child says for research.

Personally, I think this is one of the creepiest ways to use Big Data. The new talking Barbie is more invasive than any of the tracking companies do on the internet. So if you are thinking about getting your little one a talking Barbie this Christmas, think twice, or you may be putting your child in a potentially manipulative situation.

See Big Data Think Cliintel

With Big Data on the rise and everyone using it, it can be intimidating for a company just starting out.

How do we get into Big Data?

How do we manage it?

There are so many companies out there that claim to be data experts so who do you trust? Check out this delightful video that simply explains how to use Big Data and who can help you. Don’t waste any more time, see for yourself who the real experts are that can help you with your business troubles.

Case Study: True-Appointment Promises to Customers

Accurate Forecasting of Technician Availability Provides Customers with a True- Appointment Promise

It is a common belief in the Communications industry that fixing work quota allocations will create efficient service delivery.  However, there is currently no silver bullet to “fix quot.” Over the past 15 years, broadband service providers have consolidated operations and added multiple product lines to consumer choices. However, over the same time period, back office tools and associated processes have not been enhanced to efficiently match the new complexity and scale of the business. As a result, business applications that are tied to billing systems functioning as the primary Customer Relationship Manager are ill suited to today’s business requirements.

The Client:

One of America’s largest Multi System Operators (MSOs) has been acquiring new systems and adding advanced services for the past five years. The MSO was reliant on incumbent cable billing systems and quota management tools for scheduling installation and service appointments. This condition was not going to change near term so they needed a way to improve current operations to more accurately reflect technician availability as well as forecast future appointment needs.

The Business Issue:

Because of inaccurate forecasting, technicians were consistently arriving late or missing appointments; repeat truck rolls were occurring and customer satisfaction levels were declining. The MSO needed to implement new processes and practices to enable the quota to be calculated and forecasted more accurately. Additionally, manual processes were prevalent and subject to manipulation, based primarily on the instinct of the quota management resource, rather than by set business rules.

Customers were dissatisfied with inaccurate technician forecasting until Cliintel came in to help

The Approach:

Cliintel takes a creative, expansive approach to every business issue presented for resolution. Cliintel has the ability to design project plans and implement solutions that cross traditional silos. This holistic, custom approach was used to complete the discovery process while observing current quota management methods.

The primary focus was on procedures and operational practices that impacted the creation and utilization of quota. Cliintel collected pertinent data prior to the site visits, and while on site, current process discussions were held with key system personnel.

Cliintel completed firsthand observations of the quota management process and its impacts upon operations. Relationships were developed with the essential system personnel, ensuring anonymity to increase the level of honesty and data integrity.

During the site visits, specific attention was placed on the identification and documentation of activities of quota influencers and impactors. Each area is identified in the diagram to the below.

The Billing System impacts all silos within a business, including marketing, operating until, customer care, and the customers, themselves

The Solution:

The Cliintel Consulting team members identified and developed implementation plans for 86 best practices for: managing, calculating and maintaining responsive quota systems. These best practices involved process and procedure changes across all departments that influence and impact quota. The ability to accurately forecast and allocate field resources required significant procedural and cultural changes affecting multiple departments.

The Project Results:

Upon completion, the Cliintel team presented the top issues relating to quota to the management team. Cliintel assigned each management group an ROI cost, and suggested the most pertinent tasks that needed to be addressed to solve the “quota question.” This presentation included tasks that could be completed in-house, as well as those that required additional, outside assistance.

By strategically implementing the best practice recommendations, Cliintel’s client has reduced their costs associated with repeat truck rolls, improved completion rates and decreased customer churn. Possibly the most remarkable result was a substantial improvement in customer satisfaction, due to the company’s new ability to deliver on their service promises.

Cliintel Receives 2015 Denver Award

Denver Award Program Honors the Achievement

DENVER December 10, 2015 — Cliintel has been selected for the 2015 Denver Award in the Offices category by the Denver Award Program.

Each year, the Denver Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Denver area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2015 Denver Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Denver Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Denver Award Program

The Denver Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Denver area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Denver Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community’s contributions to the U.S. economy.

SOURCE: Denver Award Program

Walmart Pay: For The Retailer Who’s Given Up Trying To Get His Way

When Walmart last week introduced Walmart Pay, it was shown to be a simple app that would accept "any major payment type" but it would only work at Walmart. In short, it was the last thing that interchange-fee-hating Walmart wanted to do, especially in the mobile world. MCX's original vision, a merchant utopia where transactions were done in the non-interchange grab-the-money-directly-from-the-shopper's-bank-account universe and one app was used at thousands of different merchant stores, was Walmart's dream.

Mike Cook is the Walmart Senior VP/Assistant Treasurer who initiated the idea of MCX and pushed it so aggressively that many involved—and especially those who chose to not be involved—said the name virtually stood for Mike Cook Exchange. When Walmart Pay was announced, it was Cook whose name was on a statement issued to the media. Said Cook: "We remain committed to MCX, and recently launched acceptance of CurrentC in all of our locations in the Columbus market. We view Walmart Pay and CurrentC as complementary mobile payments solutions, and expect the two to build off each other’s success." Walmart expects "the two to build off each other's success"? If Walmart had even the slightest confidence that MCX and CurrentC were going to enjoy even a modicum of success, Walmart Pay wouldn't have been rolled out. It's true they will support both—there's not a lot of reason to not do so—but Walmart Pay is everything Walmart didn't want to do.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

‘Twas Two Months After Liability Shift And At Every Retail Store, Not A Merchant Was Dipping, Not Even A.C. Moore

It's one of the payments industry's worst-kept secrets that EMV merchant acceptance has been nothing shy of dreadful and the reasons for that are many. But an intriguing survey by the independent ConsumerWorld has put some numbers and quite a few names on the naughty/nice list of EMV supporters. It seems that a liability shift these days can only get a cardbrand so far.

In exploring almost 50 of the largest national and regional retail brands between Dec. 1 and Dec. 5, ConsumerWorld found that although almost all had installed EMV-friendly terminals (RadioShack was the only holdout), 75 percent of them had not yet been activated.

Why Big Data?

Even the most successful CEO out there is still human. No one person is perfect, we all display human characteristics and flaws. It is because of this that science uses objective data in their tests, because subjective allows for personal opinions. Objective data is the only information that is 100% unbiased truth. So how do businesses get this type of objective data?

By Using Big Data.

Companies that use Big Data allow themselves to see the hard truths about their company that they themselves would overlook. When we put hard work into something, we don’t want to see anything wrong with it which makes it hard for us to see when there are issues. Big Data is the fresh set of eyes that can examine all of the nook and crannies of your business to inspect the problem areas we would not catch on our own.

The other great think about Big Data is that it is cross cultural. Instead of trying to convince a company in China that you are successful by talking with them, it is much more impressive to simply show them the data. Put your entire operation into data form and it can be read across any language. Measuring success with data is a great way to standardize the definition of what it means to be successful.

Big Data has proven time and time again to be a necessary tool in the business world. So what are you waiting for? Go out and get started with Big Data!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Loyal To Big Data

Loyalty programs are what drive return sales and customer satisfaction. Khols is a perfect example of this. I would put money on the assumption that almost every mom of this generation has a Khols card and uses it frequently. I’m not even a mom yet and I have one and love it!

The reason for this is that people love to feel like they are getting a great deal. The more you can convince someone they are saving money, the more likely they are to keep buying. This is a pure genius marketing move. Sure the company might miss out on a few dollars because of the sale, but the customers are spending so much more than they are saving.

Loyalty programs are based on the use of Big Data. Each customer has a loyalty number whether it is their phone number or the number on their loyalty card. This number allows the company to track the customers activity. From here Big Data Analytics crunch all this data and create understandable stats on each customer’s habits and what they tend to buy. This information is gold to companies and allows them to uniquely market to specific people.

Thanks to loyalty programs and Big Data, companies are improving their return sales rate while also saving the customer a little bit of dough.

Could Data Turn Denver’s Traffic Nightmare into a Daydream?

Denver drivers waste 49 hours a year in traffic delays, according to CBS. For this reason, Denver ranks as one of the most congested cities in America. If you live in Denver, you are all too familiar with this. 

If you’re very, very lucky, you have not been directly affected by Denver’s growing congestion. Meanwhile, most of us are getting frustrated with how much time we are wasting with our feet on the break, and how much money we are burning on the fuel to sit in recirculated air.

And if you are one of the lucky ones, keep in mind that you are still being indirectly affected. Traffic increases pollution, increases collisions and deters visitors. If traffic keeps up, we could lose our fresh, mountain air; and with it, we could lose the tourists and business visitors that are boosting our economy.

If unchanged, traffic could be responsible for leaving a cloud of smog over our city.

But with a shrinking budget, how can we expect the DOT to fix this? And if it is this bad now, can you imagine how bad it will be in the future, as our population continuously grows?

What comes to most people’s minds first is to build more roads. Not only is this a very expensive option, but unfortunately, it has been proven again and again, that building more roads does not reduce traffic congestion. Instead, we should turn to a data-drive solution that will help us implement an intelligent transportation system.

How Can Data Help?

People Tweet, and post about accidents and traffic all the time. Data is also produced from our mobile phones, GPS trackers, cameras on the roads and sensors on cars and roads. The only problem is, these are all disparate data sources, so cities are having trouble accessing the insight from all the data.

A data analytics solution would enable cities, and their residents to access all of this data. It would consolidate the data, and give people information in real-time.

A Data-Driven, Traffic Management Solution Would Result In:

  • Decreased congestion
  • Reduced emissions
  • Less traffic-related noise
  • Reduction in collisions and an improvement in emergency vehicle response times
  • Determining where to place public transit
  • Operation of public transit at full capacity

Big data and data analytics can be used by the Department of Transportation to reduce congestion.

The Future:

There are 1.2 billion cars on the road today. By 2035, this number is projected to be 2 billion. Yet, we can likely expect our roads to be less congested.

For now, we should focus on connecting drivers. But in the near future, “connected cars” may be essential to managing traffic. Soon, our cars could be making suggestions on what route we should take, and even what time we should leave the house.

Soon enough, we could expect self-driving cars. These will not only enhance traffic management, but will provide an exceptional driving experience.

will our future cars all be connected cars? will they be self-driving cars?

3D Printing Funded on Shark Tank

Keri and Alesia enter seeking $100,000 for 10% of the business. They show some samples and how their software works, then they hand out samples of each Shark as a superhero. The Sharks love them! They tell the Sharks about how they learned about 3D modeling and marketing. They are not at market yet. It’s costs $15 for one model and they sell for $60. Each 3D printer can produce 100 heads per day. New printers cost $45K, but they own two used printers they bought for $20K each.
There are other personalized action figure businesses, doing a small amount of sales. Their best customers are aged 30-45 years old. Robert thinks it’s clever, Mr. Wonderful wants to know if it’s proprietary. The 3D printing software they developed is patent pending.

Big Data SlideShow – Big Data Revolution Is Here.

Big Data Fears? Why Do People Fear Data Analytics?

Here is a quick big data slideshow about how data analytics arouses fear in people.

Companies Fear Big Data and Big Data Analytics. Why?

America’s Internet is Worth $966 Billion

The internet does more than just us with the rest of the world, and create lots and lots of data. America’s internet has been valued at $966 Billion; this is about 6% of the U.S. economy.

How did they come up with this number? In 2014, business that are directly affiliated with the internet generated an estimated $966 billion. This means that between the years 2007 and 2012, the value that internet businesses contributed to the economy, grew by 110 percent! This is greater than any other American industry.You can read the original U.S. News Article this information came from, here. 


Internet businesses have employed over 3 million Americans. Some argue that internet businesses have very few employees, in comparison to their size.  While there is some truth to this, we must also consider how significant the growth in this industry is. As noted, the extreme growth has resulted in a 107 percent increase in employment, between 2007 and 2012.

Even better news? Internet businesses pay more than the national average. In 2012, internet businesses paid nearly $20,000 more than the national average.

Employees of Internet Businesses Earn More Than The National Average.

Employees of Internet Businesses Earn More Than The National Average.

Cause of Growth?

Certainly social media has contributed to the growth of the industry. However, easier and cheaper access to the internet is also contributing greatly. Over 3 million people are internet users. This is roughly 43 percent of the world’s population.

For more facts about the Internet of Things, Click Here.

The number of people that have access to the internet has increased. It has become cheaper and more accessible.

The Number of Internet Users Exceeds 3 Million.