Wednesday, October 7, 2015

You’ve Had How Many Lovers?

Question of the Day: “Should we tell our current lovers about our previous lovers?”

This really depends on why your current lover would want to know about your sexual history? Is it because he/she is the jealous type? Or does your partner only want a ballpark figure without all the steamy details?

The problems that can arise when talking about past lovers with current lovers can range from the comparison of your current relationship with relationships in the past – to the constant reassuring of your partner that they are a better lover than your previous loves.

I think before you come clean about your sexual past, you want to determine the reason for the questioning and anticipate the way that your relationship will be effected in the future once the truth is out.

What do you think? Do you think that the modern woman and men of today can handle the truth? Do you think that it is necessary to tell your current lover about your previous lovers?

Or do you think that the past is the past and that is where it should remain? Even the Dalai Lama has said that he has gotten jealous before.

We would love to hear your comments, please post them below!

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