Friday, October 16, 2015

Inside a Google Data Center

Inside a Google Data Center

Photo of a Google Data Center:

Inside_Suite (1)

Google is huge. The amount of data Google obtains is huge. So you can only imagine how huge their data center is!

Not only is it huge, but it runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a lot to keep up.

They actually recently reached their 3 million man hour mark!

Their team includes an information security team. Helping them out is an intense security system. They even have laser beams and an iris scanner to ensure each individual’s identity that tries to get in.

Team member in a data center

So they have all these people and all of these systems constantly running to ensure the data center is constantly running. They also have custom design server racks, and cooling towers to constantly keep the servers cool, and cool the hot air that the servers blow out.

Now, I wonder how much all of this costs them…

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