Friday, October 9, 2015

Women’s Health, Wellness and Breast Cancer Awareness Get Together at BeautySmart MD

Breast Cancer Awareness

Women’s Wellness & Awareness Get Together on October 15th at BeautySmart, M.D.

Thursday, October 15th
5:30pm -7:30pm
at BeautySmart, M.D.
94 South Federal Highway
Boca Raton, FL 33432

CALL 561-330-7579

Join us for an event in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month! We will be discussing the many aspects of Women’s Health:

6:00 Dawn Polen Silver​ will be sharing her knowledge on, the five hallmark symptoms underlying most mental health problems, and how to fix them. When seeking a psychologist, clients most complain of: Depression, anxiety, anger, food issues, and substance use problems. Understanding the underlying mechanisms for which these symptoms first present, is actually the easy part.

6:30 Ashley Ageloff​ will talk to us about the benefits of early detection through Thermography, Breast Health Screenings, and ways to improve Breast Health, and prevent breast cancer from ever occurring.

7:00 Katie Haley​ will share ways to explore your consciousness and discover inner peace with meditation. She will demonstrate how negative thoughts and feelings disrupt your immune system and how you can shift your energy and release negativity. Katie used various mind-body techniques along with aromatic plant medicines to bring your mind and body into perfect balance.

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness we will be donating 5% of all sales to Breast Cancer Fund.

Womens Health Wellness EventBeautySmart MD Womens Health and Wellness

Pink Champagne and Patisseries will be served. Pastries from (Bakery of France) and pink champagne!

10% off our Pink Boutique

CALL 561-330-7579

Mindful Minerals will sponsor the event and we will introduce an exciting new way to see how clean or dirty the products you’re using everyday are and how they may be effecting your health.

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