Monday, October 26, 2015

Yoga Master and the Benefits of Yoga – Yoga for Energy Video

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga improves your flexibility, builds muscle strength, protects your spine, boosts your immune system and much more. Practicing yoga makes you happier, helps you focus, improves your balance, increases your self-esteem, builds awareness and many more benefits.


The practice of yoga has many health benefits associated with it, so read below to discover even more benefits of incorporating yoga in to your health and fitness program.


Yoga Video

8 Minute Yoga For Energy Boost – Vinyasa Flow For Beginners Workout

Yoga Master

“Yoga not just entered my life,” he writes, “but now, it is my life.”

The clear progressive stages of transformation through yoga are documented here. as nowhere else. This new sequence unfolds a practical road-map for knowing and practicing the elevation of the seeker’s awareness – from the physical, to the astral, and to finally to the mental levels -and designates observable milestones to determine one’s progress on the path. It marries the philosophy of Yoga with clear “how-to” instruction…

The Making of a Yoga Master: A Seeker’s Transformation

Integral Yoga

The practice of separate branches of yoga in our lives is known as integral yoga which creates harmony between body, mind, and emotions and stimulates the expression of creativity and the creative potential of people in everyday life.

We strive to make our studio at the Center of Massage Therapy to be a small temple to transmit the principles of integral yoga and making yoga a way of life.


CALL 303-777-1151 for Yoga Instruction at the Center of Massage Therapy in Cherry Creek district in Denver, Colorado.

Related Articles:

Origins of Yoga.

What is Yoga Nidra?

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