Sunday, October 11, 2015

Business Startup Programs Incubating 3D Printing Companies – 3D Printing Revolution?

Stay on top of the latest development in the 3D printing incubator space.

Check out some top 3d printing startup companies at The 3D Printing Conference…

Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara 2015

Inside 3D Printing in Santa Clara, CA – October 20-22, 2015 ( Use the discount code CHANNEL for 10% off Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara)

MatterFab is just one 3d printing company incubated by startup programs…

MatterFab is developing a metal 3D printer that provides the same quality output as today’s million dollar printers at an order of magnitude lower cost. Metal 3D printing can deliver injection molds that double productivity for no additional cost, create custom medical implants, and save airlines billions in fuel costs every year through weight saving designs that can only be made with 3D printers.



In a nutshell, 3D printers are not cheap or accessible enough. 3D Printing Materials commonly used just as PLA and ABS are both plastics—and imperfections of the technology make it difficult for average consumers to print useful or complex objects. Within the mainstream market, 3D printers are mainly used to prototype models for designers.

The opportunity in 3D printing lies in low-volume and highly-specialized products. However, mass manufacturing depends on high volumes to enable cheap prices. Thus, this translates to less demand for 3D printers with manufacturers focused on consumer markets.

Read more: What Happened to the 3D Printing Revolution? (SSYS,XONE,VJET,DDD,UPS)

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