Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Could Big Data Teach Us About Donald Trump?

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Tump is all over the medial.

Sure, Donald Trump is ahead in the “polls.” Does that mean he will win? Does that mean he is the most successful candidate? Are there other ways to measure his popularity (or demise)?

Big Data could discuss areas such as:

Facebook likes
Twitter followers
Quotes that are repurposed
Youtube views
Time spent on Youtube views
Mobile views
Backlinks to Trump’s web pages
Magazine covers
“Trump-isms” in common language
Trump word counts in the press
Geography of Trump views
Demographics of Trump Views
and many more indicators..

Also, are the polls true and sound? Are the same people being polled over and over again? If polling was an exact science, we wouldn’t need many pollsters, would we?

Big Data seeks to combine, slice and dice these various sources of information. Can Big Data help you do the same with your business?

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