Sunday, September 6, 2015

Jobs Data in Denver and the Chance for a Rate Hike

Jobs Data Reveals Insight Into Future Rate Decision

It’s the latest key piece of evidence the Fed will consider before making its rate decision later this month, and the optimistic jobs data could influence the central bank to hike the benchmark rate.

“I am not arguing that the economy is perfect, but nor is it on the ropes, requiring zero interest rates to get it back into the ring,” Fed Bank of Richmond President Jeffrey Lacker said, according to Bloomberg. “It’s time to align our monetary policy with the significant progress we have made.”

Still, it is still more likely the Fed will hold off on hiking its rate, according to Ashraf Laidi, a global markets analyst.


Denver Job Market Lures Millennials

Millennials are flocking to the Mile High City, but it isn’t the nearby ski slopes, microbreweries or urban hiking trails that are attracting them: It’s the jobs.

While the new arrivals are transforming the city’s landscape and economy, they also are generating tensions among locals, who complain they are driving up rents and fueling a building boom that is marring some mountain views.

“A city like Denver from the beginning was a central place,” said Mario Polèse, an urban economics professor at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique in Montreal. “It was destined to grow.”

Denver Colorado Stats


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