Wednesday, September 2, 2015

L.A. Has Mountains of Data But Needs Data Scientists to Help Draw Intelligence

During the Los Angeles Digital Government Summit, County CIO Rich Sanchez spoke of the importance of data in county operations.

Currently: L.A. is working collaboratively, both with the residents and within government, itself.  In this era of transparency, they have created an open data portal to show constituents what the government has data-wise and also show what they are trying to accomplish.The 34 different governmental agencies are practicing data sharing, and therefore have access to mountains of data.

The Challenge: They have access to mounds of data. However, they lack data scientists that are able to draw conclusions and intelligence from all of the data that they already collect.

Intentions for the Future: Recruit data scientists to aggregate their data. They also hope to use more data analytics tools to help managers and department executives to make better decisions.

You can watch the video below to learn more:

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