Thursday, September 3, 2015

3.17 Billion Internet Users

In 2012, Google received over 2 million search queries per minute. Jump ahead to 2014 and that number has more than doubled! Today, Google receives over 4 million search queries per minute. Imagine how much Big Data is “floating around” that goes unused, or unexplained…

Think those statistics are astonishing? Some of the following content is even more bewildering. For a quick peek, you can also view an infographic that displays the information in the following list. That link is available at the end of the article.

Each minute:

  • Facebook users share nearly 2.5 million pieces of content.
  • Twitter users tweet nearly 300,000 times.
  • Instagram users post nearly 220,000 new
  • YouTube users upload 72 hours of new video content.
  • Apple users download nearly 50,000 apps.
  • Email users send over 200 million messages.
  • Amazon generates over $80,000 in online sales.

The Google Factor

Did you know that Google processes 20 petabytes of information per day? Having trouble putting a value to that number? Think of it this way…all of the written works of all of mankind, created since the beginning of recorded history (in all languages) equals 50 petabytes of information. Therefore, we create nearly as much information in a single, modern day, as we did in all of history, prior to the data explosion.

The Growth of WordPress

There are other sites for creating user-generated content, outside of social media sites. One of the most significant is WordPress. It plays a big role in the world of blogging and content management. It has been reported that over 72 million websites were built with WordPress in 2012. By January 2014, that number climbed to over 86 million. Even I am using WordPress to create this blog, right now.

The History of the Internet

The internet debuted in 1984 when it linked 1,000 hosts at university and corporate labs. It took only 15 years for the internet to grow to 50 million users; which it did so in 1998. Eleven years later, in 2009, there were 1 billion internet users around the world. A mere three years later, it doubled to over 2.1 billion users, and by 2013, 39% of the world’s population was using the internet. That means that 2.7 billion people were using the internet in 2013.

Today, September 2nd 2013, Google reports that 3.17 billion people, around the world, use the internet. There are more internet users today than there were people in the whole world in 1960 (according to Google the population in 1960 was 3.036 billion).

Want some more stats from 2013? In 2013, nearly 4 billion hours of online video were watched each month. Even more interesting, people watched over 500 years of YouTube videos on Facebook every day and 1 billion YouTube videos on mobile devices each day.

The Cost of Content 

Recently, Newstex published the “Cost of Content Clutter Infographic,” which puts a dollar value on the data explosion. Some argue the data explosion replaces the value of content publishers. Think of it this way—five exabytes of content were created between the birth of the world and 2003. In 2013, the same amount of content was created on a daily basis. Not only does this displace the value of content publishers, but it also attributes to direct costs. For example, in 2013, content searches cost companies over $14,000 per worker.

However, it can also be argued that this data and information explosion is creating greater value. This can be measured in a dollar amount, but more importantly, it creates great value by sharing and providing information to just about anyone. For example, you no longer need to take a business course to learn Business 101; you can simply google it. In the end, this saves the entrepreneur time and money, that can be put towards actually starting his or her company.

This list and the content was generated from a 2012 DOMO infographic, displaying how much data is generated every minute, and the “Data Never Sleeps” infographic of 2014, as well as some general information that anyone can find from Google. Keep on searching.


You can view the infographic “Every Minute of the Day,” by clicking on this link.

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