Friday, September 11, 2015

Big Data Week to Unite a Global Network of Data Lovers

What is big data week? It is a five-day-long global event, similar to a conference. However, it doesn’t just take place in one venue, in one city, or even in one country. It truly is a global event, with over 30 cities participating worldwide.  There are events and conferences hosting in Europe, the Americas, Australasia and Pacific Asia.

How can a conference be a worldwide event? The event is “headquartered” in London, where they host a five day conference and hackathon. There are other conferences hosted in Barcelona, Madrid and Sao Paulo. As you can see, it is primarily European-based, but is making its way West. Last year there were 30 cities that participated in the event, by hosting a series of local, community events.

The best thing about Big Data Week is that it gathers a group of people that are experts in big data, as well as newbies. Therefore it is a learning and educational experience for everyone. Because it is a global event, it connects all of these global cities and allows for participants to network beyond their hometown.  Participants have included: data scientists, data technologies, data visualizers and data businesses. They span over 6 major commercial, financial, social and technological sectors.

The goal of Big Data Week? To educate, inform and inspire.

There are two parts:

Of course, The Tech Part:

these are your solution architects, engineers and data scientists. They frequently host, speak at and attend workshops, how to’s and case studies. Anyone can learn a lot from them, as each of the leaders in workshops are professionals with hands-on experience in hadoop, NoSQL, visualization and integration software.

The Business Part:

These are your business decision makers, consultants and analysts that showcase real world success stories.


Both parts of the event are necessary, and learn from each other.

It will take place November 23rd through 28th this year. If you’re interested in learning more about Big Data Week, Click this Link to visit their website.

Interested in learning more about how big data can be used in your business? They do not host Big Data Week events near you? Check out this Firm, based in Denver, CO to see how data can help your business more efficient.

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