Thursday, September 3, 2015

Music and Sex?

Dr. Ruth Westheimer said that listening to music while having sex is distracting, making it hard to concentrate and permits fantasies from developing. I completely and respectfully disagree and think that is an old fashioned way of thinking. I believe the use of music during sex is an aphrodisiac. The Mozart Effect could have a huge impact on your sex life allowing you to relax and concentrate at the same time, therefore achieving more pleasure in the process.

The Mozart Effect List:

“When your body hears the even, one beat per second of Baroque music, your heart rate and pulse relax to the beat. When you are in this relaxed, but alert state, your mind is able to concentrate more easily. Music corresponds to and affects our physiological conditions. During heavy mental work, our pulse and blood pressure rises, and it’s usually more difficult to concentrate in this state. The Baroque and Mozart music pieces on the Mozart Effect learning tapes and compact disks have been especially selected for their beat pattern (60 beats per minute), reduce your blood pressure and pulse rate and increases your ability to learn at the same time.”

What do you think? Do you agree with Dr. Ruth or do you believe that listening to some great music during sex and lovemaking is a real turn on?
If you find it to be a turn on, what type of music makes sex hotter?

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