Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Smarter Government: The City of Los Angeles Uses Big Data

Reduction of fatalities. Improved services for citizens, residents and businesses. Strengthened public safety. These are just some of the accomplishments of the City of Los Angeles after they began leveraging data to gain a better insight.

 Recently they initiated a partnership between the IT department, the transportation department, the police department, the Mayor’s Office and the University of Southern California to analyze data on bicyclist and car collisions. Because of this, they have reduced fatalities.

They have begun using a combination of both open data and big data to accomplish this. They hope that in the future they will become even more data driven. To do so, they plan on utilizing data produced from mobile devices, sensors on streets, traffic information, social networks, real-time information and other technologies (CLICK HERE to learn about other ways you can use your data).

Today, there are 6 zettabytes of data available to us, and this is doubling every couple of years. The City says that it would be “flying blind” if it did not utilize this information.

Because they are leveraging this data, they are creating more efficient and effective services for the citizens and businesses of Los Angeles.

You can watch this video of CIO Ted Ross at the Los Angeles Digital Government Summit to learn more:

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