Wednesday, September 30, 2015

3D Printing Demonstration In Chinese!

The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is created.

The Best Big Data Management Tool To Use

With so many technologies and analytics tools available to use today, it is extremely important that the best data scientists are up to date and well versed in all languages. It is very common for company A and company B to analyze their data in completely different ways. This means that being able to analyze data for many customers means being able to use any tools thrown at you.

By keeping up with these new tools, you are able to display your information in many different shapes and sizes and your potential customer reach increases drastically.

Now while these tools are very important, the best tool to use is always going to be the one you already own. Your employees, resources, assets, etc. are all tools that you already own, and all of these can get you to the top. Don’t always assume that more money or softwares are your only hope! Take a look at what you can do with what you already have, and you may be happily surprised.

Find out more about our Big Data tools here.

Big Data From Little Desks

The educational systems for our children are changing greatly! In the typical school today you will find a tablet for each student in grades as low as kindergarten! I could not believe my eyes when I saw five year old children searching Google for information on the animal they were writing about that day. When I was in Kindergarten my teacher was proud when I wrote my name within the given lines and now our children are becoming tech whizzes!

It is a huge step in our education system to provide our children with the technological skills they will most definitely need in the future. But as the material continues to revolutionize, how can the teachers keep ahead with the times?

Big Data.

It may seem hard to believe there is “big” data coming from the seat of an 8 year old, but now that tablets have taken the place of books and note pads, there is tons of data being produced. If our education system can provide teachers with the tools and training to collect the data produced by their students and analyze it, we will reach a whole other level of education.

With this access to information teachers will be able to track the minds of their students, what did they search first, how did they find their answer, where are they struggling. Data is a wonderful tool into the way an individual’s mind works. It can also point out the students who are struggling and shed light on another approach that might speak to them better.

With this sort of technology we will be able to transform the way students learn and better prepare them for the rapidly evolving society centered around the latest technology.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Donald Trump And Big Data – What Can Big Data Teach Us?

Does a set of data make you feel more comfortable? More successful? If comfort is decreasing, then your interpretation of it is likely wrong. As we receive more and more data, we need to deepen our critical thinking skills. Because it’s hard to move beyond counting things to really understanding them.

Could Big Data help us understand the Republican Presidential race? What could Big Data teach the world about Donald Trump?

Water Discovered on Mars Today

Well, it’s official.  Thanks to CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging for Mars) Data, scientists have confirmed that the dusty, cold planet does actually contain real, flowing, liquid H2O. From Pluto, to Mars, scientists are making many new discoveries using modern data technology.

While we have been certain for years that water existed on Mars, it is so cold there that is has all been frozen. Early in the existence of Mars, it is likely that there were flowing rivers, lakes and even oceans. Today, because the average temperature on Mars is minus 70 degrees Fahrenheit, that water is obviously frozen. However, in the summer, near the equator, according to the Ny Times, it reach up to 70 degrees.

The scientists recently discovered streaks smeared across the steep slopes of Mars’ terrain. It appeared as though something was flowing down the mountain; like tears dribbling down one’s cheek. This led them to believe that some liquid water still existed on Mars.

Today, that was confirmed. They found water molecules within the rigid, crystal structure of perchlorate salts that were flowing down these steep slopes.

There next question? Where is the water coming from?

Tired Of Wasting Money?

Don’t waste money on services that don’t work or people who try to change who you are. If you believe in your company’s mission, don’t let someone try to change, learn how to take your beliefs and turn them into a profitable reality. We would love to listen to your goals and help you find the best way to achieve them!

Contact us here! 

What Could Big Data Teach Us About Donald Trump?

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Tump is all over the medial.

Sure, Donald Trump is ahead in the “polls.” Does that mean he will win? Does that mean he is the most successful candidate? Are there other ways to measure his popularity (or demise)?

Big Data could discuss areas such as:

Facebook likes
Twitter followers
Quotes that are repurposed
Youtube views
Time spent on Youtube views
Mobile views
Backlinks to Trump’s web pages
Magazine covers
“Trump-isms” in common language
Trump word counts in the press
Geography of Trump views
Demographics of Trump Views
and many more indicators..

Also, are the polls true and sound? Are the same people being polled over and over again? If polling was an exact science, we wouldn’t need many pollsters, would we?

Big Data seeks to combine, slice and dice these various sources of information. Can Big Data help you do the same with your business?

Monday, September 28, 2015

International Investing – 10 Things to Consider When Taking Money From Overseas

1. Will your other investors mind? Will your current investors care if more funds come from country X? Does country X help or hurt them financially, legally or psychologically? Getting your current investors’ permission might be necessary.

2. Will your overseas investors have access to your company’s trade secrets? Frequently, investors want to understand and potentially copy your intellectual property. It may be impossible to track the actual source of overseas money. Thus, some overseas investor could be connected to a real (or future) competitor. Investment dollars might come from a real (or future) client or vendor. Will they be able to access your “secret sauce” and do you mind if they do?

3. Do you understand how to deal with the investor’s culture? We are back to the No. 1 stumbling block in international business: the differences in culture. If your way of doing business is completely different than what your investors are accustomed to, then there may be potential conflict on the horizon. How will you deal with their views on risk, profit, law, ethics and management? How will they deal with yours? How much education and hand-holding will be necessary? How active will your investor be in running your business?

4. Do you realize it may take more time to deal with an overseas investor? The single biggest cultural difference is our perception of time. The overseas investor may be willing to invest, but not as quickly as your firm wishes. Investors are often known for showing high interest initially, and then stalling. In places like Asia and the Middle East, that syndrome is even more widespread.

5. Are there tax consequences to your company taking foreign money? Even if you completely and fully understand the U.S. tax ramifications, does country X’s tax practices agree with ours? Are you suddenly filling out a tax return for country X?

6. Are you suddenly dealing with a whole bunch of foreign laws? Firms may not think of this, as in the United States we often have contracts that say “this is governed by U.S. law,” but does country X care what you wrote down (in English) and signed (in the United States)?

7. Are you suddenly dealing with government agencies in the U.S. that you may not have dealt with previously? As an example, a high-tech firm may take on an investor from country X and before they know it, they are on the radar of the Defense department, the IRS and the Department of Homeland Security. It’s easy enough to check this out in advance.

8. Is there an intermediary involved and will he or she make you comfortable with each other? In many situations brokers facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers. Many times, they prefer to stay in the middle of all transactions (this is the best way to ensure they get paid). But when a firm takes on an investor, it takes on a partner. Any intermediary must facilitate a relationship between the funder and the recipient of funds.

9. Is there an intermediary involved and is he or she authorized to do this kind of work? That intermediary needs to be authorized in the United States as well as in country X. You don’t want to be a party to breaking foreign laws unknowingly.

10. Does the country that’s investing in you have some kind of stigma? So, will your clients or employees mind if you are taking funds from country X? Does the country that is sending you money have a poor reputation for anything? If you take money from country X, does that mean that you can’t take new money from country Y? What countries does country X have a rivalry with?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Business Optimization, Customer Satisfaction and ROI

In the continuously evolving world of business, perfection is a moving target. Companies design processes to provide services, manufacture products, or deliver on promises to customers efficiently and effectively, within time and budget constraints. But in just the time between process design and implementation, the marketplace changes. Keep business optimization in mind to keep your organization moving forward.

It’s a virtual certainty that there’s room for improvement in even the most elegant process or system. Don’t rest on your laurels when it looks like things are humming along. Instead, to optimize business, examine the data and metrics you’ve gathered and see how your company is performing against expectations and against industry peers. With an open mind and expert guidance, you’ll find opportunities that can transform the organization.

Establish Business Optimization Goals

Ultimately, every company should seek greater customer satisfaction. A business optimization effort designed to increase customer satisfaction will increase your competitive advantage and may allow you to enter new markets. Of course, increased profitability is an eternal goal for any business. By continuously improving existing processes, a business optimization project can reduce costs, reduce defects, improve productivity, or increase revenues for a demonstrable return on investment.

Select Business Optimization Opportunities

As you pursue growth and improvement, the smartest first step is to engage a seasoned business optimization adviser. Your adviser’s objectivity and expertise will help you identify high-impact opportunities. Draw on your business intelligence – a combination of company key performance indicators, performance compared to your industry, and what you learn every day from customers. Work with your adviser to analyze this data annually with find high-potential, cross-functional areas for improvement that aligns with your long-term strategic goals.

Ensure Business Optimization Success

Business optimization begins with the right people and the right methodology. Your trusted advisor will help analyze your situation and identify improvement opportunities, but that shouldn’t be the end of the engagement. Maintain a consultative relationship between the advisor and the internal employees who developed the process that will be improved, and who will carry the business optimization forward.

Once you’ve identified the project, pursue business optimization by applying a systematic approach using the appropriate methodology. Six-sigma projects achieve long-term defect reduction where the final outcome may be unknown. Other opportunities may call for a more direct or immediate approach.

Gathering the right business optimization team is a critical piece of the puzzle. Seek out subject matter experts on the processes that will be addressed. Your team should be a blend of people with open minds who will consider alternative solutions, along with devil’s advocates who will keep the group grounded.

Be sure to establish controls in the project that will allow you to demonstrate improvement. Whether your investment is just the team’s time, or the significant expense of a new automated system, you must prove a return on that investment. Incorporate controls that will point out the project’s impact on business metrics such as increased productivity, reduced cost, or greater customer satisfaction. Proper controls will allow you to monitor progress along the way and make adjustments if needed. Ultimately, these controls will prove business optimization results, whether that means getting an under-performing organization up to target, or moving from satisfactory performance to an industry leadership position.

Finally, celebrate success. Business optimization is a time-consuming effort that deserves recognition. Honor the people involved and their achievements. In addition to raising team morale, you’ll build enthusiasm for the current successful project, and for future business optimization efforts.

Business Optimization, Customer Satisfaction & ROI – by Lucile Williams, Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Visit Cliintel at

Saturday, September 26, 2015

3D Printing Pens – A Review of 3D Printing Technology

Have you have ever dreamt of being able to draw in 3D, then now you can thanks to the 3D printing pens. The possibilities really are endless with this latest advance in 3D technology that allows you to put your ideas down on paper, but in a brand new way that really allows those ideas to stand out like never before.

Imagine drawing your favorite animal, an object, a symbol, or anything you want, but this time it is standing out from the paper rather than being a completely flat image.!



What the heck is this?

What is the difference between Relational DBMS and Network DBMS?

What are the four types of DBMS? What even is the difference between databases and data?

What exactly is SQL? How do you pronounce that?

And what really is “Big Data?”

These may just be some of the questions you have if you are entering the data world. There is a whole new language (literally) used to communicate in this world. It can all get very confusing, and there are not many resources to help us understand it. While I work with a great team of data scientists that were able to effectively explain everything to me, most people do not have this resources. And like me, you may find that you can read about this stuff for hours and still not quite wrap your head around it.

This however, is one of the few resources I found to be helpful, effective and tolerable. It is a short, 6 minute video that explains what some of the terms mean, and gives examples of them. It will answer all of the listed questions above.

Still looking for resources? Check back here periodically, you can also follow this blog to get quick bits of news with your coffee in the morning.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Big Data Philosophy – Can Big Data Work in Your Company?

Truth Equals Results
Our clients refer to Cliintel as their single source of truth because we create actionable information. Our data scientists diagnose your processes. Then we apply our solutions that will provide your business with staggering results.

Measure Everything
What gets measured gets done. When data is accessible and standardized, our clients can measure their results and compare apples to apples.

Contact Us for help with your Big Data needs.

Why Your Business Is Not Making As Much As It Could

Have you ever tried to put together a puzzle, but you cannot figure out how the 500 tiny pieces fit together?


Have you ever had an issue with your car, but cannot seem to figure out what the problem is?

These two problems both stem from the inability to see an underlying issue. It almost always takes someone else pointing out the problem for you to fix the issue. You cannot fix what you can’t see.

In the business world this happens all the time, a company is struggling and doesn’t understand why their revenue is decreasing. They grasp at ideas, maybe our product isn’t good enough, are our employees working their hardest, are we not making enough sales? Ultimately the company either reaches out for help or is drowned by their unknown problem.

Businesses like Cliintel are the detective that find a company’s hidden issues. It would be extremely difficult for the most self aware person to see everything others notice about them, which means it would be impossible for an entire organization to make the same feat. Cliintel’s slogan is ” Insights that add up to results”, can’t be much more clear than that, right?

Well Just in case, let’s dive into that. When a companies issues are brought to the surface they can begin to work on solving them. It is a lot like therapy for organizations. Step 1. Admit you have a problem. Once step one has been accomplished and the cause of the problem is diagnosed, it helps to have someone guide you though the healing process.

Cliintel works alongside companies to form better procedures to ensure the company can operate with the utmost efficiency. This small business  consulting company specializes in analyzing Big Data. They are experts at taking a companies pile of data and turning it into information that is easily understood and  ready to be used in real time decision making.

Cliintel is the friend who steps in and shows you that the reason your puzzle is not fitting together is because your 2 year old mixed the pieces with another puzzle. Cliintel is the mechanic that tell you that what you though was a dead battery in your car is really a faulty alternator.

If your business is slipping below its potential, get the help you need. Take a look at Cliintel and see what insights they can bring you! 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Apple Buys Mapsense

It seems like Big Data of the future is a lot closer than we expected! Not only are Google and Tesla competing to create self-driving cars, but companies as small as twelve people are making giant leaps in the technology that is going to boost us into the future.

Apple has just confirmed that they have purchased Mapsense, a tiny company of twelve people that has provided Apple with the ability to analyze the mass amounts of location and mapping data that comes from smartphones. If you think about the amount of times you use the map system on your phone or check in somewhere on a social media site and then times that by the majority of people on the planet, you can start to get an idea of the amount of data that is produced from smart phones daily.

I always say the more information, the better, but in this case we would be drowning in information, unable to understand any of it. With a huge quantity of data constantly piling in like the information from smart phones, you need a kick ass system that can analyze it quick enough to produce real time results. This is the program Mapsense has created.

With the help of Mapsense Apple will now be able to do some amazing things such as take the large amounts of data from mobile devices and quickly turn it into navigation reports on real time traffic or the location of a bus on its particular route. They will also be able to pin point where the biggest population of people are requesting taxis from, allowing companies like Uber to strategically place their drivers and providing a speedy pick up to customers.

It is simply amazing what we can do with the right technology and how we can use Big Data in almost every apsect of daily life to make things more convenient. Now the issue is looking at how to secure this data that can provide specific locations of groups of people from getting into the wrong hands. But that is a discussion for another day!

Check out how Big Data has already been used in the effort to launch us into the future!

TEDTalks Big Data is Better Data By Kenneth Cukier

In less than 18 minutes, the world’s leading thinkers and doers share their knowledge of some of the most interesting, controversial, and important subjects,  in just about any language. In this TEDTalks video, Kenneth Cukier discusses our favorite…Big Data.

No wonder the people at TED are engaging in big data… they are some of the smartest in the world. They are thinkers and doers, that have realized the value in big data and how it can move you forward. The thinkers and doers of the big data world are trying to push everyone to start doing the same. But really, when it comes to big data, we are all doers. We are participants of big data just by watching this video, or sharing this blog.

We first discovered this presentation from a site, Big Data Videos. You can watch the video Here, as well as browse through some other trending videos in the realm of big data.

Fascinating Bits of the Presentation:

The introduction to this topic is absolutely brilliant. Mr. Cukier asks the audience “What is America’s Favorite Pie?” You can hear that the vast majority respond with, “Apple.” According to statistics, Americans do purchase the most apple pie. But it is not America’s favorite pie.

To reiterate, Americans purchase more apple than any other pie. However, this no longer holds true if we are considering small, individual sized pies. When we consider data regarding smaller pies, apple is no longer America’s favorite.

By using big data, not only were we able to discover this information, but we can also answer the question that many of you are probably asking: “Why?”

The answer, Kenneth tells the audience is that apple pie is America’s second favorite pie. If we are buying a large pie, we are buying it for the whole family to share, or to put on the dessert table of a potluck. Everyone seems to like apple pie. You rarely hear someone say,” I hate apple pie.” Therefore, it is probably likely that everyone will enjoy it.

But if you get the chance to buy yourself a pie, you don’t have to worry about who else will or will not like it. You can get your favorite.

(But my real question is…what then IS America’s favorite pie?)

This is a perfect example that displays how more data allows us to see new things, and new information. Of course more data allows us to see more, but it also enables us to see new bits of information. Using big data, we can also answer “why” questions. In the past, we used evidence to come up with a guess, or a theory to explain why something happened. Today, with utilizing data science we can turn the question of “why” into an answer. And the answers provided by the data are much more accurate than the guesses provided by the humans.

It is also opening the doors for new innovations. For example, by putting a bunch of sensors on chairs, they can gather and transmit data, giving each person that sits on them a unique identity, similar to a fingerprint. They are starting to use this technology to detect drivers in car seats to prevent car theft. It would enable only certain drivers to get in and use/drive the car. They could also use this technology to prevent accidents from drivers that fall asleep at the wheel. The sensor can tell the difference between an alert and a tired driver. It could then vibrate the steering wheel to wake the driver up, preventing an accident and perhaps, saving a life.

This is just one of the countless examples of how data can help make the world a better place.

Yet still, as Kenneth brings up, many fear the big data era. They are concerned about issues of privacy, and concerned it may safeguard our free will. More terrifyingly, it could take our jobs (just as machines began taking our jobs during the industrial revolution). But he brings up another brilliant point: data is to modern man, what fire was to primitive man. Fire was a tremendous tool that enabled humans to accomplish so much, but it can also kill you. Likewise, data is a tool, but it is a tool that can kill us. But if we use it correctly, I can only imagine where it can take us.

Watch the video below. You can also access more TEDTalks about big data on their site.

How To Protect Your Investment From Data Fetish

Any time a new model of technology comes out there is a huge hype about its potential and the infinite possibilities it possesses. New is exciting, it is unknown and holds hope for our wild dreams. The heartbreaking part is when these new technologies don’t live up to our impossible expectations. Many are skeptical of the hype surrounding Big Data and it’s potential, calling the excitement a “Data Fetish”.

Big Data seemed to come out of no where and hit the ground running with promises to solve every problem and make everything easier. This is difficult because to an extent Big Data has already proven to provide insights and results that allow companies to operate more efficiently. We must be realistic though, to think that Big Data is going to swoop in and cure cancer is a bit of a stretch. So how do we remain level headed yet allow ourselves to take risks with Big Data to hopefully achieve our goals?

We must think of Big Data for what it is- a tool. It is not some super hero, it is simply a device we can use with along side human critical thinking to produce better results. Big Data is access to information, it is merely a library that continues to organize the material in ways that allow us to see patterns. Once these connections are made, it is still up to the intelligent men and women around the world to take that information and apply it is a way that will produce results.

Those who have already fallen prey to the Data Fetish can protect their investment by remembering that Big Data is merely a tool. Companies must not constantly rely on the next Big Data program to deliver them to success. Companies must invest in their employees to work with Big Data to produce a desired effect.

Protect your money and don’t fall in love with Big Data. Use Big Data to aid you in your cause, but don’t allow it to break your heart and your bank if it comes up short.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

5 Lessons About Big Data: Big Data Podcast

What better way is there to learn about big data than listening to a podcast about it? I found a really great podcast recently that dives into all of the different aspects and current issues that we are dealing with when it comes to big data. There are also podcasts that help us understand the best ways to save and make money with your data.

Their most recent podcast, 5 Lessons About Big Data brought some interesting facts to light. These 5 lessons can help you to leverage the data that you already have, and ultimately, save you money:

  1. Use big data to make information transparent.
  2. Create and store more transactional data in digital form.
  3. Big data allows for the segmentation of customers so that companies can better tailor products and services.
  4. Sophisticated analytics improve decision making, minimize risks, and ascertain valuable insights that would otherwise remain hidden.
  5. Big data can be used to develop the next generation of products and services.

The next step is for you to use all of these lessons to add value to your data and your company.

Listen to the full podcast here!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Can Big Data Science Give Your Firm An ROI of 1000%?

What data science is all about is giving you a clear, accurate, unbiased, non-political source of truth. By precisely seeing where money is falling out of your organization, we can recommend processes that will stop that leak. However, most clients have their own solutions ready to deploy once they know where to position them.

How much more can you afford to lose? Big Data Analysis saves you money!

Big Data And Law

It makes sense that law firms are reluctant to digitize their data. They possess a multitude of confidential information, and are concerned about privacy and security issues.

Certainly, digitizing their data poses challenges and risks, but similarly to every other industry, it is the only way forward. Soon enough we won’t be able to imagine a world in which all data is not digitized. They even say that big data is the new competitive advantage. In the recent past, it has been competitive advantage that has driven innovation and success in business.

So, let’s discuss some of the ways that big data is transforming law, for the better.

Speeding Up the Process

Typically, we picture law firms as a series of offices that have been turned into war rooms. There are papers scattered everywhere. They have to spread everything out so that they can see it all; if its locked up in a storage cabinet, it could be forgotten. It gets messy, so they must carefully and slowly reorganize it as frequently as possible. They must carefully and accurately collect, store, organize and catalogue all of the information. This certainly takes time. Once it is old news, it is stored in old case files and stacked away.

Now, however, law firms have the ability to take advantage of the modern day computing power. They can quickly store whatever they want, and however much of it they’d like. This enables them to gather more information in the first place. They can also analyze a great deal more, and in a shorter period of time. Therefore it is more likely that they will have a piece of information that is valuable.

Using smart data, law firms can even shorten 20 days into a mere 20 minutes. Typically it takes a firm roughly 20 days to determine if a case is worth taking. Now, they can use an algorithm that do this for them. The algorithms can predict which cases to take based on how similar cases in the same jurisdiction worked out. This prediction takes only 20 minutes, and is just as accurate as the 20-day process.

Cost Reduction

All the old case files that are stacked and stored away? They take up a lot of space. And space is expensive. Furthermore, you are going to need to pay a very, very patient person (which there are almost none of these left in our society anymore) to collect, store, organize and catalogue all of the physical information. Someone that is doing that tedious of a job must get paid a lot.

With today’s computing power, law firms don’t have to worry about any of the above. Computing power has become both strong enough and cheap enough for firms to store a plethora of data.

Furthermore, they can more appropriately determine costs. A new data analytics tool allows firms to benchmark themselves among others in the industry to determine the right price for a case.


This same tool also gives companies a better idea of the right price they should be charged. It gives companies a macro view of the costs of legal services, across space and time. It can even give them advice on how to get the best deal on legal services in any given location.

This can also be accomplished at an individual level. A new app, RateDriver enables any user to determine an approximate rate for services. It works quickly, and works in 51 states. It enables users to determine the appropriate rate they should expect to pay for legal services, so they can be confident that they won’t overpay.

New and Better Evidence in Court

To me, this is the most important. There are countless stories of our system convicting the wrong man, or incarcerating an innocent man. The evidence may not be sufficient, the lawyer may not have noticed a minor detail, or maybe even several jury members are sick and not able to focus on the evidence that is being presented.

Data can help solve this immense problem.

Today, big data that has been collected and analyzed from public data sets can be used as evidence. While the law has always been data-driven, previously all the data was on paper, and therefore difficult to analyze, assess and especially compare. Now, with digitized data, a law firm can easily connect its data to other public data sets. This can provide tremendous insight, and also clarification.

A legal big data firm, Juristat, says that they can even predict how a flu outbreak might affect a jury verdict.

While legal firms are concerned about the challenges of digitizing their data, the benefits of doing so are grand. It enables the firms to be more efficient, and even makes the system more fair and just. Now, if we can challenge ourselves to eliminate the current risks associated with digitizing their data, we will soon have no excuse to not digitize data in the field of law. Before, everyone catches on to this, it might be time to find Data Solutions for your law firm.

Can Big Data Help the Patient to Doctor Ratio?

There seems to be a rather low ratio of doctors to patients in the US and it is only getting worse. Although it is wonderful that healthcare is more easily accessible for more people these days, the government did not prepare for the stress more patients would put on doctors.

Becoming a doctor is a long, stressful road of schooling and experience, not to mention even more if you become a specialists. The sheer amount of time and money it takes to become a doctor makes it extremely difficult for the medical industry to provide enough doctors for the amount of patients. Not only are doctors becoming overbooked but they are also not getting paid more for the increase in work that has been demanded of them.

This is a recipe for disaster when it comes to providing acceptable medical care. So how can we attempt to change this dilemma? This is an area where Big Data can be of assistance and hopefully turn things around.

Big Data is already playing a role in the medical industry, allowing for patient information to be more readily available and documented much faster. Harboring patient data in a database that is accessible to all doctors also allows big data analytics to find connections between patients and hopefully pin point problems such as epidemics much faster than before.

With the ease of patient data being accessed through a tablet, doctors no longer have to sift through papers and can address a patient and their needs faster and more efficiently.

Even though big Data can help speed up the process of patient visits and in some ways make a doctor’s job easier, it does not solve the problem that there are simply too many patients per doctor. Hopefully this problem will be resolved with new educational programs for the medical field and help from the government, but until then we can trust that the process of patient care will be greatly enhanced through the use of Big Data.

Monday, September 21, 2015

The First 3D Printed Fashion Collection – 3D Printing Fashion Show

As Danit Peleg said: “I printed my own fashion collection. I really enjoyed the fact that I could create without intermediaries; I could design my own textiles and manufacture my own clothes, all from my own home. I think this is just the beginning. As technologies evolve, we will soon be all printing our own clothes at home.”

Hype About Hadoop

Why All The Hype About Hadoop?

In recent years there has been a lot of hype about Hadoop. Some have questioned whether it has actually lived up to the hype. Sure it has been useful for some companies, but mostly to massive corporations that have the money to spend on developing “data teams” that can optimize the use of the software. Furthermore, the product-as-a-service has been slow, and rather high-maintenance. Critiques of Hadoop are sprouting up everywhere.

This is because many companies simply purchase Hadoop software because it is a shiny new toy. This means that many of these companies may not know how to use it properly, and therefore not reaping all the benefits from it. Read this short blog to see why spending money on software and technology is you don’t know how to use is a waste. Furthermore, many are overloading it, by attempting to analyze a combination of structured and unstructured data; making the software respond slowly.

But even then, the demand is still increasing. The demand for data services, as a whole, is increasing, and rapidly. People and companies are beginning to see their competitors use smart data to increase their ROI’s. They see their competitors saving great deals of time and money using data analytics. They see innovated product development as a result of smart data. The demand for products and services in this space has driven improvements, and it is likely that these improvements and increased accessibility will continue to drive demand, resulting in a virtuous circle.

A Plethora of Data Starts the Trend

But where did this all spark? What catalyzed the demand? It may be the Internet of Things that is responsible for driving us to improve these software products and services.


  1. Great Amounts of Data
  2. Easy Access to Data
  3. Slow Discovery of the Value in Analyzing Data

Greater and greater amounts of data are being generated each day. Today, we think the amount of data that we have accessible is astounding…just wait five years (and prepared to be amazed).

Simultaneously, companies are finding it to be rather easy to collect the data. They can easily and regularly collect data from various devices such as industrial sensors, mobile phones and cars. This allows them to constantly have up-to-date data.

Companies used to rely on surveys and historical data, to generate reports. This took a great deal of time, was not up-to-date, sometimes prone to human error (in collection of data and generation of reports), and did not answer all of the questions CEO’s may have had. But now, decision makers in companies can sleep soundly at night. By analyzing data, we get real-time, detailed, accurate information that allows us to base decisions off of science and facts, rather than speculation and educated guesses.

A Plethora of Data Causes Problems

Decision makers can be more confident that the decisions they make are based on accurate, and up-to-date information. As noted, this all began with an increase in the amount of data generated. However, it rapidly became too much data.

As more and more data was generated, companies began collecting more and more data. They began gathering data from many different sources. The more the merrier.

But does the saying go, “Quantity over quality?”

They soon realized that there was so much data, they didn’t know what to do with it. It was overwhelming.

Companies who don't gain insight from analyzing their data are like the wandering stuck in the corn maze

To truly comprehend this, I imagine myself wandering a corn maze.  In the actual maze, all you see is the corn around you. You turn to the left, and all you see is corn. You turn to the right and all you see is corn.  You can turn 360 degrees, but still all you see is corn. You decide to continue going straight. But again, all you see is the corn. You will likely find yourself getting frustrated, and you will most certainly question if continuing straight was the best decision. You tried to analyze the situation better, but all you had to work with was the corn.

Consolidating and reading your data allows you to look at the whole picture, or the whole maze, so you know which direction to turn

 Fly an airplane over the corn maze though, and you will see that the maze is in the shape of a beautiful picture. And you can now see that if you had gone left instead, you would have found the exit.

Solve This Issue and You Gain Insights

A combination of software, and data analytics have allowed companies to not just see the corn, but to see the shape of the maze. They have gained real-time visibility and insight. Thus allowing companies to act in real-time, and not have to rely on historical data. When companies are having problems in the supply chain, are experiencing customer dissatisfaction, or are experiencing anything but optimal growth, they can change data into valuable information that they can use to make the best decisions that will drive growth and prosperity. Companies certainly are beginning to realize and comprehend this. If you are new to the data hype, check out this podcast from a talk show about big data, in two minutes, it shares 5 lessons with you about using your data.

So Why the Lack of Historical Hype?

It is true that the hype of Hadoop and data was not as great as expected. I think that is because people have had a hard time understanding how data can be used. Furthermore, many have not understood the optimal context for the use of Hadoop.

Technology is something that is relatively new in the course of our history. It is expanding and innovating at such a rapid rate, it is hard to keep up with. For example, my parents just bought their first iPhones last month.

As soon as you start to understand a technological concept or a smart product, there is a new one out. I get used to my iPhone, and then within a month there is a new upgrade. Within a year, there is a new phone.

When the iPhone first came out, I remember not quite understanding the concept. I couldn’t find the value in the product. I thought, “Well I have my iPod with my music, and I have my phone. I have everything I need, why do I need them to be combined? And why the heck would I need to use the internet on my phone? That is what computers are for. Oh, and what the heck are apps?”

This is the stage many companies have been in. “I have surveys and reports, why do I need all this data? Things are working fine. If I have issues with a customer, they call customer care, and we deal with the problem. Oh, and what the heck is a cloud?”

Well, now I fully understand the value of my iPhone and can’t imagine my life without it at this point. Soon, companies won’t be able to imagine their companies functioning without using data.

The Demand Today, The Demand Tomorrow

This is already starting to happen. More and more companies are gathering data from devices, and more and more companies are buying software (or buying services from software companies) to consolidate their data. They are employing data scientists, purchasing data analytics tools and utilizing data services and data visualizations to access the insight that can be gathered from their data.

The Demand is Resulting in Improvement

This demand of companies have led to people trying to better the software. Recently, companies have innovated and helped to make Hadoop better suited to the Internet of Things. They have also made the processing of data much faster. Soon after this, companies started buying more and more software. I predict that this will only continue to increase.

However, companies that are trying to better analyze their structured data simply need to understand that software, like Hadoop, may not be the most useful tool for reading their data. Hadoop is more useful when it comes to measuring unstructured data.

Some companies certainly need to measure unstructured data; credit card companies, Amazon, Netflix, and perhaps the marketing silo of most companies. However, not everyone needs to purchase an expensive software to do this. It is more economical for most companies to hire a data analytics firm that will consolidate their data from many sources, store it, and spit it back into a readable format.

As a result, data management and data analytics companies are sprouting up everywhere.

Even Jerry Rice Knows Big Data is Influencing Football

Recently we published a blog post titled, “Football is Going the Distance with Big Data.”  

It discusses how big data is enhancing many aspects of the game. It enhances training, the game itself and the viewer quality.

We found this cool video in which NFL’s Jerry Rice talks about how big data is influencing and enhancing the game.

Trump’s Accusations Do Little To Save Face

As presidential candidate, Donald Trump continues to throw out bold statements about controversial topics one must wonder, is he right?

How can I trust him?

Where is he getting this information?

The fact is Trump’s facts are false.

If you look into his statements about immigration and the number of incarcerated illegal immigrants you will find that Trump’s numbers seem to be made up. Trump has quoted recent Homeland Security Reports on the number of immigrants taking up space in our jails…. Homeland Security does not produce reports on these statistics.

Although Donald Trump is excellent in publicizing himself, this is a prime example of how not to use Big Data. Make sure your data is correct before you use it for personal gain. Don’t embarrass yourself like Trump, learn how to understand your data.

Check out how Cliintel can explain your data so you don’t get Trumped. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

3D Printing Fashion – Israeli 3D Printed Fashion Collection

Following 3D Printing for years, I stumbled across this 3D Printing fashion designer from Israel, who launched the first 3D Printed fashion collection.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

3D Printing With Metals – Is Metal Really Used With 3D Printing?

Is it even real metal?! Let’s find out!

We got some rolls of Chinese Copper and Aluminium PLA into the studio to test. Is this really metal? Does this change the game in metallic 3D Printing?

Friday, September 18, 2015

How To Capitalize On The Rise Of 3D Printing

The industry of 3D Printing is on the rise and is only going to continue to thrive as businesses discover their need for it. Like Big Data, 3D printing will be one of those things that can infiltrate and enhance any industry. From shoe inserts to breathable, water proof casts, 3D printing has infinite possibilities. But what will we do with all of the Data produced by 3D printing? Could Big Data be your “in” with the 3D printing business? Listen to this Podcast to find out!

3D Printing and Big Data!

Can Big Data Help Law Firms? Big Data Podcast On Legal Data

Can Big Data solve legal problems? Listen to this Big Data Lawyer discuss the ramifications of the industry and how Big Data can be a good thing!

Big Data Is Helping High School Athletes Get Recruited

Most young athletes dream of one day making it to the team of their favorite college, but in today’s society the competition is rough. There are so many student athletes striving for a scholarship that you have to be a complete superstar to play at the collegiate level. To be a superstar you not only have to be a great athlete, but you must also know how to market yourself.

Back when I was fighting to be recruited, we had to make our own DVDs, figure out how to edit them, send them to colleges and practically stalk coaches to be noticed. Now, with the help of recruiting tools such as ReQRuitme, all an athlete needs is a code and basic computer skills. ReQRuitme is a tool for high school athletes to provide stats, highlight footage and test scores to college coaches all in one place that can be accessed with any smartphone or tablet. The app allows athletes to make a profile  and update it throughout the season along with a 30 second video about themselves off the field to give coaches a more well rounded view of the individual, not just the athlete.

The great thing about this tool is that not only is it a billion times easier for college coaches to scout talent, but it levels the playing field for young athletes. There are so many talented individuals who never get the chance to pay at a higher level due to the financial status of their family. It costs a lot of money to play club sports, attend training camps, and make highlight videos, leaving many talented athletes in the shadows. Now that almost every high school game is recorded and most teens have access to a cell phone, these low income student athletes have a fighting chance.

As someone who has gone through the college recruiting process, I greatly appreciate how Big Data is transforming the way athletes are drafted.

Data is defined as facts and statistics collected for reference or analysis.

This is exactly what ReQRuitme does, it houses student athlete data in one place allowing it to be easily accessed and analyzed by coaches. This is just another example of how Big Data is being used in the everyday world to make our lives easier. ReQRuitme is an extremely efficient tool allowing student athletes the chance to follow their dreams of playing collegiate sports. Who doesn’t love efficiency and helping kids? Way to go Big Data, you have made our lives easier yet again!

To learn about other ways Big Data is being utilized in the real word to make our lives easier check out this quick video! 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Jay-Z and His Jeep – Beyonce and Jay-Z Performing – SoBe Jeeps Custom Jeep Sales and Rentals

Jay-Z - SoBe Jeeps

The Jeep Wrangler is a compact SUV and off-road vehicle from Chrysler. It traces its roots to the famous Jeep vehicles used during World War II. These war relics later evolved into the Willy’s Civilian Jeep, or CJ, in the 1950s. The Wrangler is now in its fourth generation of release. It was first introduced in 1987 before it was revised in 1997 and 2007…

Jay-Z and His Jeep

When I press him for more details about the vehicle, he tells me that it was going to be a “Jay-Z Jeep” painted “Jay-Z Blue.” Then he starts to say something else, but stops short.



Jay-Z and Beyonce Performing

Jay-Z and Beyoncé have performed multiple times together throughout their careers, including on the I Am… World Tour and The Mrs. Carter Show World…

Read more about Jay-Z and Beyonce

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2014 SoBe Black and Red Supercharged Edition Jeep Wrangler Unlimited

2014 SoBe Black and Red Supercharged Edition Jeep Wrangler Unlimited

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2014 Supercharged Jeep Wrangler Unlimited

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Big Data Question – Tell Us About You!

There are usually 3 types of clients that come to us:

1. Companies that ask us to look at what there are already doing, but wonder if we can do it better.

2. Companies that need us to help them “know what they don’t know.” This is nothing to be ashamed of.

3. Companies that have a very defined list of needs.

Visit us at Cliintel!

Photos of Pluto From NASA New Horizons’ Data Dump

The satellite probe New Horizons has been circling Pluto, gathering data, taking measurements and snapping photographs.

Knowing that the world would be eager to see what the icy rocks on Pluto’s surface looked like, the scientists had several high resolution photos sent back to us, here on Earth right away.

They used these photos to create an animated flyover, which you can watch below.

Two months went by before the first “intense data dump” arrived. But it was worth the wait. Now we can see what Pluto’s surface looks like. And it is as fantastic as you can imagine.

Don’t get too excited though…the entire download of data will take about a year.

Football Is Going The Distance With Big Data

The way viewers experience football today as opposed to ten years ago is vastly different. The technology that is being used and developed specifically for the football industry has not only enhanced the viewer’s experience, but also the players’ training.

Ever wonder how the NFL puts that yellow line across the field to mark the line of scrimmage on your TV? I remember asking my dad when I was younger how they did that without covering up players of referees, he told me it had something to do with graphics. Really this is Big Data streamed from sensors all over the field working with 3D maps of the field and the cameras to sense objects and display an accurate line that does not run over any players or referees.

Not only is the viewing quality better, but the actual game is being enhanced by Big Data and technology. Instant replay is much faster than it used to be, allowing referees to make more accurate calls. Although some dislike instant replays, they are a useful tool allowing referees to call a much cleaner game and deflect some of the criticism they normally get after a “bad” call. Instant replays can also be very helpful to trainers when determining if a player has a concussion based on the way they were hit. With the speed of instant replays, we can more quickly detect the seriousness of an injury and better treat it.

The other way Big Data is changing the game of football is in its use with training the athletes. Today players can wear monitors that track their heartbeat, distance ran, and calories burned. These tools help trainers design specialized workouts for each player based off of his personal data.

With Big Data consistently enhancing the game of football as well as the viewing experience it is exciting to think what the future of sports holds when using Big Data Technology.

Wearable Big Data is Boosting Our Health

           Initially, it was only massive companies that could utilize the advantages of big data. More recently, with the help of data analytics tools and data scientists, smaller companies are able to gain the same insights. Now, even individuals are reaping the benefits of big data. An example of this is the trending use of mobile health and medical devices and apps.


“Wearable” Data:

Fitstar, Healthy Out, Allergy FT, Luminosity, Sleep Bug, HealthTap, Vida… The list goes on: Fitbit, Garmin Vivoactive, Moov, Motorola Smart Watch and Life Alert. They’re everywhere. Everyone has them…on their wrists and in their pockets.

A runner, training for a marathon uses a wrist band to track how many miles she has run. A diabetic uses another app to track his insulin and blood sugar levels. A body builder uses an app to track his nutrition levels and how much he is getting from his food. A student, who sits all day in lecture halls uses his smartwatch to make sure he is walking enough during the day. My forgetful mother uses an app to help remind her to take medicine. I personally use an app to schedule appointments with my doctor.

Anyone can (and many do) use mobile apps and mobile health gadgets to help better their personal health. Many find them to be helpful, by providing motivation through targets, to ensure weight loss. Some people may find the sleep trackers helpful to determine conditions that allow for a better night of sleep. Really, the possibilities are endless.

Apps help track nutrition habits and provide motivation for healthy eating

Facing the Critiques:

As described, many people around the world find these devices and apps to be particularly helpful. Yet these apps and gadgets still face a great deal of critique. I have heard people saying that individuals may be less inclined to visit a doctor because they think they are healthier by monitoring their blood pressure. Their blood pressure is fine, so they must assume they are healthy and do not need the presence of a doctor.

However, another critique completely contradicts this. Others say that people are freaking out about a minor symptom because a web app told them that they may die from it. For example I recently saw a meme that showed a symptom search of something along the lines of “shaking and trembling associated with…” in WebMD. The results, in the following order were: diabetes, cocaine use, cannibalism in Papua New Guinea. While this is just a joke, there are some instances where this is more realistic. For example, I was once led to believe that a canker sore was actually a symptom of being anemic.  Cases similar to this may cause increased concern, and a plethora of unnecessary doctors’ visits. However, like myself, I am guessing that many people schedule an appointment, and discover that their symptoms go away before the appointment even rolls around.

Furthermore, nearly anything that we use today can be used for bad. This is especially true with technology. For example, many cursed at the use of the internet in the 1960’s. Certainly there are some negative side effects of using the internet, but I am pretty sure at this point we can all agree that the positives outweigh the negatives.

Some of the daily uses of these mobile health devices for patients are: prescription management, appointment reminders, pregnancy and baby development, diet assistance, exercise and fitness, oxygen level checks, LifeScan for diabetics, symptom checkers and more.

I’m sure we can all agree that all of these uses would be considered “positives” versus negatives.  As more and more players start using big data in the health, fitness and healthcare industries, I believe that the good will continue to outweigh the bad.

Expansion of Big Data in the Industry:

For now, the benefits of using big data for mobile health are affecting individuals greatly. As described, we can all use the devices to help ensure our own health. More recently, doctor’s offices have been starting to dip their toes into the pools of big data. We can likely expect the use of big data in this industry to increase.

As of now, I can log into an app that tracks my health records, messages from my doctor, my prescriptions and more. I can also make appointments with my doctor from my cell phone.

However, the use of big data (via mobile health apps and gadgets), could be used for additional services as well. For example, if I could share the information from my Fitbit with my doctor, then he or she could get a better understanding of my health. If I neglect to schedule consistent check-ups, I could go years without seeing a doctor. At that point, he or she has no idea how my health has been over the last several years. I could have a condition in which I only experienced minor symptoms, or symptoms I could not have personally detected. By linking this information to my doctor, they could detect changes in my health that may cause alarm. Therefore, it could lead to earlier detection of conditions and diseases, which could thus be treated sooner, and the treatment is more likely to be successful.

Even if I didn’t have a severe condition, it would still benefit my health. Without linking my mobile health devices, my doctors wouldn’t know how a divorce, or a new job affected my health. If they did, they could use that information as a preventative measure. This could help prevent sleeplessness, depression, etc.

It would be especially helpful for patients with ongoing health conditions. They would not have to waste their own time, or their doctors’ time coming in for checkups that may be unnecessary. It could even save their life. For example, if the mobile health app that a diabetic is using was linked with his or hers doctor’s office, then the doctor would know right away if the person’s diabetes was dangerously out of control, before an incident occurred.

Link data from mobile devices to take preventative health measures.

Can Big Data Help Make Money?

Most certainly, yes. This is a HUGE industry. Really, big data can be used across all industries to make companies more money. This is especially the case in the health and fitness industry. Last year, the European Commission predicted that by 2017, 1.5 billion people will be using mobile health apps, which would generate 23 billion USD.

You may ask, if they are generating this much money, doesn’t that mean that the consumers are paying for these apps? So wouldn’t they be losing money?

The costs to consumers would be displaced by the money that the person would spend on an office visit. For example, you could buy a $3.99 app that would save you a check-up at the doctor’s office that would normally have a co-pay of $30. Also, it promotes preventative and holistic health, which typically reduce costly doctors’ visits.

Would it Actually Save Us Money?

I certainly think so. And so does the European Commission. In March, 2014, they published a green paper on mobile health. It predicted that the use of mobile health technology could reduce health costs by 99 billion euros.

Think about it, the mobile health devices themselves are much cheaper alternatives to monitor health. Furthermore, they eliminate the need of physical check-ups to check things like blood pressure and weight. This saves the customer money, but also saves the industry money because they will not have to purchase the devices to check these things. They can also use big data to help detect Medicaid fraud.

The use of big data and mobile health devices help promote holistic health that saves everyone money, and yields healthier and happier people.

Technology, the internet and big data have all made things more efficient. They have made academics, businesses, governments and personal lives more useful, economical and useful. We can do more, with less time and less money. This is no different in the health industries. It will certainly be interesting to see how the use of big data will spread into the industry more.

Saving Money With More User Friendly Technology

The key to saving money is to not spend it on the unnecessary. Well how do you decide what is necessary and not? This is sometimes a tricky tango that involves taking risks and investing in the resources you have.

Save money with more user friendly technology!

This means, don’t buy programs for your company that are so complex they require you to hire an entire IT team just to manage them. People love simple. Why is that? Because it is efficient, it allows us to spend more time on the important things rather than wrestling with the difficult.

One company that has grasped this concept is Salesforce. Some of you out there might be thinking whoa whoa wait a second, Salesforce, simple? Salesforce has just announced their launch of IoT Cloud which is a tool that workers can use to program unique actions based on Big Data. This tool takes Data from websites, social media, and internet devices and puts in in the hands of its user.

Not only does this tool make it much easier for a sales team to gain access to information, but it is also simple enough for a non “techy” person to use daily. The great part about this program is that any business that uses Salesforce can  get an upgraded version without having to worry about if it is too complicated for their sales staff to use.

The best way to save money in a business is to invest in the people you already have, give them the tools needed to be successful and make things simple. Instead of spending money on an IT team, it is more beneficial to purchase an easy to use program and train your current staff to manage it.

To find out just how simple Big Data can make your life, CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO!

Big Data Science Meets Food

What happens when you apply modern science and big data with food?

Hampton Creek is a food technology company based out of San Francisco that is exploring just this very question. They are currently trying to figure out how they can build a food system that is going to feed the soon 10 or 11 billion people that the world is going to be trying to support. Making food more efficient, more sustainable, and more humane are all on the agenda for Hampton Creek, but how are they going to make that happen?

They are using their data from extensive research to attempt to figure out what plants are edible and available to us today, that we are not currently eating. Currently, there are approximately 18 billion plant species, making it impossible to go through them one by one. This is where the help of data analytics comes in.

They came up with a combination of data science, high throughput biological screening, and a food model system to sample and run proteins to see if they multiply right. This then allows the scientists to go back and search these plants that we may be able to use as food in a very targeted, very intelligent way.

This project is using data science to drive sustainability within our food system, and it’s brilliant. The access of these analytics has opened their doors to so many more possibilities than without, and hopefully will continue to open even more!

What If You’re Arrested For a Violent Crime in the State of Colorado?

Violent Crimes If you have been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime in Colorado, it is advisable to obtain legal representation immediately to preserve your rights and your freedom. A violent crime may result in injury or…

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Virtual Reality Summit Taking Place at the Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo Event

MecklerMedia’s Virtual Reality Summit Launches to Explore Innovation Trends in Virtual Reality; October 21, 2015 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California

(New York, NY – September 15, 2015) – MecklerMedia Corporation (OTCQX: MECK) will debut its latest conference, the Virtual Reality Summit on October 21, 2015, to lead a discussion on the future of Virtual Reality. The event will take place at the Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo in Santa Clara.

“MecklerMedia’s Virtual Reality Summit brings together a group of hand-picked thought leaders who represent the ‘best of the best’ from those who are creating today’s and tomorrow’s Virtual Reality in its myriad configurations and uses,” said Sandra Kay Helsel, Ph.D, Virtual Reality Summit Chair, Editor of Inside 3D Printing Newsletter, and Strategic Communications Specialist.

“The program discussion will span the continuum of the business of VR—the investment and business development paradigms, platform technologies, software, applications, content development ecosystems, and markets,” continued Helsel.

MecklerMedia’s Virtual Reality Summit announced a keynote session by Mike Rothenberg, Founder & CEO, CIO of Rothenberg Ventures, a San Francisco-based venture capital firm focusing on investing in Seed+ stage startups and millennial founders. Rothenberg’s keynote session takes place on October 21 from 11:00am – 11:45am.

Additional confirmed speakers for the Virtual Reality Summit include:

  • Jared Baer, COO, 5DT
  • Jarratt Carson, Executive Producer of Global Content, CMO, Greenfish Labs
  • Carolina Cruz-Neria, Ph.D., Director of the Emerging Analytics Center, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • Clifton Dawson, CEO, GreenLight VR
  • Jeffrey Jacobson, Ph.D., Founder & President, EnterpriseVR
  • Marc-O Lepage, COO & Co-Founder, Vrvana
  • Jacquelyn Ford Morie, Founder and Chief Scientist, All These Worlds
  • Tony Parisi, Founder, Third Eye
  • Albert “Skip” Rizzo, Ph.D., Director of Medical VR Research, The USC Institute for Creative Technologies
  • Daniel Surya, CEO, WIR Global

Virtual Reality Summit sessions take place on October 21, while VR exhibits remain open October 21-22.

Prices increase on September 30, so register before to save with early bird pricing. For more information and to register for the Virtual Reality Summit at Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara, visit

If your company is interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at the Virtual Reality Summit in Santa Clara or an upcoming event, please contact

The Virtual Reality Summit is an official 3D Print Week California event. 3D Print Week California takes place on October 19-23, 2015 at a variety of venues throughout San Francisco and Silicon Valley.

About MecklerMedia

MecklerMedia (OTCQX: MECK) is the leading producer of global trade shows, conferences, and digital publications covering 3D printing, robotics, and bitcoin/blockchain. MecklerMedia produces more than 25 conferences annually, including Inside 3D Printing, Inside Bitcoins, RoboUniverse, and the 3D Print Design Show. MecklerMedia’s news sites include Inside Bitcoins News, 3D Printing Industry, and, which provide up-to-date coverage to help drive business forward.

All current MecklerMedia press releases can be found online at:

For press inquiries, please contact

Cleaning Drapes – How to Wash and Clean Your Drapes – Home Cleaning Tips

How to Clean and Wash Windows Blinds Drapes

How to Wash and Clean Your Drapes – Home Cleaning Tips

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How To Wash Your Drapes – Home Cleaning Tips

Before attempting to wash your draperies, CHECK THE TAGS. Some draperies should ONLY BE CLEANED PROFESSIONALLY. NEVER wash your draperies if…


How Much Does Drapery Cleaning Cost?


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