Saturday, July 18, 2015

What Is Machine Learning from Big Data and What Does Deep Learning Do?

Big Data is So Exciting!

There’s nothing exciting about big data until you have a methodology to make use of it. How we use computers to transcend human limits…

A machine learning approach inspired by the human brain, Deep Learning is taking many industries by storm. Empowered by the latest generation of commodity computing, Deep Learning begins to derive significant value from Big Data. It has already radically improved the computer’s ability to recognize speech and identify objects in images, two fundamental hallmarks of human intelligence.

“Any product that excites you over the next five years probably uses this…”
– Steve Jurvetson, Partner, DFJ Ventures

What Does Machine Learning Do?

“We can’t really talk about deep learning without talking about data. There’s really two kinds of data: data that’s recorded from the physical world [images, sound recordings, etc.], and then there’s data that humans produce [e.g., meta data, tagging via data entry, transcriptions, written words, etc…]. Now we’re getting to a world where we can take measurements of the physical world and turn that into symbols that we can search and sort.”
– Adam Berenzweig, Co-founder and CTO, Clarifai


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