Monday, July 13, 2015

Walmart Drowning in Big Data

As the digital age continues to expand, the amount of data grows exponentially. As Walmart continues their transition into the digital world, they are discovering the importance of data analytics.

There just aren’t enough people with the required skills to analyze and interpret this information–transforming it from raw numerical (or other) data into actionable insights – the ultimate aim of any Big Data-driven initiative.

One survey recently carried out by researchers at Gartner IT +0.93% found that more than half of the business leaders they queried felt their ability to carry out analytics was restricted by the difficulty in finding the right talent.

This problem is an obstacle all companies will have to learn how to overcome, and market leaders–aware that they have more to lose than many by falling behind in the race to keep up with technology–have come up with some innovative solutions.

Walmart decided to apply one of the fundamental weapons in the Big Data arsenal–crowdsourcing–to the issue which let to some very interesting results.

Read the full article Here

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