Monday, July 20, 2015

Denver Top 10 Destination for People Relocating – Is There A Housing Bubble in Denver?

The top 10 moving destinations for 2014 in the report are:

Atlanta (No. 1 for five years running).
Tampa/Sarasota (No. 2 in 2013).
Dallas/Fort Worth (No. 3 in 2013).
Phoenix (up from No. 5 in 2013).
Orlando (down from No. 4 in 2013).
Seattle (up from No. 7 in 2013).
Denver (up from No. 9 in 2013).
Houston (down from No. 6 in 2013).
Chicago (down from No. 8 in 2013).
Las Vegas (No. 10 in 2013).


Is there a housing bubble in Denver?

Many people in the Denver area are wondering whether the rising home prices we’re seeing are indicative of a bubble. Today, we discuss what recent trends mean for our market and whether they are anything worth worrying about. The answer might surprise you

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