Sunday, July 19, 2015

Accurate Forecasting of Technician Availability Provides Customers with a True Appointment Promise

Across the Telecommunications industry, the belief in “fixing quota allocations” is pervasive. This belief stems from the desire to create efficient service delivery. The issue is that there is no simple fix, no “silver bullet” to deliver on this belief. Over the past 15 years broadband service providers have consolidated operations and added multiple product lines to consumer choices. Over the same period however, back office tools and associated processes have not been enhanced to efficiently match the new complexity and scale of the business. As a result, business applications that are tied to the billing systems, which have become default Customer Relationship Management tools are ill suited to modern business requirements.

By strategically implementing the best practice recommendations, the MSO has recognized reduced costs associated with repeat truck rolls, improved completion rates and decreased customer churn.

The Client:

One of America’s largest Multi System Operators (MSOs) has been acquiring new systems and adding advanced services. The MSO was reliant on incumbent cable billing systems and quota management tools for scheduling installation and service appointments. This condition was not going to change near-term so they needed a way to improve current operations to more accurately reflect technician availability as well as forecast future appointment needs.

The Business Issue:

Because of inaccurate forecasting, technicians were consistently arriving late or missing appointments; repeat truck rolls were increasing and customer satisfaction was decreasing. Manual processes were prevalent and subject to manipulation based primarily on the instinct of the quota management resource, not by set business rules. The MSO needed to implement new processes and practices to enable quota to be more accurately calculated and forecasted.

The Approach:

Cliintel takes a holistic approach to every business issue presented for resolution by designing and implementing solutions that cross traditional silos. This holistic approach was used to complete the discovery process while observing current quota management methods. Cliintel focused on procedures and operational practices that impact the creation and utilization of quota. Questionnaires were used to collect pertinent data prior to the site visits. While on site, current process discussions were held with key system personnel.

Cliintel completed first-hand observations of the quota management process and its impacts upon operations. Relationships were developed with the essential system personnel, ensuring anonymity to increase the level of honesty and data integrity. During the site visits, specific attention was placed on the identification and documentation of activities of quota influencers and impactors. Each area is identified in the diagram to the below.

Big Data Insights - Cliintel

The Solution:

Cliintel developed implementation plans for 86 best practices for managing, calculating and maintaining responsive quota systems. These best practices involved process and procedure changes across all departments that influence and impact quota. The ability to accurately forecast and allocate field resources required significant procedural and cultural changes affecting multiple departments.

The Results:

Upon completion, Cliintel presented the top issues relating to quota to management, assigning each an ROI estimate, identifying the most important tasks that needed to be addressed to help solve the “quota question”. This presentation included tasks that could be completed in-house, as well as those that required further assistance from outside. By strategically implementing the best practice recommendations, the MSO has recognized reduced costs associated with repeat truck rolls, improved completion rates and decreased customer churn. Possibly the most remarkable result, was a marked improvement in customer satisfaction due to the company’s ability to deliver
on service promises.

We’re proud to help our clients solve tough problems and achieve stunning results. To see what kind of results Cliintel can deliver for you, please visit or e-mail

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