Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Customized Application and Deployment Improve Technician Availability

For one of the largest Multi-System Operators (MSO) in the broadband industry, the importance of higher standards of customer care could not be underestimated given the fierce competition the company faced. With more than a thousand telephony/cable/HSD providers active in the United States, the MSO needed to improve customer satisfaction. To achieve this the client needed assistance deploying a new workforce management tool in the Florida market.

The Client

A leader of global broadband products in the United States, the client had more than 15 million subscribers. The client offered telephony, video, and high-speed data services for the lower 48 contiguous states from Key West, Florida to Seattle, Washington.

The Business Issue

Prior to implementing CSG’s Workforce automation solution, a number of high-prioritized specific market issues had to be taken into account. Two of these issues in the Florida Keys were: 1) The annual “Snowbird Effect” and 2) The high number of multiple dwelling units (MDUs) These issues caused major operational challenges in the delivery of service due to the large number of voluntary disconnects in the spring, and similarly large number of reconnects in the fall, as well as an inordinate number of per capita “bulk accounts.” The incumbent billing system was not designed for maintaining either bulk accounts or greater than 50% yearly churn. In order to meet the special needs of the “Snowbird” and MDU customers, the client turned to Cliintel to design a process that would adapt the enterprise solution into the local processes and coordinate the implementation efforts.

The Solution

Cliintel completed a needs analysis of the operations. The analysis identified that the technical operation centers throughout the Keys could not individually meet the needs of each of their markets. The solution involved a process adjustment so that during times of greatest needs service could be delivered in the “Keys” markets by combining the technical resources. The analysis pointed to CSG’s Workforce Express solution to coordinate the activities of the entire Florida Keys workforce. The MSO was then able to service all the voluntary disconnects in the spring, reconnects in the fall and service the bulk account work orders, without negatively effecting uninvolved customers as had been an issue in the past. Cliintel led the implementation of the Workforce Express product by defining the needs of the markets and illustrating to the end-users how the product would address their issues.

Cliintel recognized that the CSG implementation teams knew how to set-up the product, but their focus was not on how to use the product. Cliintel helped shift the focus to the user thus obtaining a proper level of buy-in and improving customer service.

The Project Results

Cliintel reduced the learning curve for new end-users. Alignment of goals and operational procedures allowed the Keys markets to meet the needs of the customers. By focusing on historical data and current workforce capabilities, the management group was able to allocate the appropriate number of technicians to specific needs. The MSO was then able to service all the voluntary disconnects in the spring, reconnects in the fall and service the bulk account work orders without negatively effecting uninvolved customers as had been an issue in the past.

We’re proud to help our clients solve tough problems and achieve stunning results. To see what kind of results Cliintel can deliver for you, please contact us.

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