Thursday, August 27, 2015

Can You Use Your Data To Tell A Story?

At this point, you may have heard it time and time again- big data means nothing without some form of actionable analytics. However, contrary to many beliefs, analytics is not just about data. In fact, getting too caught up in the data can obscure what the data means. And what it means is what matters in business.

Many data scientists today are getting too involved in the raw data, feeling like they have to talk about their data and their process. Instead, they should focus on telling the business story their data shows. Ask yourself this- can you use your data to tell a 60-second story about your business? If the answer is no, then you simply need to shift your focus. Keep points short, talk in dollar terms, and don’t overdo the details. Focus in on what it is that interests your audience, and remember that they are the ones with the power to act on your insights.

So many data scientists lack the ability to communicate their findings in a way anybody could understand, as they are taught to speak in complex terms. What we really need to focus in on here however, is big picture, big picture, picture! You can be talking about dry numbers and algorithms that may be beyond your audience, but as long as the data frames a story, people will be likely to pay attention — and learn something, which is the point of communication.

Data visualizations are a great tool to aid in your telling of the story – but be careful. Although a complex graph may look appealing, overcomplicated visualizations may actually end up confusing the audience even more. Use them as an aid, and just that. Don’t get too fancy.

If anything remember this- a story about what your data means to your business means so much more than any number presented.

Click here to let us help you tell a story with your data.

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