Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Big Data and Diabetes

Healthcare providers are slowly coming around to the idea of Big Data and they are right in doing so. The world of healthcare collects extremely large amounts of very personal data every day. Although this is the perfect setting for some Big Data analytics, Healthcare professionals must be careful when handing personal patient information. But if Big Data could lead to more personalized care and lower healthcare costs, would you sacrifice a little privacy?

Duke Graduate Medical School in Singapore and Holmusk, a global health platform have announced they will be collaborating to further the use of Big Data in healthcare. The idea behind this push to integrate Big Data and healthcare is that by creating data analytic programs we can store and standardize individual information, allowing doctors to receive live feed of their patient’s status. Medical and fitness devices are becoming more and more advanced, offering the opportunity for individuals to have their personal health data transmitted to the hospital where the doctor can look at it and make real time decisions based on the individual, not on vague protocol.

This type of monitoring will not only allow doctors to make quicker and more accurate decisions, but also allow hospitals to collect mass amounts of data on all different types of illnesses. With this much data flowing into hospital databases, researchers will have a much better chance at discovering patterns within illnesses and eventually a cure. Because of the quick access to patient information and better quality of care, healthcare would become cheaper. The more doctors know about a particular individual before they come into the hospitals, the less guessing and expensive tests.

By giving patients and doctors access to better tools and devices we can make the healthcare system more efficient, cost-effective and data-driven.

To learn more about Big Data and where it will be utilized next click here!

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