Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Visa's Quick Chip EMV Move, Banking On Perception To Trump Reality

Using the Electronic Transaction Association's TRANSACT 16 event as a backdrop, Visa on Tuesday (April 19) rolled out Quick Chip for EMV, which the leading card brand described in a news release as being "a technology enhancement that optimizes EMC chip processing and speeds up checkout times." Unfortunately, Quick Chip isn't a technology enhancement nor does it optimize chip processing and it certainly doesn't speed up checkout times. Other than that, the lead of Visa's news release got it right.

What Quick Chip, however, does do is potentially just as powerful an aid to EMV-or quite destructive to EMV adoption, depending on who is talking-as what Visa claims. All that it does is allow the shopper to remove the card from the card reader much more quickly than current deployments permit. Given that the reader's retention of the card until the full transaction is complete is behind a very high percentage of both merchant and consumer EMV complaints, this could be seen as a very good thing. Let's break this down. For almost all transactions, the Quick Chip change won't accelerate the total transaction time at all. The customer still needs to stand there until all products have scanned and the cashier has been given the final transaction approval. Therefore, from the merchant perspective of "how many shoppers can I push through the line in an hour?" this change is unlikely to help at all. But like so much of what happens in retail, reality never stands a chance against perception.

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