Tuesday, April 12, 2016

1959 Johnny Cash Song and Picture Folio No.1- Elvis Impersonation

Johnny Cash was born in Arkansas, Feb. 26, 1932. He was 1 of 7 children. His parents were poor share croppers. Music was one of the few ways, to help escape very difficult times. The family gave Johnny a guitar, when he was 12 years old. Music quickly became his passion. He became an excellent guitar player. No one would have guessed. Many years later, this young musician, would become the only person, admitted to The R. & R. Hall of Fame, The C. & W. Hall of Fame, AND, The Songwriter's Hall of Fame as well !! His mother even offered him voice lessons. Voice teachers said, “It wasn't necessary.” Johnny had a wonderful Unique Voice.” “Don't change a thing.”   And, Johnny Cash, didn't change a thing. After graduating H.S., while in the Air Force, he formed a band. Johnny took playing the guitar, and writing songs very seriously. After leaving the Air Force in 1954, he had big music plans. Johnny formed another band. He wanted, to go to Sun Records, where Elvis First Recorded. Sam Phillips listened and, had Johnny record an original song, “Cry, Cry, Cry.” It went to # 14 on the charts. He […]

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