Thursday, April 21, 2016

Are You Looking for Chemical FREE Safe Skin Care Treatments?

Chemical Free Skin Care

1. Read Labels and Avoid the Dirty Dozen*

Thanks to great websites like and free mobile apps you can download on your smart phone like: Think Dirty, Skin Deep and Good Guide you can scan the bar code of products before you buy or type in the ingredients and get a level of safety of that product.

2. Beware of “Green-washing” and “Pink-washing” Words like natural and organic have no legal meaning in the cosmetic industry.

Read the label or scan the product with your smart app. Beware of the pink ribbon on products during Breast Cancer Awareness months-many of these products have ingredients that cause cancer.

3. Less is More – The less products you use, the better for your skin and overall health.

Look for Do It Yourself recipes and if you are a busy girl, scan bar codes and only buy products that are deemed safe using one of the independent apps like “Think Dirty”. Look for products that have more than one purpose so you don't expose yourself to more chemicals.

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