Sunday, March 6, 2016

Testimonial and Interview With One of Cliintel’s Clients

Below, you will find an interview with one of our clients we have been working with for years. What have we helped them accomplish? Standardization of scores, measures and reporting, trusted metrics, reduced costs, increased job performance, salary reduction, more efficient operations, transparency and an understanding of corporate decisions at all levels. Better yet, this was achieved quickly- our client notes that they started noticing positive differences in under 3 months. The best part? The cost of our services for 2 years were paid for in only 6 months. The main points are bolded throughout.


Why Did You Choose to Work With Us?

You’re a small, agile company that is more flexible and I deal with the same POC (point of contact). Even through the evolution of POCs, it has been consistent and effective.

You Provide a very personal touch and you allow me to work with supporting consultants…

What Other Products [and/or Services] Are like Ours at Your Company?

Your application is actually very unique at [our company] and we love to try new things to see what the impact will be. One of the things that we’ve noted as an ancillary benefit is that is has started eliminating conversations about variance in the budgeting process, which used to eat up a lot of time.

We’ve also noticed that it has started driving standardization in many other areas that have starting using your product as a data source in financeaccountinglegalcare, and the National Data Warehouse (NW).

Internal Audit loves this tool as it has made their job much simpler because of the standardized reporting it provides.

When you have standardized reporting that monitors everyone the same way, you know that the corporate standards are being followed. It ensures policy adherence, provides a way to track compliance, and ensures that all of those expensive tools that you’re putting into the field are being used as you intended. Then you know that the capital spent on fulfillment tools is being utilized.

What Kinds of Improvements Have You Seen?

It has driven significant costs out of our system. In the first 3 months we started seeing something happen, but we didn’t know if it was just a result of seasonality, but Repeats started to flatten-out.

In the first 6 months after full implementation we saved what had been spent in the first 2 years.

It drives costs out and customer satisfaction up.

We have focused on the Top 10 Fix and Reason Codes and how to compare scores over time

We’ve seen reductions in Technician headcount, truck rolls, and reporting since we didn’t need as many report writers anymore, but rather need analysts and this tools allows anyone to become an effective analyst. We’ve calculated that we’ve saved $12 million in salary reductions alone.

We manage our contractors more effectively and have paired the contractor companies from 350 to 35 using ICIS.

How Did You Get Buy-In?

We allowed everyone to compare their data to our data. A query was created for everything we ETL: Repeats, SOIs, ATTR, etc. and allowed everyone to validate, challenge and correct when necessary. This is the only way to get them to defend the results as being accurate.

Transparency is also critical- all the way down to the Work Order detail. If you tried to roll this out in a vacuum, they would never trust it or adopt it. Don’t give a metric if you can’t explain how it was achieved…

We never told anyone that they had to stop using other tools, we just told them what we were using and we had designed it for the folks who really needed the information.

What’s Next?

When we’re done getting all of the rate codes into AMP, we will compare that data against the budget, based upon time per task so that we get a clearer picture of the Budgeted versus Actual. Then based upon historical data we will know what we need. This will allow us to do Contractor Self-Billing, since we’ll know whether or not we’re paying accurately. We’ll know tasks, times, time per task, contractor rate and we can pay by the points completed. By tying points created to work completed, we will know if they did what was ordered.

If You Were Asked to Market Our Services, How Would You Do it and What Would You Say?

Marketing what you do is very difficult since it is very hard to go in “cold” to anyone and really get them interested. Everyone says they can do what you do and very few actually do it.

I would emphasize that you specialize in taking data from multiple sources and creating information that is actionable from the technical level to the CEO because that’s exactly how we’re using it.

More Case Studies & Results

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