Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Are You a Victim of Big Data Information Overload? Funny Video on Information Overload Syndrome

If your organization or business started acquiring data before you established a data strategy, you may be at higher risk of big data information overload. Watch this funny video to learn what may become of your employees when this happens. While this is an unrealistic video, it embodies the same message: information overload should be avoided.

This is common among businesses, as data analytics have not kept up with the pace of data creation. Here are 4 signs that you may be experiencing data overload.

1. Trouble Identifying Business Goals

Are you deploying big data, but unsure what overarching goal it is helping you achieve? This is rather common when dealing with mountains of data, but luckily data can also be the answer. Your data science and analytics teams can help you prioritize and even develop business goals. They can use your data discovery tools to help determine what questions you should be asking and what your objectives should be. If you do not have a data science team, it may be beneficial to look for outside help that are subject matter experts.

2. BI Tools Are Reaching Their Limits

Business Intelligence tools are excellent for querying existing data repositories. They are helpful for management teams that undeniably know where their problems lie, and want to find solutions. But big data is helping most management teams discover new problems they never even knew they had! Big data is more of a bottom-up approach that yields ground breaking discoveries as to the true root causes of problems.

As more and more companies begin using big data analytics, it is quickly becoming the new competitive advantage; and therefore mandatory for businesses that want to compete in their industry.

3. Data Management Has Too Many Steps

It used to be that manual data initiatives worked. But as the amount of data businesses gather grows and grows, manual steps must be eliminated to make the data useful and impacting.

Steps must now be taken to access and prepare the data. You must collect metadata and prepare the data for analysis in order to gain any useful insight. You must also properly manage and distribute the data to all relevant end users. Without a data plan, in action, all of this can be difficult. It is for this reason that many find it helpful to hire a team of data scientists to partner with.

4. You’re Afraid to Dive into Your Pile of Data

The larger your data pile is, the more likely it is to discover comprehensive insights among it; so you should not fear exploring your data! That said, you don’t want your data pile to turn into Mt. Everest, where very few are able to traverse it.

Recently, many tools have been developed, in attempts to achieve this. Hadoop is a great example. While they can make data exploration safer, you truly need a guide to make sure you are following all steps correctly. Sure, a walking pole will help you climb Mount Everest, but would you really feel safe making that journey without a guide?

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