Monday, March 28, 2016

Myth: Big Data Is Too Expensive For My Business

Big Data analysis can cost you a pretty penny. This is why many people and organizations think that its only for big businesses that can afford it. And there is some truth to that. But there are some data solutions out there that are not as pricey.

Have a data set analyzed for only $5000

For a business to take on a data strategy all on their own, there are many costs associated with the project. In addition to set-up costs, there are more, ongoing and annual costs that really add up. You will likely need a lead Java Developer, a data or Hadoop Engineer, a Data Scientist, a Technical Business Analyst and a Database Manager. For companies going about this on their own, estimated monthly costs average $55,000.

Luckily, for small businesses, and companies on a budget, there are cheaper alternativesIn many cases, companies are hesitant to invest even what is required for these cheaper alternatives when they don’t know how much data analysis can actually help them. Is it worth the cost? Will it yield the insights you’re looking for? Do you want to see the results and your data in action before you make a commitment to developing a data strategy?

Well, for a limited time, you can! Here at Cliintel, we understand that this is a big, scary commitment. We understand that it is hard to get all decision makers on board with something they can’t even see. This is why we are giving you the opportunity to “test drive” your data for a fraction of the cost. You provide us with a clean data set, and we will analyze your data; in return you get the insights we have gathered from your data. This way you get the opportunity to see what data can do for you; what Cliintel can do for you before you commit. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about this opportunity. Please not that we will be offering this for a limited time only, so waste no time taking advantage of this opportunity!

The best time to take action was yesterday. The next best time is today. 

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Affordable big data analysis


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