Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Women In The World Of Tech

When we go into a tech department or think of technology at all, our minds do not automatically spring to women. The tech world has been predominately men for a very long time, but that is beginning to change.

Although technology and science have always seemed to be more of a career for men, it is actually women who have very specific skill sets that are highly valued in the field of technology. It takes communication and problem solving skills to excel in the technology and coincidentally enough, those are two areas women tend to excel in.

The biggest areas of technology we are seeing women in today is Big Data and Statistics. It makes sense that women would go into these fields rather than say, programming, because Big Data and statistics include more communication and analytics.

Hopefully as the tables start to turn, women will begin to feel more comfortable going into a career where they are the minority. There has been a drastic jump in the amount of women majoring in technology and statistics which will hopefully drive the movement to increase the number of women we see in the tech world.

To learn more about how Big Data analytics is changing, check out THIS awesome website!

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