Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Card Data Breaches Are Unseen Mobile Payments Killers

As payment facilitators see an increasingly high percentage of their transactions going through mobile, it's critical to acknowledge the many ways mobile payments could be harm. For example, I got a new debit card last month. Nothing unusual about that in itself. However, I may add that this is the third card in less than a year from the same issuer.

The reason: card data breaches. A few years ago, this would have been a minor inconvenience, but today a fresh card results in the myriad of digital connections I have being unceremoniously cut off. For the last couple of weeks, I've been revisiting the experience of a few months back when I had to re-establish card details with Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, Starbucks, my gym membership and countless others. It's frankly a huge pain in the ass. Again.

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