Wednesday, February 17, 2016

We're Not Playing Games. Actually, We Are. In-Game Payments Beget More In-Game Payments

An Israeli mobile game analytics firm has dived deeply into in-game payments and has issued a report on what makes pinball wizards pay.

The report from Soomla notes that average revenue per daily active user (ARPDAU) "is as low as 9?, but it varies drastically across genres, with board and racing games averaging to 28-32?. However, adventure, arcade, role playing and educational games generate less than 3? in ARPDAU."What is much more interesting is how rapidly users are willing to pay in a second game once they have paid in the first. Logically, that makes sense, in that someone who has already shown a willingness to buy will probably buy again. But what is unexpected is how rapidly those figures are climbing.

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