Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Dance of Romance – What Does Dinner at My House Really Mean?

Have you ever had the 3rd date blues? You know, you have gone out on a couple of dinner and movie dates with a guy – everything is going along great and then he says, ” I want to cook dinner for you at my house.” Does this statement really mean that he only wants to have you over to his house for dinner or is there more. If a guy asks you to come over to his house for “dinner”, does that really mean that he wants to have sex with you?

If a man only wants you to come over to his house for sex, whatever happened to getting to know each other? Is it too old fashioned to want to get to know each other first?

What are your thoughts? Do you think that the dance of romance still exists in today’s society? Are there still men who think the right thing to do is ask permission to take you out? Or, is this “dinner date” what is to be expected?

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