Thursday, November 12, 2015

Government Adopts Big Data

As almost every other industry has been touched by Big Data, some have been leery… taking their time to jump on the Big Data train. The U.S. Government has finally accepted that it needs a little Big Data magic. It was just announced that the Commerce Department has a new initiative to make their information more accessible.

The Government collect an alarming amount of data everyday, data that could be very beneficial to small and medium companies. As the Commerce Department carries out their accessibility plan they will be hiring a team of upwards of 20 software engineers to harness the incoming data  and publish it on sites that companies can access for up to date information.

Small and medium companies will greatly benefit from this resource as many do not have the technical abilities to access the data needed to increase their trading tendencies. Big Data is becoming a necessary tool to know who to sell to and how much, making access to this valuable information essential. The Government will be supplying these companies with a resource to learn about international trade and even help shipping companies plan out the best route across seas.

The amount of tools available these days to improve business optimization continues to increase, making it less acceptable to be a struggling company. Every company should implement information they receive from tools such as trading data to ensure efficiency and better target consumers. Hopefully with the Government making their mass amount of data accessible to the public, small to medium companies will have a better shot at competing with the big shot corporations. Having access to the same tools and resources levels the playing field allowing those with the best product quality and customer care to  be successful.

To learn more about how Big Data is helping SMB’s in a big way check out this interesting article! 

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