Monday, November 30, 2015

International Business Video – Should Companies Use Importers?

So what can our importer do?
• First, it should be certain it’s compliant, and can learn how to be so by talking to a customs broker about the appropriate duties and tariffs.
• Find out if there are special impediments to importing a given product. This will help the company decide if this endeavor is going to work at all. If our toothbrush was made of camel hair, for example, it may require approval from a fish and wildlife department. If the firm was importing a potentially perishable product, concessions might be made to expedite the shipment.
• Customs examination is a large roadblock in importing. This happens when U.S. customs officers decide the paperwork alone isn’t sufficient to allow the shipment into the United States, and they’ll have inspectors look inside the box to see what’s really there. Remember, just because U.S. Customs decides to hold your shipment doesn’t mean that those clocks stop ticking.
In a customs exam, the importer has to pay for truckers to pick up and deliver the shipment to a customs warehouse. The importer has to hire labor to open up the boxes (customs officials don’t do this). Once the inspections have been completed, assuming everything is OK, the boxes need to be reloaded and shipped to the importer’s warehouse. If there’s damage or difficulty in reloading the container back on the truck, this presents more delays and costs.
So far, this seems like a nightmare. But it doesn’t happen every day, and when it does, it happens for a reason: The U.S. customs department exists to protect the United States.

There are many international business videos that deal with these issues.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Improve Customer Satisfaction With Data Analytics

Improving customer satisfaction is becoming more and more difficult to do. Customer demands are expectations are increasing, in our personalized world.

Digitized data, big data and predictive analytics are primarily responsible for this. This personalization started with recommendations on sites, such as Amazon and Netflix.

Now, as consumers, we are starting to expect the personalization, not just digitally, but in person as well.

However, this is difficult to accomplish. It is becoming harder and harder to keep customers happy.

But with companies, like Cliintel, it is becoming easier and easier to accomplish. Watch the video to learn how we can help!

Colorado Reacts to The Syrian Refugee Controversy and Obama’s Plan on Undocumented Immigrants

Colorado Reacts to The Syrian Refugee Controversy The White House plan to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. is getting a strong reaction in Colorado… Gov. John Hickenlooper Says Governors Blocking Syrian Refugees Is ‘Against The Law’ READ MORE…

Tennis Social Panthers vs Saints and Low Country Boil

Low Country Boil Tennis Social

Sunday Dec 6th
Tennis 12-1:30pm followed by
Panthers vs Saints & Low Country Boil
Sign up by Dec 4th
Join us for some fun tennis from 12-1:30pm
tennis-items.jpgHelp us cheer on the panthers and enjoy a low country boil


All Members are welcome, if you don't play tennis join us for the game!

Bring an appetizer or dessert & can of balls
STAY IN TOUCH Like us on Facebook

Gerua Lyrics – Dilwale | Shah Rukh Khan

Gerua Lyrics from Dilwale feat Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol. Sung by Arijit Singh n Antara Mitra and composed by Pritam, written by Amitabh Bhattacharya

Anti-Aging Cosmetic Treatments With Injectables to Reduce Wrinkles and Add Youthful Volume to Your Skin

As we age, our skin changes. Over time, the natural volume of youthful skin begins to diminish as wrinkles and folds form.

Cosmetic treatments have been proven over time to safely reduce frown lines, crow’s feet and even to eliminate underarm perspiration, all by partially relaxing specific muscles.

READ MORE : Cosmetic Treatments With Injectables

Erase Wrinkles with Injectables!

I decided to do it… I got filler in my “marionette lines” and had my 11’s freshened up with injectables at the same time. Take a look!

All About Injectables: Botox, Dysport, Restylane, & Juvederm

Say goodbye to wrinkles or fine lines, and add lost volume with Botox, Dysport, Restylane, and Juvederm!

CALL BEAUTY SMART in Boca Raton, Florida at 561-330-7579

Why a Relaxing Massage is the Best Gift for the Holidays

Give the Gift of a Relaxing Massage This Holiday Season!

A therapeutic massage is the perfect gift for the holidays.

When you give the gift of a massage at the Center for Massage Therapy, you’re giving your special one a personal session of relaxation that reduces stress and pain, elevates mood and a strengthens the immune system.


Give a relaxing massage as a gift certificate, simply click here or call us at 303-777-1151 with your credit card information to order your massage gift certificate. Gift certificates expire 6 months from their date of purchase.

Gft Certificates - Holiday Gifts - Gift of Massage

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Big Data And Online Grocery Shopping

Most Americans live at a very busy pace, constantly rushing from one thing to another. This sense of urgency to do everything and be every where at once doesn’t leave much time for things like groceries. The online groceries business is one that is growing rapidly in the United States. It is extremely convenient for many busy families and working moms and dads to simply pick out what they would like online and have it delivered to their home the following day.

Big Data analytics is allowing companies to learn their customer’s habits and preferences to ensure the smoothest, easiest process possible. As consumers browse groceries on the website of the store of their choice, their activity is being monitored; allowing companies to learn about their consumer’s habits. What do they normally buy? At what time do they prefer their groceries be delivered? Are they flexible on their time of delivery or do they want it on  a specific time?

These are all things food providers can learn about each unique customer and accommodate to individual needs. The more convenient an action is, the more likely people will use it, build up a preferred company and continue to use them for years to come. Big Data helps companies become a trusted resource for people, ensuring customer retention.

The Internet of Things Is Happening Now

Almost every physical object can be connected to the internet.

We are racing forward to an era of hyper-connectivity. Objects now have the ability to communicate with each other, all using DATA!

The Internet of Things is happening now!

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that has been thrown around for a few years now, but many of us may still not fully understand what it means.

The IoT refers to a network of physical objects or “things” that have the capabilities to both collect and exchange any amount of data. They do this through a variety of software, electronics, sensors, and network connectivity.

So many devices that we own are connected to this “Internet of Things”, and we are using this network of data everyday to make our lives easier. This includes everything from cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of. If it has an on and off switch, then chances are good that it is connected to the IoT.

Now that more and more objects are connected to the IoT, those objects can all communicate to optimize day-to-day practices, create new opportunities, and save us money!

This is a great video looking at 7 bind-blowing facts of the Internet of Things.

“In 2008, there were already more objects connected to the internet than people.”

“The ATM was one of the first objects of the Internet of Things, dating back to 1974.”

“This year we will have 4.9 Billion connected things.”

“By 2020, we will have 6.1 Billion smartphone users.”

“The global market for wearable devices has grown 223% in 2015.”

“By 2020, a quarter of a billion vehicles will be connected to the internet.”

“All of these devices collect and transmit data, contributing to our Big Data world!”

The more we know about the Internet of Things, the more we can use it along with Big Data to save us time and money!

Friday, November 27, 2015

The No. 1 Secret to a Great Relationship… Play More!

The No. 1 Secret to a Great Relationship… PLAY MORE!

When I first came to the city of Boca Raton several years ago, I utilized the quote “Lost That Lovin’ Feeling” on many of my media materials. I chose that quote as I felt that much of what was just SO WRONG with most relationships was the fact that many couples had just stopped playing with one another!

It seems that life just gets in the way after the initial stages of relationship for many couples. Once the babies, bills and just plain mundane of life and relationship gets in the way, people just simply forget to incorporate PLAY into their daily routines of living together as a couple.

Think back about what first attracted you to your partner in the beginning. I’m pretty sure there must have been a hook, you know, the initial attraction that you had for your partner. Whether it hit you like a ton of bricks when you first laid eyes on each other, or it was a friendship that deepened and turned to love, surely there were those sweet, small nuances of romance, lust and PLAY between the two of you.

You may be thinking, “OK, thats all well and good, but those behaviors between us were so long ago, we’re not the same people anymore.” That’s true, you are not the same people. However, hopefully you have grown together over the years, there may be children, trips you’ve taken, hurdles you’ve overcome, holidays, illness, happy times, disappointments perhaps, homes bought and sold, different cities, gifts exchanged, intimacy and sexual relationship, all of these experiences lived between the two of you… those all count as memories and life lived, all equating to time put into the marriage or relationship.

So then what happened? Why does it just seem to feel like your marriage or relationship has lately, just appeared to have plain out “Flat-lined” into the dulldrums? First of all, take a minute to sit down and think about this. As they say it “takes two to tango.” What part do you play in the script of your marriage or relationship? What is your partners role in this script? Perhaps the both of you have stopped “Playing” with one another.

They say that the most desirable thing in the world is to be desired. Sometimes a partner will pull back and not initiate play if they feel that their partner isn’t making any attempts at romance or playfullness. Big Mistake, someone has to get off the hamster wheel of going nowhere. If you recognize yourself in this scenario and want to try and get back the “Play” I suggest taking some small baby steps to re-writing the script between the two of you.

For starters… make sure that you acknowledge each others needs. Communication is not a term to be considered overrated. It is the key to a great and loving relationship. Here are some quick points to help jump-start your relationship back into the Play Zone!

Incorporating ways to begin flirting with your partner again:

1. Text or call once a day. Make it more interesting than , what do you want to eat for dinner!

2. Get to know your partner again, on a daily basis if possible. What is on your partner’s agenda, what are their hopes, wishes, dreams, concerns, worries….Who the heck are you married to today?

3. Express your own needs to your partner. Make sure that they hear you.

4. Set a “date night” to get away from the kids or the hum drum of life, go to the beach, the movies, a concert, the gun range, a hike, hot air rides, diivng with tthe sharks….I don’t care what you do…Just Do Something together! Your brain actually creates new synapses when you “Do Things Together” promoting the release of oxytocin and other chemicals in your body that increase the physical and chemical bonding between you as a couple.

5. No one else can help you to re-create your marriage. This a job that only you can do together. First you have to want to make some changes in your relationship. Secondly, you have to do the work.

Good luck and keep in touch…

Couple Flirting and Playing

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Big Data Visualization Takes Us To New Depths

Seventy one percent of Earth’s surface is covered with water, which makes it extremely difficult to explore every bit of it. The exploration of deep sea life has exposed wild life that almost looks as if they are from other planets and we are just skimming the surface. Other regions of water are too difficult to observe due to harsh weather conditions, such as Antarctica.

A team of scientists have used a super computer in Australia to process an incredible amount of data and turn it into a visualization of the movement on the water surrounding Antarctica. This is a huge feat considering the freezing cold conditions have kept researchers from being able to monitor the water for extended periods of time.

The deepest parts of the freezing water can now be monitored in an ocean model that shows the patterns in the water’s movement. It is important to research the movement patterns of these waters, for they help us learn more about climate change.

Thanks to Big Data we are now able to see these freezing waters in a whole new way… without venturing into the cold harsh conditions!

As the technology become faster scientists will be able to process the data more quickly, hopefully allowing us to get a real time look at the Antarctica waters. Learn about how else Big Data is tracking our Earth’s natural wonders and allowing us to monitor the effects of climate change by reading this short article!

Benefits of Sports Massage Therapy for Athletes Seeking High Performance

Benefits of Sports Massage

Sports Massage can…

  • Help prevent injuries.
  • Relieve pain.
  • Relieve swelling.
  • Reduce Muscle tension.
  • Decrease recovery time.
  • Reduce heart rate.
  • Reduce blood pressure.
  • Increase blood circulation.
  • and much more.

Sports Massage Techniques

Our massage therapists use a variety of movements and techniques to try to help the athlete’s body achieve maximum performance and physical conditioning.

Techniques used include: Swedish style massage, effleurage (stroking), petrissage (kneading), compression, friction, tapotement (rhythmic tapping), vibration, gliding, stretching, percussion and trigger point therapy.

Each sport and athlete uses muscle groups in a different way. Sports massage addresses these differences while keeping the whole athlete in mind.

Sports massage can help heal you reach peak performance while minimizing the risk of injury.

Call to schedule your Sports Massage at 303-777-1151 now. We also offer gift certificates for the athlete in your life.

The 5 Benefits of Massage Therapy for the Serious Weightlifter

The physical effects of massage therapy can greatly improve a weightlifter’s health and lifestyle by alleviating pain and reducing potential for injury in several ways…


Weightlifting - Benefits of Sports Massage

How Athletes Can Benefit from Massage Therapy

Muscle stiffness, soreness, micro-trauma, inflammation, joint disorders, all start to take their toll on our bodies. Massage can be the solution to both the physical and mental strain we endure for our healthy lifestyles…


The Healing Benefits of Sports Massage for Football Players

Football is really a difficult sports activity. Massage benefits football players by flushing and keeping muscles maintained and good shape. These health benefits leads to faster recovery times and increased training.


Sports massage is typically used pre-event, post-event, and for maintenance. Stress and tension builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity. Over-exertion and over-use can cause minor injuries and lesions, sports massage techniques are designed to break them down efficiently.

Schedule your Sports Massage at 303-777-1151.

Big Data And Big Travel – What’s The Connection?

Big Data And Travel

We all see the news when there are travel incidents, travel delays and travel updates. But could Big Data Analysis teach us anything else? Could we learn more about riders, pricing, safety, security, routing, food preferences, scheduling, add on services and marketing opportunities?

Can we get past the easy stuff and get into how business processes work? Can we make the experience of travel better for travelers and employees alike?

We can. And Big Data helps Big Business Decisions.

Big Data Helps Retail?

So how can companies leverage big data to keep their customers loyal this holiday season? In preparation for their customers’ holiday shopping experience, companies should analyze their big database, segmenting data from inquiries like the following:

  • What products are their customers buying?
  • How are they purchasing the products (in store versus online)?
  • What time of day are they shopping?
  • What triggers caused the purchase? Are customers opting for cross-sell and/or up-sell
  • What are the customer’s demographics?

These points are just scratching the surface. Big Data Analytics can go much further.

Most retailers have a CRM system to track customer purchases. They can analyze products that are purchased together to create upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Companies can review purchase times and trends. Retailers can set up displays throughout the day to take action based on the data analytics that told them what products are more heavily sold during a specific time of day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Holiday Travel

The traveling industry is welcoming Big Data with open arms for they can use it to track traveling trends and determine when they will be the busiest. This type of information allows companies such as Southwest to determine the optimal time to raise prices or offer deals. Depending on the demand for flights during a certain time period, the airline companies can raise prices and be confident that people will still buy purchase them. This is why we are always told to book our flights with plenty of time in advance; the airlines know that those who wait until the last minute to buy a flight are desperate and will pay whatever is necessary.

Airlines look at the big data to determine which days throughout the year tend to be most heavily traveled and which days people prefer not to travel on. The cheapest days to fly are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. These days are less expensive than the others because these are the days people don’t necessarily like to travel on. They are inconvenient and therefore less desirable. More sought after days will cost more money, especially around the holidays. Data has shown that there is the most widespread travel between Thanksgiving and New Years. The holidays are when people take extra time to visit family and loved ones they don’t otherwise get to see. Airlines know this and increase their prices knowing that people won’t put a price on seeing their family for the holidays.

Not only the airline industry can use big data to rake in some extra cash. Consumers can look up the data on when airlines raise and drop flights to save themselves some dough on booking their next travel accommodations. As we are right around the corner from this holiday season, hopefully everyone has been proactive, looked at the data and have scored great prices on their tickets home!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

3D Printing Tissue – More Bioprinting Advances


Plastic tissue realized by 3d printing technology.

Researchers developed a new method enabling them to print with soft materials such as collagens, alginates and fibrins that naturally appear in the body. To date, medical 3D printing has been mainly used to create prosthetics.

Big Data Video Discusses The Internet Of Things!

Applying Data Intelligence To Help Those In Need

There are so many data driven apps and technologies out there today, but most of them are geared towards, business analytics or marketing research. What if we could take these programs and applications and modify them to meet personal needs?

This is what Simon Wheatcroft did to overcome his inability to see and return to the hobbies he loves such as running. When someone is blind it is difficult enough to navigate around the house let alone outside, which is what makes Simon Wheatcroft so impressive. He is using a fitness tracking app called RunKeeper to learn the terrain of the neighborhood around him. By setting audio markers through the app, it lets him know where to watch out for telephone poles or protruding bushes as he navigates himself through a cognitive map.

It is incredible to think that an average man can not only learn to overcome his inability to see, but to have the innovation to use a fitness app to do it is amazing! Just imagine what we could do for people with disabilities if we could start using all of the data technology out there to create new tools. Maybe physical therapists could use fitness trackers to monitor their patients’ progress when doing exercise at home. Doctors could potentially receive  information about a patient’s vitals after being discharged from an open heart surgery.

The options are limitless if we learn how to use these applications in a new way. Hopefully entrepreneurs will take this readily available technology and use it in a way that will benefit those who need it most!

Read the full article here.

Fear Of Big Data And Big Data Analytics?

There is no reason to fear Big Data. Many firms are afraid of data science, and what may be found in Big Data Analysis.

Denver International Airport Travel News – Look For A Cameo

John F Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis – JFK First Family Hand Signed Autograph 1960 Photo

35th President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, hand signed photo.  3 year old daughter Caroline, completes the family portrait. In 1960, at 43 years old, J.F.K. was the youngest elected President, in U.S. history. At his inauguration, he echoed “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”   His youth and inspiration resonated, assuring the nation, they elected a President for the ages. His presidency, would be remembered, for a “New Frontier.” J.F.K. offered federal funding for education, health care for the elderly, and a civil rights movement, that marked an end to racial discrimination. He established the Peace Corps.  A recession was achieved   John F. Kennedy proved to be, the most charming and charismatic President, the United States had ever experienced. He and Jackie, offered a magnetism, the public found irresistible.  First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, made her mark on fashion, and elevated awareness of the Arts.  Enamored voters, embraced the Kennedy’s version of Camelot. For the first time, the American people, identified the President, more as a movie star celebrity, than as a politician.  1,000 days after his election, in November 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated. […]

Monday, November 23, 2015

Big Data And Black Friday

How will big data effect the black Friday sales this year? Well, big data has allowed the retail industry to know more about each individual customer than ever before. This means that stores will be able to market to us in unique ways that will prompt us to buys more. When we are thinking about buying something we want, all it takes is to see that item pop up on a screen or an email that says it has a slight discount and we are all over it. If that add popped up with some other item that we didn’t want, we wouldn’t think twice about it, but because the stores know what to advertise to us, we fall right into their trap.

So how many people will be lured in this black Friday? According to the National Retail Federation the average American spends $749 on holiday shopping. Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year and is where stores make the majority of their yearly sales. With Big Data heavily influencing the retail market it will be interesting to see if there are more online sales than in the stores this year compared to black Friday’s in the past.

Hopefully people will make use of big data and buy the items they want online rather than spending hours parked out in front of a retail department. Maybe this Big Data leap will move our generation to buy online with ease and actually spend black Friday, outside, enjoying their day off with loved ones. To learn more about how Big Data can predict spending habits, Check Out this great Article!

Big Data And The Internet Of Things –

Did you know these 7 facts?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Big Data Shaping How We Stay Fit

Big Data impacts all aspects of our lives. Believe it or not, it goes beyond work- making its way into both your home and personal lives.

Let’s look at one area for now- one area that has a big effect on our personal lives: health and fitness. What ways can we use Big Data to become an overall healthier country? How can we use Big Data to customize fitness and diet plans? How is Big Data being used in wearable technology today?

Health and fitness have become an area of primary interest over the last few years- and for the right reasons. Current statistics from the NIH tell us that in the U.S, more than two thirds of adults are considered to be overweight or obese. More than one third of adults are considered to be obese and more than 1 in 20 have extreme obesity. There are many things that need to be done to change these statistics, but for now, Big Data can play a key role in bringing awareness and creating action plans.

The new generation of personal physical fitness tracking tools and apps are combining Big Data with mobile and wearable technology. These apps offer users the ability to record, save, track and monitor various data from their workouts to keep a consistent plan or improve in different areas. Many of these apps and devices are also offering users the ability to connect with other users to compare their progress and support each other.

Being able to physically see the data over a period of time becomes such a big part of beginning a new fitness plan. We want to see progress, and Big Data is giving us just that.

With all of that being said, the user-generated data that is being collected becomes a two way street. Not only is it accessible to our own eyes, but it is also being received by the companies who are making these products. This data provides them with the ability to tailor their updates and apps to what people want, or even combine their product with other apps to expand their capabilities and enhance the user experience.

The most popular companies and apps that are in the Big Data and fitness space today include: Nike + FuelBand, Garmin, TomTom, Jawbone, Pact, Fitbit, RunKeeper, MyFitnessPal, Moves, RxAnalytics, Strava, Runtastic, and MapMyFitness. All of these companies and apps are shaping how we stay fit in many different, new, and exciting ways.

Nearly two thirds of American adults own a smartphone today and these fitness apps and devices are competitive while still keeping to relatively low prices. This puts the power of Big Data and fitness in your hands!

Click here to learn more about where the big data revolution is taking us. 

Autodesk’s Biomedical 3D Printing Software Solution

Shane Fox of Autodesk talks to TCT about the company’s new software solution for the medical industry. It seems Bioprinting is growing more and more.

Big Data Revolution Video – Solve Problems With Your Business With Data Solutions

Published on Nov 18, 2015
Improve relationships with your customers. Optimize your tools. Enhance your metrics to make better business decisions. Let us show you how. Visit the Big Data experts.

Healthcare And Big Data

The switch to paperless offices has really driven the use of technology in many industries, including healthcare. Not just hospitals but different areas such as physical therapy, nursing homes, etc. are making the switch to digital note taking. There are a couple reasons why this is a a step forward for healthcare and all of its underlying sections. Just a few reasons include research advancement, time efficiency, and monetary savings.

Most healthcare professionals are swamped with patients everyday. The healthcare professional to patient ratio is terribly skewed, causing doctors, nurses, physical therapists and other professionals to see more patients per day than they used to. When attending to this many people everyday, it can be very easy to lose track of individual patient symptoms and begin to lose organization in necessary paperwork. Healthcare professionals are required to keep extremely detailed record of each patient, which can add up to a lot of paperwork. Why let all of these important files just sit in a cabinet? Why not use these real life cases as a resource for researchers? This is what Big Data is doing. The technology that harnesses big data and relays it into understandable connections is what is allowing researchers to tap into  the vast amount of real life cases that could be the key to a new cure or better treatment plan.

In order for researchers to quickly access patient files, the records must be digitized. Instead of healthcare professionals taking patient notes and then having to type them into a computer program, why not start with the computer? More and more doctors offices and physical therapy clinics are using tables or laptops to type notes while talking with patients about their symptoms. This may seem a little less personal, but it helps healthcare professionals use their time wisely. Due to their packed case loads, they do not have time after each patient session to sit down and type up their notes. This multitasking is allowing doctors and physical therapists to be much more efficient with their time and potentially get to spend more time actually working with each patient.

By switching to digitized files and multitasking, healthcare fields are saving a ton of money. Offices are no longer wasting mass amounts of paper and dealing with where to store all of their records, they now simply need to ensure they have enough hardware space to store their patient records. Healthcare offices are also making more money by being able to see more patients in a day due to the healthcare professionals multitasking and using their time efficiently. Big Data is making great strides in the healthcare industry and continues to help the field find new solutions and better their practice.

Solve Business Problems With Better Metrics

This is a quick, and entertaining video telling you what “data intelligence” firms can accomplish, simply by analyzing your data.

So what can they do? And how does it help you?

They Can Analyze Your Data:

This is how they spot inefficiencies that you have likely never noticed before. You may think you have a problem within the operations silo, but the root of the conflict may actually lie within the marketing silo.

This is also how they make suggestions on how you can improve the situation.

Improve Customer Service:

Using advanced analytics, they can determined exactly what your customers want. They can give you the tools and information that is needed to ensure superior customer service.

Improved customer service, yields customer retention.

Gain Insight:

Since companies, like Cliintel, gather and analyze your data, you get a much better, clearer picture of what exactly is going on in your company. You can discover problems you never knew existed!

Better yet, insight can help you make the decisions that will solve those problems, and ultimately save you money.

Optimize Your Tools:

No need to switch the data tool you are using. Even if you aren’t completely satisfied with your tool, we can help you optimize it. We can show you all of the tips and tricks that help enhance the experience for the user. We can show you how to customize it for different business units.

We can ensure that everyone, even the frontline employees are making the most of the tools you already have, so they can make better decisions.

Grow Your Business:

All of these things help you to improve and grow your company. Our clients often receive a ten fold return as a result of our efforts.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

If Restaurants Would Take Their Data Analytics Up A Notch, They Would Drastically Improve Customer Service

Once upon a time, you dined weekly at your personal, local favorite. Your server, Tanya would walk up to your table and ask if you would like your usual. The outstanding service made you feel special; like you were an exclusive customer, and you had your own personal service. For this reason, you wouldn’t think of going anywhere else.
Now, however, Tanya no longer works there. The restaurant has grown, and almost none of the new staff knows who you are. In your mind, your weekly brunch destination has lost some of its charm. Maybe it is time to try one of the new places down the road with the extravagant eggs benedict, or the place with great deals on mimosas.

This is a rather common example of why customers choose to take their business elsewhere. When they lose the personalized experience, you lose them. Superior, personalized service is what keeps the regulars returning weekly, and turns a first time guest into a repeated customer.
So how do you personalize the experience for the customer in the hospitality industry? Leverage your data. Here’s how data improves the customer experience:

1) Get customers excited about their own data
2) Improve customer service interactions
3) Identify Customer Pain Points, and Solve Them Before it is too Late
4 ) Personalize the customer service experience. Predict what customers want before they ask for it
5) Give Every Employee Access To the Data: How This is Applied

Get Customers Excited About Their Own Data

As consumers, we are getting really excited about all our data. We use wearable technology and watch more Netflix and Amazon Prime than TV. Part of this is because it creates a personalized experience.
You can easily create “superfans” by utilizing this data that they give you. Create a loyalty program geared toward exactly what those customers want. Don’t give them the typical…”Spend $100 and get $10 off.” If they order french toast almost every time they come in, you can easily personalize their reward. Spend $100 and we will buy your next french toast. This will likely get them more excited, and they will be flattered that you “recognized” that they love french toast.

Improve Customer Service Interactions

Contrary to what many think, leveraging Big Data isn’t just for marketing and product development. By giving your employees access to the data they can effortlessly improve their relationships with customers.
For starters, they will not have to ask the customer as many obnoxious questions to get an idea of what’s going on. For example, if the manager calls up a guest regarding a complaint on Yelp, he or she already has access to the customer’s name. When the manager pulls up data on the guest, it will show what he or she ordered, so the manager doesn’t even have to ask, “What did you order?”
Data also enables us to personalize the experience for our customers. This is further described below.

Identify Customer Pain Points, and Solve Them Before it is too Late

While you likely know some of the pain points of your customers, you often times discover them too late. This is why the chef, the kitchen manager or floor manager walks around inquiring about guests’ experiences. This is also why we have secret shoppers and guest surveys.
However, if you dig deep into your data, you can probably find out what some of these pains are without asking, or bugging your customers for surveys. Then you can mitigate their concerns before you have to give out a $50 gift card.
An example of a problem you may encounter is that the ticket times are higher than expected. You can use data to create a solution to guarantee the promised ticket times, and even to reduce the amount of time it takes from when guests order food to when it gets to the table.

Personalize the Customer Service Experience and Predict What Customers Want Before They Ask For it.
Remember how Tanya knew exactly what you liked to order each time you came in? Using Big Data, any of the employees can do this. And with very little extra effort on the employees behalf.
With the growing popularity of online reservations, you can personalize the experience for the guest. An example of this is OpenTable. To make a reservation, each guest must input their name. Therefore, the system keeps track of every interaction made by each individual. This is helpful because, you know right away, the second they walk through the door, if they are regulars or if they are first time guests. You can also call each guest by their first name. You can also see where in the restaurant they sat last and record if they mentioned that they liked sitting there. Then, next time you can seat them in the same section.
If you can connect the data from these different sources, then you can have a ton of information at your feet about the customer. You can learn what they like to drink, what they like to eat and more. Then, not only can you ask them if they would like their usual, but you can make informed recommendations of what they may like to try.

Give Every Employee Access To the Data: How This is Applied
If you were to incorporate other forms of unstructured data, you could take this to another level. By viewing their online behavior, you can make the perfect sale. For example, you may see that a particular individual, that has not been to your restaurant in over a year, recently researched recipes for bourbon cocktails, and pinned some recipes for a Boston Sour. As the bartender, you know exactly what types of drinks to introduce to that guest. You may bring up that what most now call a “Boston Sour,” used to simply be called the Whiskey Sour, but over time, many places begins making it, sans the egg white. This customer is likely to be blown away, engaged in conversation and more likely to drink what the bartender recommended.
When the guests go into the dining room for their dinner, the server wouldn’t have to ask what they were drinking. They would simply ask, “Would you like another Boston Sour?”
This experience is likely to be one that the customer won’t forget. And the best part is, it doesn’t mean that the employees have to put in a ridiculous amount of effort; it may even make it easier, because they know exactly what to talk about. All of the information is at their fingertips, at all times.
Finally, let’s go back to the guest that loves bourbon drinks. If we introduce a new drink with bourbon, or a new special on a bourbon drink, we know to notify them of this.

The only thing is, no system, or data tool can accomplish this in a timely manner. You need to combine the data, extracted from multiple sources, in order to achieve these results and applications.
There are some softwares out there that attempt to do this. However, they are traditionally slow, and ineffective, especially at consolidating both structured and unstructured data, which is common for most restaurants.
It is important for restaurants to receive and update this information quickly and constantly. This is why business intelligence and data analytics firms that can consolidate the data from different sources are particularly helpful. Get repeat sales, and returning guests.       Call Cliintel.

Big Data and Formula 1 Racing

When it comes to Formula 1 Racing, safety is of the utmost importance which is why Big Data is being heavily used on the development side of racing. In Formula 1 Racing the cars are going around curvy courses at extreme speeds, making it very easy for something to go wrong. In this type of sport one misstep can be fatal which is why so much research goes into keeping the driver as safe as possible.

Engineers do their best to keep drivers as safe as possible by making the entire car based on proven data. When a team is preparing for a race, the engineers study data from the history of cars that have raced on that particular track and customize each automotive part specifically for that track. This level of precaution optimizes vehicle performance, giving the driver the best possible machine for that exact race.

It is very important for the data to be in real time and accurate as that is how the driver relays messages back to his team informing them of what is needed such as tire changes or oil fills. With all of the technology inside the car the team can also control what is around driver from the side of the track. With the push of a button the team can even administer water through the helmet to the driver to prevent

Even with all of the technology in these multi million dollar cars, it is still the intuition and races, but it is a great use of Big Data to ensure the driver is getting the best possible machine to work with. Hopefully as the technology in this field continues to advance they will be able to accurately place sensors to determine how well tires are gripping to the road and other extremely beneficial information that ensures efficiency.

Can Big Data Analytics Help Farms and Farm Services?

Can Big Data help farms and farm service companies? Take a quick listen and hear how!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

WeChat Cuts Global Money Transfer Deal With Western Union

In a deal that could make Tencent-owned social media platform WeChat into a serious payments player, WeChat announced Tuesday (Nov. 17) a deal with Western Union that allows WeChat’s U.S. users to send money cross-border to 200 countries and territories, all while riding Western Union’s rails.

With conflicting laws, industry regulations and security concerns, simplified global money transfers has been a top PF priority.

“Consumers are able to fund the money transfer utilizing a debit card, credit card or bank account and easily direct the funds to a Western Union retail agent location around the world, and to a mobile wallet or bank account where available,” said a joint statement from WeChat and Western Union. “WeChat together with its sister product Weixin in China had over 650 million of monthly active user accounts at end of September 2015.”

One of the more attractive potentials of this deal is the ability to offer in-context payments. Instead of consumers seeing this money-transfer capability as a disjointed banking app, WeChat’s social communications could allow far more natural-feeling transactions.

Consider: A parent could be texting with a college student offspring and has just agreed to buy the student a new computer. The money transfer could then happen within that conversation. Or a text exchange about meeting for lunch could include all participants transferring money to the one friend who will pay the check.

By removing the global barriers that so often thwart simple money transfers, this partnership could have substantive ramifications, especially if other social sites opt to mimic the methodology and protocols used.

Just like MasterCard is arguing with this week’s mobile loyalty standardization effort, global money transfers via social may be a situation where standardization is a lot better than differentiation.

Big Data And National Security

In light of last week’s tragic events in Paris and Beirut we begin to wonder how terrorists can get away with committing such horrible crimes and is there a way we can stop it? Is there a way to protect ourselves from terrorism other than using drones to bomb whole cities? Could we track these awful people and arrest them before any of their plans can be carried out?

Big Data may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about defending our country’s safety. but it may be more important than we think. We must remember that Big Data is essentially a lot of information- information on all of us. We are the ones who put our information out there for the world to see. We may not think anything of posting on Facebook about our vacation travels or what big event we are attending, but to the sick minded people out there we are basically telling them where and when we will be somewhere they can best attack.

Many people get angry about the fact that the government is tracking their information, but really it is for our own protection. The government is not listening in on your call for entertainment,  they are using machines to scan the information our there across the internet for patterns that may detect a possible dangerous outbreak. Whether it be the spread of disease or an angry protest group, the government is searching for clues to predict when these acts may happen and how to best prevent the worst from happening.

What if Big Data could help us spot terrorists living in our country before they could attack. There must be a way to find the connections the link  individuals to terrorist groups. This would allow homeland security to track down these individuals and get them into custody before any damage is done. To be able to shut down terrorist groups before they even act would be the best way to prevent terrorism, not by bombing cities that are also home to innocent people.

As for now we can only hope that the information we put out there is being used for good and that the government is using Big Data to its fullest potential to prevent distastes from happening. Check out other articles on Big Data and Security by CLICKING HERE! 

Don’t Be Cruel and Hound Dog Vintage Elvis Pinbacks

On July 2, 1956, Elvis Presley recorded, both “Don’t Be Cruel” in 28 takes and “Hound Dog” in 31 takes. His input was evident on both. Scotty Moore, Bill Black and D.J. Fontana backed him. Elvis played rhythm guitar and sang. The Jordanaires sang backup vocals . Although Otis Blackwell wrote the song, he gave Elvis co-writing credit and also 50% of the publishing rights. As the song was released on Elvis Presley’s publishing company Hill and Range.   This was the first, of many lucrative deals, Colonel Parker demanded.  Parker guaranteed one million sales, for Elvis recording a song. In return, Elvis Presley would receive co-writing credit and 50% of the publishing rights. This worked out great for everyone on “Don’t Be Cruel.” It sold 4 million copies in 1956, and 6 million, by 1961. Elvis sang the song, on all 3 Ed Sullivan Television performances. Twice in Sept. 1956, and again Jan. 1957.   “Don’t Be Cruel” was the “A” side song, of the dual hit single. “Hound Dog” was the “B” side. “Hound Dog” was written by Lieber and Stoller, who retained their publishing rights. Colonel Parker wasn’t pleased, but they also wrote “Jailhouse Rock” and kept those […]

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Big Data Revolution SlideShare

Take a look at our gallery of photos this week! It is a SlideShare from LinkedIn, titled, “Big Data Revolution: Are You Ready For the Data Overload?”

View the Original on Linked In

Is Facebook Crossing The Line?

Almost everyone we know has a Facebook account. Facebook is a way to stay connected with friends and family as well as reconnect with those who may have lost touch along the way. But what happens when Facebook becomes big brother? Facebook has continually increased technology of knowing where its users are, what their faces look like, and what they are interested in. When does this stop becoming a form of connection and cross the line into creepy?

Facebook currently has options to “check in” which is letting people know where you are, Facial Recognition, which allows people to “tag” friends in pictures, and a Memories function that allows Facebook to bring up certain posts or photos from your activity history.

Now all of these things may seem like great ways to keep in touch with people and remember the good times- and they are. They are great tools to keep us sucked into Facebook. They make us feel like if we are not checking into Facebook daily, we are disconnected. Quite honestly it is a brilliant strategy by Facebook, but in all reality it is getting kind of creepy. Facebook is now utilizing a new machine learning algorithm that pulls recent pictures from your phone, tags them by recognizing your friends and then prompts you to post them.

It was one thing when Facebook started advertising to me in a strangely specific way, but now that it can nag me about what photos I have kept to myself- we are in a whole other playing field. I don’t know about you, but I have enough things on my to do list to need Facebook making me feel guilty about not posting every detail of my life. Also, I know that we agree to Facebook’s access to our photos on cell phone devices, but that is also a little worrisome that Facebook can see all of the photos on my phone and now just the ones I ask it to. It begs the question, what kind of security system does Facebook have? Are they protected against hackers?

Hopefully as Facebook continues to develop new algorithms that become more invasive, they will also increase their security.

To learn more about the scary amount of information Big Data knows about you, check out this article! 

Benefits of Pre-Natal Massage During Pregnancy

Pre-Natal Massage

Research is proving that prenatal massage therapy can also be very beneficial in women’s prenatal care. Studies indicate that massage therapy performed during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health.


The Benefits of Womb and Breast Massage

Historically women have understood the benefits of massaging the areas over the womb and the breasts… they knew this type of touch had the ability to help them heal and reconnect with their core and divine feminine energy…


Benefits of Pre-Natal Massage

A common symptom during pregnancy is edema (swelling) of the joints. Edema during pregnancy is often caused by reduced circulation and increased pressure on the major blood vessels by the heavy uterus. Massage therapy can help stimulate soft tissues to reduce collection of fluids in swollen joints, which also improves the removal of tissue waste, carried by the body’s lymph system.

Another common complaint is sciatic nerve pain. Sciatica is experienced by many women in late pregnancy as the uterus rests on muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back. The pressure of the uterus spreads tension to the muscles of the upper and lower leg, causing them to swell and put pressure on nearby nerves.

Massage therapy addresses the inflamed nerves by helping to release the tension on nearby muscles. Many women have experienced significant reduction in sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy through regular massage.

What Is The Difference Between A Medical Massage And A Spa Massage?

Swedish Massage

Massage therapy addresses different needs through varying techniques, one of which is called Swedish massage, which aims to relieve tense muscles and improve lymphatic and blood circulation. Swedish massage is recommended because, through mild pressure applied to the muscle groups of the body, it addresses many common discomforts associated with the skeletal and circulatory changes brought on by hormone shifts during pregnancy.

Pre-Natal Massage Therapist

A trained prenatal massage therapist knows where a pregnant woman’s sore spots are likely to be and may be able to provide some relief. (She’ll also know which areas and techniques to avoid.)


Elena Paskova is a massage specialist in Pre/Post Natal Massage at the Center for Massage Therapy.

Call 303-777-1151

Square’s IPO: The Bull vs. Bear Case

Double Diamond Group partner Rick Oglesby and Bloomberg’s David Ritter discuss whether investors should be bullish or bearish on Square’s initial public offering with Emily Chang on “Bloomberg West.” (Source: Bloomberg)

The Dance of Romance – What Does Dinner at My House Really Mean?

Have you ever had the 3rd date blues? You know, you have gone out on a couple of dinner and movie dates with a guy – everything is going along great and then he says, ” I want to cook dinner for you at my house.” Does this statement really mean that he only wants to have you over to his house for dinner or is there more. If a guy asks you to come over to his house for “dinner”, does that really mean that he wants to have sex with you?

If a man only wants you to come over to his house for sex, whatever happened to getting to know each other? Is it too old fashioned to want to get to know each other first?

What are your thoughts? Do you think that the dance of romance still exists in today’s society? Are there still men who think the right thing to do is ask permission to take you out? Or, is this “dinner date” what is to be expected?

Intense Pre-Season Tennis Training for Pro Players With World Class Coaches

The Best Pre-Season Tennis Training Opportunity

Every year before the tennis season starts, ProWorld Tennis Academy prepares its pro athletes with an intense Pre-Season Program.

This year ProWorld Tennis Academy signed another world-class coach to join the team… former Top 100 ATP player, Eric Prodon.

Eric joins ProWorld’s elite coaching staff and together with Cyril Saulnier and Horacio Rearte, will create the ultimate Pre-Season Training Camp.

The program will address technical adjustments and tactical implementations to give our players the strongest start possible.

Confidence is key for a professional athlete. We want our athletes to know and feel that they are mentally and physically ready to endure the demands of a full season.

Join our team and see why so many of the top pros come and train with us to prepare for the long road ahead.

ProWorld Tennis High Performance Academy

Why Join ProWorld Tennis Academy?

Top Coaching – World renowned coaches will deliver professional instruction and drive our athletes to reach their maximum potential.

Our System – To reach full potential, athletes must train in an organized system that focuses on each individual personally. No two athletes are the same.

Pro Athletes – ProWorld Tennis Academy has a hand in creating champions. Imagine training next to a Grand Slam player? Our inspiring environment has made ProWorld one of the top training locations for professional tennis players during their on and off seasons.

Environment – The training atmosphere created by our inspiring team of coaches and hard working athletes from around the world is unmatchable.

Facility – World-class private facilities where athletes can train, eat and sleep. 18 hard and clay courts, gym with the latest equipment, a club house with all the amenities to provide our players with the highest level of training.

Florida Lifestyle – What better place to train than South Florida? With year long sunshine, beautiful beaches and Miami just around the corner. It’s no wonder Delray Beach is the tennis capital of the world and home to many of the top tennis pros.

CALL US : (561) 706-1601

Global Business SlideShow – 10 Questions To Ask In International Sales

. Does this market require local sales talent?
. In face-to-face meetings, are there any cultural conventions that the American sales person should observe?
. Is the sales person held to a different ethical standard than is the population in general?
. What are the possible negative consequences if conventions or standards are overlooked?
. What traits or qualities are considered admirable for a sales person to display?
. What behavior is considered to be offensive?
. Sales people in any culture must be assertive to a degree. At what point does assertiveness become interpreted as aggressiveness in this culture?
. Are there specific selling techniques in this industry that are particularly effective in this culture?
. How important is call preparation?
. Is it necessary to work with administrative assistants?

Need an International Business Video?

Tennis Clinic Schedule and Prices at The Club at Westport

Clinic Schedule & Prices
Email or Sign up at Pro shop
2-4 Participants $17/hour or $25.50 for 1 1/2 hours
5 Participants $15/hour or $22.50 for 1 1/2 hours
6+ Participants $14/hour or $21 for 1/2 hours

Mondays 9-10:30am
Ladies 3.5+ w/ Willie
Mondays 6-7pm
Ladies 2.5-3.5 w/ Willie
Wednesdays 9:30-11am
3.0 Ladies w/ Dana
Wednesday 6-7pm
Men's Clinic w/ Willie
Wednesdays 7-8pm
Men's Elite Clinic w/ Willie
Email or Call the Pro Shop weekly to sign up

Monday, November 16, 2015

Big Data Video – How DO CEO’s Make Better Decisions?

How can a CEO or CFO make a better decision? It’s the data. The more you know, the more effective you can be.

How Data Analysis Increases Oil Production While Also Reducing Costs

Last week, in “America’s Oil Boom Makes a Comeback With Data Analytics,” we assured our readers that this is not the end of America’s shale boom. By utilizing data analytics, oil companies can reduce expenditures while simultaneously increasing production. Due to the low price of oil, this has become mandatory for companies in the oil and shale industry.

Now, lets dig a little deeper and see exactly how this is possible. So what do data analytics do for oil companies?

  1. Maximize Oil Well Production
    1. Optimize subsurface mapping
      1. Discover the location of the best drilling sites
      2. Indicate where and how to meet the drill bit
      3. Determine the best way to stimulate the shale in that specific location
    2. Continue productivity of an old oil field
  2. Find the Right Balance Between Cost and Production
    1. For example, companies will increase the amount of sand they use to hold open the fissures. But is this worth the cost? It used to be, but now, due to the low oil price it is not.
    2. Find out if other methods are cost efficient.
  3. Optimize Efficiency of Truck and Rail Operation 
    1. Improve efficiency of transportation and distribution
    2. Increase machine efficiency
  4. Overall Asset and Operations Optimization
    1. Mobile Computing
    2. Increase Uptime
    3. Reduce Maintenance
    4. Reduction in Errors and Rework
    5. Low-Cost Compliance
    6. Quote:
      1. “But the single biggest disruption now coming to the shale industry, one that will define the emergence of Shale 2.0, comes not from the individual technologies or digital connectivity, but from the use of big data for radically better asset optimization and operations.” – Mark Mills, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute think tank.
  5. Improve Workforce Productivity
    1. Give the oil and gas operators greater intelligence and insight to make the best and most efficient decisions
  6. Analyze Data From the Well Head to the Gas Pump
    1. This is the greatest benefit
    2. Tools, alone cannot accomplish this

Something companies in all industries tend to struggle with in the data world is a lack of consensus on data models and formats. This is the case within single business units, and especially within an entire company. This is an even greater and more common dilemma in the shale industry, due to the grand scale and diversity of its operations. In the oil industry, operations occur in a variety of environments, are very diverse and there is a great deal of data.

Therefore analyzing the disparate data wouldn’t get you very far. Data analytics are only useful when the data is collected and consolidated. However, a data analytics company, like Cliintel, can gather the data from all of these disparate sources, to conduct the best data analysis possible. The best data analytics lead to the best decisions.

This is why many oil and shale companies are already getting in the data game. There is even a new professional society focused on data-driven petroleum analytics. Companies that have engaged in analytics thus far are operating far more efficiently.