Thursday, September 15, 2016

Dakota Access Pipeline Testing Democracy

Public Servants Defending Foreign Corporations Over American Citizens, Soil

Have you seen the protests in North Dakota and beyond over the latest oil pipeline? The profits of foreign corporations are now more important to the U.S. government than the lives of homeland defenders? Thanks to corruption and fascism, the U.S. is one crisis away from bankruptcy and suspension of the constitution (including the second amendment, social security and more). Meanwhile, the political discussion is all about walls, emails and other non-issues. The playbook is in place. It will continue to be executed by candidate A or B. It's called the “Shock Doctrine.” It assures that our great nation is gutted and bled to death by traitors. It's a new path to enrichment for the unscrupulous–those who would betray their mother for the devil. Down is the new up.

Dakota Access Pipeline protest

Great nations don't kill innocent, unarmed citizens. They don't attack homeland defenders. They don't bail out banks that prey on taxpayers. They don't poison entire communities with drinking water. They don't poison food and water with sewage sludge. Great nations don't lie to military recruits and then abandon those who are lucky enough to survive the perils of war–our veterans. We are being led to slaughter by the best crisis coordinators that money can buy. Nations are now overthrown with bankruptcy, not bombs and bullets.

dakota access pipeline

Great citizens are what make great nations. Great citizens defend each other and their nation. They don't wilt in the face of fascists who masquerade as patriots. These brave warriors in the Dakotas have their priorities straight. Water is more important than oil. Citizen engagement and inclusion are part of a healthy democracy. Anything less represents the slippery slope of fascism, which President Eisenhower warned us about when he left office. Citizenship isn't a spectator sport. We owe our forefathers diligence and active engagement. We owe the same and more to our fallen, our veterans, our communities, our nation and ourselves.

Shock Doctrine


If you think that this election will change anything, think again. Better yet, read the “Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein. Civil disobedience is part of free speech, free-market capitalism and a free democracy. Civil disobedience is rarely glorious, but it is essential to free people and free markets. Therefore, I salute all of our brave soldiers as patriots. I salute all public servants who are representing the people fairly and honestly. I salute all patriots who speak out, stand up, sit down or do whatever they can to draw attention to the cancer that threatens the health and sustainability of this great nation and this beautiful planet. The protectors of our water are heroes. Colin Kaepernick is a hero. He isn't disrespecting anyone. He's demanding respect for everyone. He is defending this nation in the best way that he can. Waving flags and singing songs can't (and should not be allowed to) whitewash the assault on this great nation by forces that place greed, fear and hate above patriotism.

The proof is in the pudding. Foreign corporations have more rights in America now than U.S. citizens. I agree with Donald Trump on one point. We can still make America great again. Be the change.

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