Wednesday, June 1, 2016

PFs Are No Longer Flying Under The Radar

One of the six sessions at last month's 2nd Annual Payment Facilitator Day at the ETA TRANSACT 2016 in Las Vegas was titled “What You Should Ask Your Payments Attorney: Yes, You Need an Attorney for This Stuff,” and featured Heather Mark, Director of Compliance for ProPay; Holli Targan, partner, at the law firm Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss; and Marc Liner, senior vice president and associate general counsel for Bank of America Merchant Services.

The panel cautioned payment facilitators and prospective payment facilitators that regulators are slowly and steadily noticing the payment facilitator model. It is a must to be aware of the rules now, and how they change as the model grows, as you'll hear from this week's podcast. “We are no longer flying under the radar,” said Targan.

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