Saturday, May 16, 2015

Professional Cleaning Services and Fabric Protection for Your Fine Furniture

Clean Sofa in Living Room Taking care of your fine furniture, carpet, upholstery and window draperies is absolutely crucial, because we understand that you’ve made an investment in buying these pieces and expect them to live up to the money that you’ve put into them. Even if you buy the highest quality fabrics, there’s more to them than just the best quality: there’s also cleaning and protection to worry about, whether you’re looking at home or industrial flooring. This is why FiberCare Dallas has plenty of cleaning options that will help you keep your fabric looking as good as new and will give you plenty of security knowing that you have a great protection plan in place.

Fabric cleaning is something that is absolutely crucial to keeping your store or home safe and clean. Regular cleaning is great and definitely a plus, but a heavy duty, professional carpet cleaning is really important to do at regular intervals. As you may have guessed, professional grade carpet cleaning means that we can get deep down to the roots of the fibres and clean them individually, ensuring that every fibre of your carpet is as clean as it can possibly be. The cleanings are designed to last as long as possible, so combined with proper upkeep on your end, your carpet can be looking its best every day of its long life!

You may be wondering how the process goes for cleaning, and we are proud and excited to share that information with you. You, our wonderful customers, are the most important part of our business, so we want you to be entirely happy with the results and feel as though you are getting the most from us here in Dallas, Texas. There are two types of cleaning that we can do, wet cleaning and dry cleaning. As you can imagine, wet cleaning is a process requiring water and dry cleaning relies on a special solvent to do the heavy lifting. The process for cleaning rugs and upholstery cleaning is the same.

The Cleaning Company

Cleaning Company Services and Fabric Protection Wet cleaning is surprisingly simple when you look at it. That being said, it is an important professional experience that we do carefully and spend as much time as needed with your property. The first step in what cleaning is vacuuming, much like you would do at home on your own time, but with a more careful and thorough process. The next step is to pre-spray spots in the carpet that are particularly stained, so those special spots can have time for the threads to loosen the dirt. After that, the entire rug or piece of furniture is sprayed with a strong enzyme that is meant for releasing dirt from the fabric, essentially ensuring that your piece of furniture will have every little bit of dirt removed. What this enzyme does, is attract the soil so that every little piece of dirt is concentrated in spots, and then when you are ready to rinse your carpet or furniture, you can pick up all of the soil that has been taken from the fabric and leave your upholstery or rug dry and perfectly clean.

Dry cleaning, though it is useful for when you cannot use water, is not as thorough as wet cleaning simply because the solvent that is used in wet cleaning cannot be used without water, and some heavy spots may not come out with dry cleaning. That being said, we take the time to make sure that your products that need to be dry cleaned are thoroughly taken care of. Dry cleaning consists of spraying the area on the furniture or carpet with the pre-spray, much like in the wet cleaning process. For areas on the carpet or furniture that are particularly soiled, we work hard to ensure that we use several advanced techniques to get the stain out of your fabric. After that we vacuum the dry solvent off of the area, and continue on to the next area until all of your belongings is entirely clean.

Fabric Cleaning and Protection

Cleaning Drapes If you’re curious as to how we go about cleaning drapes, or what the processes for fine fabric cleaning, you’ll be happy to know that we take serious pride and time to ensure that cleaning fine furniture is something that we are constantly improving, so your products will have the best care possible. For fabrics such as silk, we clean very carefully by hand and spend as much time as possible making sure that our drapery cleaning is the best it can be. It is our job to keep your drapery, upholstery and carpet looking as good as it did the day you bought it. If you’re looking for daily cleaning tips, please don’t hesitate to ask us. We love to share some ideas about how you can keep your products looking great from day to day.

If you are worried about fabric protection, you’ll be happy to know that we offer flame proofing fabrics that we can test before hand and ensure that your furniture will be entirely safe, should the worst happen. This is done by testing a piece of fabric to ensure that the fabric protection will look natural on your fabric. We say this, because occasionally the flameproofing fabrics can dull the look of fabrics such as silk, so we always offer our customers the opportunity to test a piece of fabric before purchasing out services. If you’re satisfied with the test we can continue to flameproofing to cover the entire bit of your upholstery, carpet, or drapery. We want you to have the peace of mind that your fabric and your furniture will hold up well, so we offer a certificate of flameproofing with every piece of fabric that we sell using this formula.

FiberCare Dallas is a professional company that offers services and cleaning and flameproofing that your furniture and other fabrics in your home are taken care of in the best way possible. We value our customers and hope that you will continue to work with us and help your fabric be the best it can be.

CALL FIBERCARE DALLAS at (214) 987-4111

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