Thursday, May 21, 2015


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Notes From A May Speaking Event

How to Enter Cultures; international and otherwise

Participants should leave the session knowing:

– The largest stumbling block when working in different corporations.
– The 10 questions each person should be asking when confronted with any new culture.
– Common mistakes made in interacting with different cultures.

    What we will cover:

– Interactive exercise that is revealing, interactive and fun; “Who am I?”
How we size up a new situation

– Defining culture; visible and invisible
Strategies and tactics for cross generational and international work

– A primer for global cultures
International Business defined with 3 drawings

Task Specific vs. Relationship Specific
Short Term vs. Long Term
Individual vs. Collective (think of Bush vs. Saddam)

    War stories

How to fire employees in Womza
What is profit?
Chinese Balance Sheet

10 Questions To Ask Yourself!

This is how we do it our way. What is is their way
What is public, what is private?
How do you know when you are in?
Do they respect my authority?
What assumptions might be underlying their actions?
Have I heard this correctly?
Does the other person understand what I have asked them to do?
Who does my “employee” work for?
Is there more than what I am seeing?
How can I “bridge?”

Free Goodies!

International Business Podcast

International Business Audio Book: Lessons From the Road; Global Business 1-2-3

Free International Business Videos

Free International Business Articles

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